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Tropical Fish
 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE SALE MAKING SPACE NEW STOCKS : Planet Arowana January sale grab yourself a bargain all stock must be sold ready for new shipments incoming. Please pm stock list ...13/02/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...13/02/25
 Over 800 discus in stock @ CHESHIRE OAKS DISCUS..from £20. stock on youtube : CHESHIRE OAKS DISCUS - 07763207562 We import between 100 and 260 discus per week depending on sales, so stock is always changing Large ...13/02/25
 Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED : A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our ...13/02/25
 ONLY FINS LATEST STOCK LIST : Latest stock list this will change weekly. Please message us for prices, PXs accepted L397 Alenquer tiger L239 blue panaque L333 ...13/02/25

1. Cichlids, Plecos & Dollars : Need to move some fishies on … 2x 5” Xingu 1 Orange Pike £150 3” Clown Angelfish, pair £15 4x 3” Spotted Dollars £25 6” L200 Hi Fin Green ... 12/02/25
2. 10 mixed dollars : Swap or for sale 12/02/25
3. All livestock and plants for sale breaking down small fishroom. : Hi we are planning to move soon so going to shutdown the fishroom I will be keeping all tanks and equipment but all livestock and plants for sale. Large Breed ... 12/02/25
4. Monster clown loaches wanted : Looking to add more to my group dont mind travelling message me with what you have must be 9 inches minimum 12/02/25
5. Wanted S.Dollar and Green Terror : Male Green Terror 3"+ Group of a few silver dollars Lmk if you looking to sell in london 12/02/25
6. Peacock bass for sale or swap other small predatory fish : Hi Selling my 3 peacock bass as they have started chasing my asian arowana. roughly 9-10 inch asking £400 for all dont want to split hence cheap price. I ... 12/02/25
7. Sydontis Granulous : Sydontis Granulous, Fantastic looking fish around the 5 inch mark , Seen these go for lots of money , Accept decent offers, or will swap for Lnumber p ... 12/02/25
8. Snakehead Pairs : Have a surplus amount of pairs so looking to move one of each pair on / trade for other snakeheads I have the following X4 Channa Asiatica super red spot 8-9 ... 12/02/25
9. Full body chilli red oscar reduced £50 : 9 inch Oscar for sale got from planet Arowana very nice fish full body colour £80 paid £120 for it collection only Abergele ll22 reduced £50 12/02/25
10. Stingray : Breeder male snow leopard. 15in disc. Eats all seafood and pellets. £1600 Or swap for 2 subadult hybrid female rays, ideally tiger rays. But 1 large bd fem ... 12/02/25
11. X4 Channa Pulchra 2 pairs £60 per pair : 4 peacock snakeheads 2 pairs 7 inch long , £60 per pair , £100 for both pairs . Delivery available at £24.30 for next day Message on 07719383480 thanks Liam 12/02/25
12. Malaysian golden blue base arowana and Indo datnoid : Stunning Malaysian bluebase arowana 15" £480. Comes with all papers Indo dat 4 bar 12"+ £280 Please whattsapp for more information 12/02/25
13. Golden arowana 20 inches £330 : Malaysian golden arowana 20inches £330 All with cert and papers Might consider swap for the right fish 11/02/25
14. Mbu puffer 17 inches£350 : 17inch mbu puffer feeding on prawns mussels and smelt. Beautiful fish great character. £350 11/02/25
15. orange dwarf snakeheads. : I have 4 or 5 orange dwarf snakeheads, I think they are bleheri, approx 5 inches, 15 pounds each. I also have 3 distochodus grante, approx 5 inches , 40 pounds ... 11/02/25
16. Snow white longfin plecos : I have some lovely longfin snow whites for sale ,London based but can post using APC couriers at £15 next day delivery.The fish are over an inch long tx.Price ... 11/02/25
17. Pair of motoro stingrays : Female 7 inch Male 8-9inch 400 the pair 11/02/25
18. Pink-tail Chalceus Chalceus macrolepidotus x6 : Hi, I have 6 pinktails for sale about 6-7" .all 6 for £50 11/02/25
19. L25 Scarlet Pleco STUNNING FISH : L025 10 inches Feeding on variety of foods prawns, mussels, bloodworms, pellets, veg etc Collection EX2 Exeter Devon £350 Open to sensible offers Sa ... 11/02/25
20. Bd x pearl ray pups : I have 6 rays pups left up for grabs. 3 males and 3 females. Ready for collection. Will do deals on pairs. Collection only. Please WhatsApp with quest ... 11/02/25
21. Huge Clown loach 9.5 inches to.10 inches : I have a single huge Clown loach looks out of place in my tank due to the size, looking for £150 no Timewaster's please Unable to load a pic can WhatsApp me ... 11/02/25
22. Yellow eyed barb : Up for sale are a group of 5 Hypsibarbus pierrei or yellow eyed barbs these are currently at 12” t 14” & will get to 24” in the right environment. Wi ... 11/02/25
23. Boney lipped barb : Up for sale are a group of Osteochilus melanopleura or boney lipped barbs all around 12” will get to 24” in the right environment. Will be sold as a group ... 11/02/25
24. Closing down tank : X1 Trimac £40 X1 Parrot fish £30 X1 Dovi £60 X1 Large Red Oscar £30 10-12 inch X1 medium sized tiger Oscar £20 X8 assortment of catfish Asian catf ... 11/02/25
25. Silver Arowana for sale : I have a rapidly growing Arowana for sale. My plan was to get him a much bigger tank but that is no longer possible so I am reluctantly rehoming him. He is curr ... 11/02/25
26. Tire track eel 7-8 inches : Tire track eel 7-8 inches £20 Collection Scunthorpe DN15 or post for £15 WhatsApp 07561247820 for video or photos. 11/02/25
27. Orange rilli shrimp Neocaridina : 10x Orange rilli shrimp Neocaridina for sale, collection only from stoke on trent!. asking £15 for all 10 normally sell for £3-4 each! 11/02/25
28. Red Neon Blue eye Rainbow Pseudomugil luminatus : Red Neon Blue eye Rainbow fish available, for sale. Approx 2.5-3cm long, juveniles. Come from an unrelated pair. Adults in the pictures. £3.50 each. Collec ... 11/02/25
29. Tigrinus Catfish Brachyplatystoma tigrinum : Tigrinus Catfish 18” approximately in perfect condition and long streamers Looking to swap for a small Fly River Turtle or Adult BD Stingray or sub adu ... 10/02/25
30. Electric Eel 30”+ : As per title I have a 30”+ Electric Eel for sale Very Friendly and comes to the front of the tank everytime I walk into the room and not shy hiding ... 10/02/25
31. Free 20" Silver Arrowana : Yes its free stunning fish don't want to rehone but getting a small mbu puffer, must have suitable sized tank ideally 8ft he is currently in an 8 x 30 x 30 pick ... 10/02/25
32. Breeding group filament barbs, dawkinsia filamentosa - £150 ono : Breeding group of 20+ filament barbs, 10x 4"+ breeding adults I'm certain of that, because that how many I bought and 10+ 3" 2-3 probably more they ... 10/02/25
33. Cherry shrimp : Mix sizes , cherish Shrimmp for sale 20 for £10 10/02/25
34. L236 : Pleco L236 2” to 3” for sale 20 Available 10/02/25
35. Stingray pup : Gold dust hybrids pup eating pallets. Prawns andwhite bat. 10/02/25
36. Albino sailfin pleco : Huge albino sailfin superb condition £30 Collect from thame Wasapp for vid 10/02/25
37. Male stingrays for sale. One is a black diamond x and the other is a beautiful p ... : Male Black-diamond x is around 8 inch disc, and the other male pearl x is around 10 Inch disc. Collection only, pair is £850. 09/02/25
38. 2.8ft Long MBU Puffer For Sale : ONLY allowing him to go to someone with a setup at at least 1000L plus and upwards. Raised this beauty from a 4 inch fish back in 2022 to now reaching 3ft long ... 09/02/25
39. Mini marble stingray male : Mini marble stingray fourteen months old 09/02/25
40. Assortment of fish for sale : I have 5x filament barbs 3"-5", 5x angel fish 3"-5" in body size, 2x btrstle nose plecs 3", 1x 8" Gibby plec,1x musk turtle 4" ... 09/02/25
41. Plecos needing rehoming : Two Sailfin plecos need urgent rehoming. One 12” & one 4” Must collect from Croydon Surrey 09/02/25
42. Group of 10 L236 plecos : Group of 10 L236 plecos £400 or nearest offer 09/02/25
43. L471 pleco trio : Reverse trio l471 pleco 2m 1f 09/02/25
44. Crystel eyed catfish : hemibagrus wyckii for sale 8 to 9 inch perfect fish eats mussel and prawn and pellet £100 open to swaps and offers Wasapp for vid 07519 475742 09/02/25
45. 9inch mbu pufferfish : 9inch mbu puffer fish for sale £300 Bridgwater 09/02/25
46. CHOLA/Indian Swamp Barb - Wanted/Seeking : Similar to Red Cheek - Orphoides. Grow to 15cm. Had some 40yrs ago, been looking for more ever since and am running out of time. Please let me know if you have ... 09/02/25
47. Albino super hybrid male ray , breeding plecs + other fish : Albino male super hybrid stingray 8inch -Breeding group of wabenmusters honeycomb Pleco 3 male 2 female , all males have sat & hatched eggs with both ... 09/02/25
48. Wanted big cichlids/ red belly piranha and big cats : Dovii Oscars Big plecos Big catfish Local Wigan-Warrington area ideal What’s Ap me on 07568500811 08/02/25
49. Xl fire eel : A good 18 inch fire eel eats frozen food ,nice and healthy quick sale £70....WhatsApp me for more details and pictures.....location junction 11 M25 area 08/02/25
50. Tropical fish : 2 x L236sw Absolutely top quality fish Looking to sell or swap If interested message me 07730092475 08/02/25
51. Tiger shovelnose, sailfin plec and gourami : Various fish for rehoming Tiger shovelnose catfish roughly 15 inches Sailfin plec roughly 12 inches 3x pink kissing gourami roughly 4 inches May be i ... 07/02/25
52. L200 Green Phantoms Hemiancistrus Subviridis x3 : A very reluctant sale of my group of 3 Green Phantom's, An educated guess is 1F 2M. The pictures don't do them justice, their colours are better in the flesh, ... 07/02/25
53. Fire eel : 8" fire eel feeding well on bloodworm £25 Collection only 07/02/25
54. Silver Datnoid 9 Inch Oxford £75 ONO : Selling my Silver Datnoid He's about 9 inches, eats anything. Mussel, Prawn Pellets Etc… Selling cos my Arowana don't like him and poor thing is always ... 07/02/25
55. Wabenmusters/Honeycomb Bristlenose : Wabenmusters/Honeycomb Bristlenose: 15x Males Adults 8-9.5cm - £60 30x Young 4.5-6cm - £30 1x Lemon Bristlenose Male 11cm - £50 Ramshorn Snails - ... 07/02/25
56. Glossamia Wichmanni x1 male 4-5 inch : Brought 2 but both males so one is up for grabs trade for a female , very rare fish from Papua New Guinea first time I’ve seen them until now. Max size is 7 ... 06/02/25
57. Red rose crossback arowana 8 inch : New strain dont think theres many of these about, hes not getting along with my golden arrow even after 1 month of being together so now looking for a new home, ... 06/02/25
58. 6 inch Silver Arowana £40 : Silver arowana 6 inches long feeding on pellets and frozen krill . No damaged fins barbels etc, £40 or trades. Postage available for £24.30 message on 0771938 ... 06/02/25
59. Wolf fish : 1’ Hoplias malabaricus Wolf fish looking for new waters Bournemouth 07527916792 for more details 06/02/25
60. Limbata golden snakehead adult female : Female adult available I lost the male and don’t want to keep her by herself £60 Ono or possible swap Near Portsmouth Hampshire 06/02/25
61. Large Luteus Pleco - Phase 2.5 : This fish has almost turned to phase 3, only has a little bit of black around the top as shown in the picture.. Living in London tap water dechlorinated a ... 06/02/25
62. 20 inches Silver Arrowana : Stunning fish, videos can be sent via whats app pick up Chorley, £50 06/02/25
63. Albino silver arowana : Roughly 6 inches in size, no fault of his own my asian arowana has just took a dislike on him hence the sale £135 no offers 05/02/25
64. 12 inch gibbiceps plec : 12 inch gibbiceps plec open to offers 05/02/25
65. gouramis swap for other fish : 5 x opaline 3 x golden 1 x moonlight 1 x pearl swap for other fish try me 05/02/25
66. Fire eel wanted 14" plus : Recently lost my fire eel and would love another I am based in Wirral Nth West and can travel within reason Anyone got one Simon 07757688494 Wirral CH ... 05/02/25
67. Purple Wolffish : It is about 6-7" and very chunky eats well lovely colour/pattern £25 Bargain!! collection Bromborough Wirral Simon 07757688494 05/02/25
68. giraffe catfish : approx 10 inches long looking for new waters... ask for pics as cant upload.. message through email please OPEN TO OFFERS. 05/02/25
69. L190 pleco : 6” £40 05/02/25
70. PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE SALE MAKING SPACE NEW STOCKS : Planet Arowana January sale grab yourself a bargain all stock must be sold ready for new shipments incoming. Please pm stock list below KIRIN PA ... 05/02/25
71. Short body redtail catfish stunning specimen reduced £325 : Short body redtail catfish for sale no offers around 10 inch stunning example £450 never seen a better shortbody redtail catfish eats anything growing Reduc ... 05/02/25
72. 2 ROYAL PLECO REDUCED PRICE £200 for both Panaque ambrusteri Xingu L027 : Rare Panaque ambrusteri Xingu L027 royal pleco listed on ebay for around £400 each One is around 8 inch other is around 7 inch £350 for both...both.very h ... 05/02/25
73. Tropical fish in 4ft tank : 3x Oscar’s, 2x parrot fish, 1x knifefish, 2x upside down catfish, 2x jack dempsies, 1x green terror, in a 4ft 300litres tank. Pump as pictured, upgraded heat ... 05/02/25
74. Wanted motoro rays : I'm looking for 2 male and 2 female motoro rays, smaller the better please message me with what you have and closer to bridgwater the better but will travel for ... 05/02/25
75. Wanted : Hi we have multiple tanks up and running with over 20 yrs experience .If your in need of rehoming your fish or tank due to house move or just closing down we ca ... 04/02/25

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