3 x L333's for sale, 3-4 inch, Poss 1 Female, tank bred, all or none £50 no offers,
1 Clown plec poss female tank bred 2-3 inch £20
Large common plec 10 inch long £10
2 large Angel fish approx 5 inch £10
1 scissor tail a peppered corydora, a female blue rainbow and an octocinlus can go with any of the others
all fish around 3 years old.
1 190ltr curved front corner tank with external filter dual double lights in hood, and beach style stand. £250 no offers
All for cash on collection.
Contact Information Advertiser: Terry Telephone: 07607866037
Town: Hull
County: East Yorkshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:20/03/14 Views: 1437]