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Home :: Marine Fish

  full marine tank set-up for sale

Description: 5"x2"x2" display tank with sump and refugium and all equipment and stock comprising 150 gal total:
2x berlin classic protein skimmers
ocean runner 3500
eheim 2500
heaters/wave maker/5 power heads
calcium reactor/co2 bottle/regulator/peristatic pump/PH computer with probe
Ozone reactor/Uv steralizer
Arcadia 300Watt MH pendant with digital timers
Moonlight LED digital tracker system
75Kilos live rock and crushed coral substrate
Brittle star,2 percula clowns,1 clarki clown,3 saddleback clowns, yellow tang,8" regal tang,cleaner wrasse,3x green chromis,cleaner shrimp,blood shrimp,sea urchin, baby maxima blue,
teddybear crab,red leg hermit,blue leg hermit,
leather coral,3 variations of mushrooms,2 Zoanthids, green metalic carpet,green xenia,star coral,finger coral,hammerhead coral,caulestrea, various frags.

house move forces sale!

£2500 or very near offer. Buer dismantles and collects.
Contact: Julian on 01535 669303 or email on

Contact Information
Advertiser: William Thomas
Telephone: 01535 669303
Town: keighley
County: west yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/03/07 Views: 4985]

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