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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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1.Wanted 14/02/25 No
I am looking for a group 0f 5 or 6 Neetroplus Nematopus cichlids between 3cm and 4cm
2.2 x Severum SA Cichlids for Sale - fantastic condition - Roughly 5-6 inches in Bromley - £70 14/02/25 Yes
2 x Severums for Sale, 1 x Green Banded £50 and 1 x Red Neck £30 . I've had them all from 2cm, and they've lived together for about a year and a half now. All in very good condition, healthy and happy. Happy to sell individually, as per above prices, or together for a discounted price of £70. C... ...
3.Breaking down Malawi haps and Peacock Tank 13/02/25 Yes
I am breaking down my Malawi Tank, selling all fish. See list below. Some absolute stunners. Approximate size in inches next to each. £150 for the lot. Can provide pics, sold as one lot, hence low price. Nimbochromis livingstonii 7 Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus 7 Nimbochromis venustus Gi... ...
4.Blue dolphin moori cichlids 13/02/25 Yes
A lovely group of healthy blue dolphins size 3-4".Seven for a future breeding group. £70 or £10 each
5.cichlids for sale 13/02/25 No
3 red neck severums 6 inch for sale 07902901748 manchester
6.Cichlids, Plecos & Dollars 12/02/25 No
Need to move some fishies on … 2x 5” Xingu 1 Orange Pike £150 3” Clown Angelfish, pair £15 4x 3” Spotted Dollars £25 6” L200 Hi Fin Green Phantom £40 6” L177 Golden Nugget Pleco £40 5” Bristlenose Pleco £10 5” Tiger Whiptail Pseudohemiodon sp. Tigre £5 Collec... ...
7.Various Mbuna juveniles always available... Bedfordshire 12/02/25 Yes
Home breeder of Malawi cichlids, Mbuna for over 30 years.. Good selection of fish that you won't see in shops and at a very good price. List to be updated as more fish become available.. Metriaclima Callainos Nhkata Bay OB females and males. Metriaclima Estherae Minos Reef, with OB females p... ...
8.south, north and central American cichlids in. North east only 12/02/25 Yes
4inch blood parrot £20 5inch male Thai silk flowerhorn £35 1x Petenia splendida 9inch wild morph bay snook £50 2 x Hoplarchus Psittatus true parrots 8inch &5inch both for £100 Collection only Peterlee , County Durham Only buyers from north east please!!!! More pics on WhatsAp... ...
9.Rare Madagascar Cichlids 10/02/25 Yes
I have decided to shut down the majority of my tanks due to personal reason so available are some of my rare cichlids Trio of Paretroplus Maculatus 8”+ - £375 for the 3 There are only 3 known group of these in the UK I have 2 x Trio Available Pair of Paretroplus Menarambo 12”+ - £30... ...
10.Polar Parrots for Sale or trade 09/02/25 Yes
I have around 70 odd Polar Parrot Cichlids and a few convicts available. I would consider an offer for the lot or I would consider trades on various fish as I’m moving over to Discus. OX18
11.Wanted red jewel cichlids 08/02/25 No
Hello has anybody got any red jewel cichlids for sale?
12.Wanted: Eretmodus , Spathodus or Tanganicodus Goby cichlids 08/02/25 No
I’m in Lanarkshire, Scotland and willing to travel. Contact Derek 07932950203.
13.Wanted big cichlids/ red belly piranha and big cats 08/02/25 No
Dovii Oscars Big plecos Big catfish Local Wigan-Warrington area ideal What’s Ap me on 07568500811
14.Cichlids 07/02/25 No
Anybody got any cichlids for sale would prefer American but would have African if the right ones
15.Cichlids 07/02/25 No
Anybody got any American cichlids for sale?
16.Cichlids and oddballs Leeds 07872 417861 07/02/25 No
Pm me Leeds 14 Red Oscar 7” Red Oscar 2” Albino Oscar 7” Pair Tiger Oscar 7” Emperor snakehead 14” Gold Severum 7” Gold saum 6” Jaguar 6” Fire mouth 6” Pair Royal acara 7” 3x Chocolate Cichlids 3” Datnoid polota 5” Datnoid polota 2” Lima shovel nose 7” Flow... ...
17.Juvenile Greyshakei mixed cichlids 07/02/25 Yes
Selling at £2 each Roughly 6 months old from fry Mixed sizes between 1-3inch
18.Mixed Malawi 06/02/25 Yes
Mixed Cichlids 1.50 each great tank filler . Accrington northwest 30 to move on 1 inch and bigger to around 2 inch . whatsapp message and email only please
19.Stunning Blue Acara Cichlids - West London 06/02/25 Yes
I have around 20 gorgeous true blue acara juveniles. These have been home bred from our successful breeding pair, dad measuring 6 inches, mum slightly smaller. They were born in late August 2024 and were looked after by the parents. Their beautiful colouration are starting to come out and they are g... ...
Planet Arowana January sale grab yourself a bargain all stock must be sold ready for new shipments incoming. Please pm stock list below KIRIN PARROTS. sold out GREEN EMERALD CRYSTAL PARROTS sold out GOLDEN YELLOW MAMMON 4 left. SOLD OUT YELLOW KING KONG PARROT 2 left. SOLD OU... ...
21.Texas and jack dempsey available 03/02/25 Yes
Texas cichlid 5inch + And Jack dempsey 6inch Collection only Blackpool Fy55hb £30 for both
22.Electric Blue Acara Cichlid 03/02/25 No
Have over a dozen electric blue Acara, size 1" plus and growing fast £8 for 1, 2 for £15
23.Wanted - Green terror cichlid 03/02/25 No
Hello, looking for a male green terror cichlid around 4-5"
24.Nicaragua Cichlids 02/02/25 Yes
Nicaragua Cichlids. 7x Breeding group 7-11 inch full size adults, biggest ive ever seen. Would prefer not to spilt up Whatsapp for pics or video £100 for all
25.Various fish 02/02/25 Yes
Albino Gourami 7 inch £30 Green Bay Snook 6 inch £20 Breeding pair of Bristlenose plecs £20 full grown Nicaragua cichlid 4 inch £10 Or all for £60
26.Adult and Fry Mbuna Malawi Cichlids for sale 02/02/25 Yes
Adult and fry Malawi Mbuna for sale - Chindongo Saulosi Fry from £1-£3 each depending on size. Breeding group of 4 cynotilapia afra white top likoma -£20 for all 4. Trip Metriclima Calanois Nkhata bay 1 Mcat male, 1 standard blue male and 1 on female around 3 inches - £15 the tri... ...
27.Malawi peacock cichlids for sale 02/02/25 No
I’m closing down my cichled tank please contact me for prices ranging from £10-£40 per fish. The picture does not do the fish justice to their size pick up from my home address in Walthamstow east london E17 5SZ first come first serve cash on collection Contact for pics
28.Red texas cichlids 01/02/25 No
Thie green texas cross super red texas Juveniles for sale they are called red texas cichlids 50 each
29.Cichlids for sale 01/02/25 No
Pinima bass 10” £70 Vieja fenestratus 7” £40 Geophagus brasiliensis 6” £40 WhatsApp for photos/details
30.9 inchfemale DOVI cichlid £35 28/01/25 No
Beautiful female dovi. None aggressive. Very quiet fish
31.Black nasty, texas, True parrot cichlid 27/01/25 No
3 inch black nasty, 3 inch texas cichlid, 5 inch True parrot cichlid. Swap for oddballs, bichirs, eels or a shoaling fish. Pick up Denton,Manchester. will deliver local. WhatsApp for pics, 07710048303.
32.Cichlids and other 27/01/25 No
Electric blue acara - £10 each, 2 for £16 Black ghost knife fish 8-9" - £20 2 uaru grew from 2-3", gone pretty big in space of 6months - £80 Kissing gourami - free for whoever wants it Message if Interested
33.Black Widow Cichlid 27/01/25 Yes
Hi, I have for sell, 1x male black widow cichlid £40. Very calm temperament. Estimated 4-5inch. Happy to swap for another frontosa female only of similar size. Selling due to having another dominant male. Contact: Manny 07706834893 Location- London/Essex
34.SCREWCUMBER VEGGIE FEEDER/WEIGHT - Two year warranty - Free delivery for UK 26/01/25 Yes
TROPICAL FISH FEEDER/WEIGHT. Effective and simple solution for anchoring veggies for bottom feeders. http://www.screwcumber.com Or see us on eBay UK! Fantastic for: Plecos, Clown loaches, Malawi Cichlids etc 2 Year swap out warranty. All payments securely processed by PayPal. We al... ...
35.2x Uaru Cichlids 25/01/25 No
I've got 2 uaru cichlids, one at 5-6" another at 4". Both always together might be a pair. Bought together from 2". For sale £80
36.Red Texas cichlid for sale £175 6 inch 07399952611 25/01/25 Yes
6 x key hole chiclids - 2/3 inches. Breeding group £60 10 x Gold saum between 2-4 inches - £10 each 1 x T bar - 3 inches . £10 2 x black cory - £10 pair 2 x yo yo loach 4 inches- £10 each 1 x black ghost knife fish - £15 2 x starlight plecs - one 4 inch other 7 inch - £4... ...
37.2x Uaru Cichlids 25/01/25 No
I've got 2 uaru cichlids, both always together might be a pair. one at 5-6" another at 4". Bought together from 2". For sale £80
38.Need larger Jack dempsy, Convict, severum, jewel cihclids 6ft + 23/01/25 No
Hi I'm looking for cichlids to fill my aquarium and was hoping to start with larger fish.
39.Various Cichlids FOR SALE MUST GO 22/01/25 No
Several Tank Shutdown Various cichlids for sale and catfish / others 1 Very Large Red Oscar 1 Large Wolf Cichlids/Dovi 1 Trimac Cichlids 1 Small Red Oscar 4 upside down catfish 2 Adult Endlecheri Bichirs 1 Normal Senegal Bichir Adult 2 Massive Dory Catfish 2 Adult Raphael Catf... ...
Several Tank Shutdown Various cichlids for sale and catfish / others 1 Very Large Red Oscar 1 Large Wolf Cichlids/Dovi 1 Trimac Cichlids 1 Small Red Oscar 4 upside down catfish 2 Adult Endlecheri Bichirs 1 Normal Senegal Bichir Adult 2 Massive Dory Catfish 2 Adult Raphael Catf... ...
41.Closing tank down , all fish to go 21/01/25 No
CLOSING TANK FEW FISH TO BE REHOMED £ , PLEASE PM ME FOR DETAILS Marbled Clarius catfish 12” Oscar 8” Green terror 7" X4 Pictus catfish 5” Red tail black shark 5” Jack Dempsey 6” Red jewel cichlid 3” X2 silver dollars 3” L200 green phantom pleco 5” Peacock eel... ...
42.CLOSING DOWN TANK 20/01/25 No
House move falses sale of my beloved fish and tank 5 uaru 5 geo's 4 oscar 5 severum I pike cichlid My pride and joy have to be moved on gutted but moving house falses sale You can get me on wattsapp or call Thanks very much Pleae no time wasters these are stynni g fish and h... ...
43.40+ adult malawi mbuna cichlids 2-6inch 2 giant hap/peacocks 19/01/25 Yes
40 plus fish. Real photos. Lots of variety and many stunners. Price is start at 10 pounds for one unless you buy group. Range of healthy adult mbuna fish and a few others that have been living well together. Red top hongi, various Metriaclima e g pseudotropheus, estherea, blue afras, yello... ...
44.7” male flowerhorn, 4” male blackbelt and plecs 14/01/25 Yes
Pristine male flowerhorn, great character, lovely colours and had been well looked after. £120 ono Male blackbelt vieja cichlid, great colours, slightly nipped fins from flowerhorn ideally need to be separated. £30 Ono Green phantom plec 2.5/3” beautiful little fish, healthy and happy.... ...
45.Canara Pearlspot Cichlids 13/01/25 Yes
Group of 8 fully grown adults with an estimated split of: 5 females 3 males I’ve kept these fish for over 2 years meaning they have finally reached the age of starting to breed. The water in my area is incredibly hard with higher PH than normal making this process a little more diffic... ...
46.Fryeri Jalo Reef - stunning blues 12/01/25 No
I have a group of 10 Males for sale , 3 to inch each, showing superb colours. £150. Makes an excellent display and these are a must have in any African cichlid set up. Fryeri are peaceful with other African cichlids. Females available too please enquire if interested
47.African Cichlids: A group of 50 Aulonacara, various species 12/01/25 No
20 Males, 30 females, creating a really nice group for someone who would like a fantastic display in their tank. Males are 2-3 inch, 18 months old & showing really good colours. Price really cheap for whole group £200 as I need space for fry coming through. Videos available on request
48.3 adult saulousi for rehome must be collected ASAP 11/01/25 Yes
3 adult malawi saulousi cichlids free to good home must be collected from Chichester during weekend
49.Young Midas cichlid 1 year old 6-7" growing quickly 10/01/25 Yes
Nice looking healthy fish, would be best in its own tank or with other aggressive cichlids. £35 collect from Whitehaven, Cumbria
50.African cichlids Sulpurhead 08/01/25 Yes
Mature male 5in long Great colour Ready to be collected Harrogate
51.A GRADE OSCARS 05/01/25 No
Bumblebee oscar £65 6-7inch 2× albino red £35 each 7 inch ×1 SOLD Lemon oscar £40 6-7 inch 2× Super albino red tiger £50 each 7 inch 2× black gold oscar £50 each 7 inch SOLD Red terror £30 7-8inch White convict cichlid £15 ACCEPTING SENSIBLE OFFERS NEED THEM GONE.
52.Parachromis 05/01/25 No
Got 7 adult male blue neon for sale £15 each nice colour's very peaceful cichlid cant seem to put pics on but can whatsapp them 9
53.Severum red shoulders cichlids 03/01/25 Yes
Beautiful fish, not aggressive, They have 4-5cm. They grow up to 20cm. People that are interested please direct message me. PICK UP ONLY Coventry
54.Neolamprologus pulcher Daffodil Cichlid 03/01/25 No
Approx 5cm+ 20+ available with Breading Pairs Keep with other similar TANGANYIKAN cichlids. £5 each Collection only from Blackburn Contact Suhail 07795262267
55.Cichlids and Catfish 03/01/25 No
Leeds 14 open to trades 07872 417861 Royal acara x2 Snakehead Asiatica red and blue Wolf fish Fire mouth x2 Flower horn Gold sev Vulture cats x2 Clown swueaker cat Lima shovel nose Blue pearl scale Texas x2 Nicaraguan x3 Datnoid Clown loach x8 4x True Green terror True parrot Blood... ...
56.Cichlids and catfish Leeds 14 03/01/25 No
Leeds 14 open to trades 07872 417861 Royal acara x2 Snakehead Asiatica red and blue Wolf fish Fire mouth x2 Flower horn Gold sev Vulture cats x2 Clown swueaker cat Lima shovel nose Blue pearl scale Texas x2 Nicaraguan x3 Datnoid Clown loach x8 4x True Green terror True parrot Blood... ...
57.Juwel rio 450 with matching cabinet +60 plus job lot malawi cichlids 02/01/25 No
Everything included in the video Multi Lights with remote External filter Heater Pump Stones Gravel Shipwreck and ornaments Over 70 high quality fish Food flakes and pellets I have over 60 plus mbuna Malawi cichlids i am selling. Giving up the hobby now due to health reasons. The tank co... ...
58.Female Salvini cichlid wanted 31/12/24 No
I’m searching for a female Salvini cichlid please does anyone out there have one I cannot find one for sale anywhere Thank you
59.full setup 30/12/24 No
for sale.full set up includes cabinet,hood and aquarium,tank size 48 high 18 deep 24 high. includes lighting, heaters, external filter.and all fish. 20 assorted malawi cichlids.bristle nose cats this set up is only 6 weeks old no marks or scratches, fisrt to see will buy. £600.00 ... ...
60.Sailfin Squeaker synodontis eupterus 30/12/24 No
7” big chunky girl, bustly busy fish, has shown aggression to smaller fish, needs tank with big fish and/or cichlids £15 bargain to new home with big enough tank Photo on contact as doesn’t support file I have Message 07850594405 Stuart
61.African jewel Cichlids 1.5 inch - 100 abailable 29/12/24 No
Approx 100 jewel Cichlids, sizes from 3/4 inch to 1.5 inches. £2 a fish or 6 for £10 - must go - Sutton in Ashfield. 5mins from M1 J28. Enquiries via text please. 07564 354 029 Still available Dec 29 2024
62.African Jewel Cichlids - Juvenile 29/12/24 No
Approx 100 jewel Cichlids, sizes from 3/4 inch to 1.5 inches. £2 a fish or 6 for £10 - must go - Sutton in Ashfield. 5mins from M1 J28. Enquiries via text please. 07564 354 029 Still available Dec 29 2024
63.For Sale: Stunning Trimac pair 28/12/24 No
Update I believe lots of messages have been going to my spam, I have decided to keep the umbee, too rare and difficult to find in the UK at the size I have grown them to. Apologies. Only selling trimac pair and one lyonsi male Thinking of downsizing my fish room. Offering a beautiful pair of... ...
64.Wanted group of aulonocara peacock cichlid 26/12/24 No
Wanted group of peacocks mid to large size
65.LARGE choclate cichlid 22/12/24 Yes
Hi All, for sale is my massive chocolate cichlid, struggling for space with this guy with how big he is! Absolutely beautiful fish! Asking £30 collected from Cannock WS11 - 07488300447 drop me a WhatsApp or text if interested
66.big 15+ inch nice colour wolf cichlid wanted £££ 19/12/24 No
looking for bigger the better dovii wolf cichlid" must have nice colour and good condition like no split fins! will pay really good money for nice fish
67.Ultra Rare Crenicichla Zebrina Pike Cichlids 17/12/24 No
I am very excited to give you the opportunity to own one of the holy grail of cichlids, a relatively recently discovered cichlid from 2002 which hail from Venezuela, they are a very rare beautiful cichlid. I am selling these on behalf of Maidenhead Aquatics Woodford We are fortunate enough ... ...
68.Personally Bred fish and large cichlids 15/12/24 No
Listed below is some personally bred fish ready to go Black widow frontosa 3cm - £20ea Frontosa Kigoma 3cm - £10ea Geophagus red head Tabajos 5cm - £7.50ea Clown Angelfish 5/6cm - £5ea Zebra Angelfish 5/6cm - £4.50ea Dovii Wolf Cichlid 4cm - £5ea Pair of albino Oscar’s 20cm - £4... ...
Looking for Monster fish to add to my 1500L tank, mainly looking for the below -Florida Gars -Datnoids -Asian Awrowana -Large Severums -Black Diamond Stingrays -Large South American Cichlids -Albino Stingrays Based in West Sussex. Contact on Instagram/tiktok @fishguyaquatics or message 07... ...
70.Fish’s 13/12/24 Yes
Female red terror sound 10” £250ovo Male red terror 5” £50 Jag a pair £75 Big plec £15 L90a 5”to6” £100 marble vieja fenestratus cichlid 6”£40 Tilapia x2 5”?to 8” £30 to £45 Mids x4 £10 each Parrot fish £65 Pick up Taunton What app +44 7864 728123
71.Pseudotropheus/ Chindongo Saulosi 11/12/24 Yes
Sub adult male and 2 proven females. These cichlids are prolific breeders when they settle in, which is brilliant to watch. £30 and pick up only from S35 9YW. Any questions text me on 07892897124.
Looking for Monster fish to add to my 1500L tank, mainly looking for the below -Florida Gars -Datnoids -Asian Awrowana -Large Severums -Black Diamond Stingrays -Large South American Cichlids -Albino Stingrays Based in West Sussex. Contact on Instagram/tiktok @fishguyaquatics or message 07... ...
73.GREEN TERROR Andinoacara rivulatus 10/12/24 No
green terror cichlids about 40 in all had a pair of breeding green terrors when bought months back and they ended up being a mating pair now got lots of babies needing homes FREE if anyone wants them. PLYMOUTH PICK UP
Looking for Monster fish to add to my 1500L tank, mainly looking for the below -Florida Gars -Datnoids -Asian Awrowana -Large Severums -Black Diamond Stingrays -Large South American Cichlids -Albino Stingrays Based in West Sussex. Contact on Instagram/tiktok @fishguyaquatics or message 07... ...
75.6 inch green terror cichlid 09/12/24 No
All in good health, lovely colouration
76.UARU CICHLID 09/12/24 No
Any uaru for sale 6inch plus In the london area or essex Cheers Dan Get me on wattsapp or call
77.Blue acara juveniles 06/12/24 Yes
Have around 50 blue acara juveniles for sale £4 each or 3 for £10 , beautiful young fish all bred in my main cichlid tank , mum is EBA and dad is blue acara , they bred every week or 2 weeks so have around 100 smaller fish which I'm growing out at minute but have the 50 ready for new waters , was ... ...
78.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
79.Frontosa blue black humphead and cichlids and catfish sale.. 03/12/24 Yes
Hi Selling beautiful large around humphead and other cichlids sale nice and healthy. Also nice and spotted cat fish sale. Please text or call only what’s app only for prices. Thanks for looking my advert 07368211191
80.Jaguar cichlid 28/11/24 No
Jag 7inches can be aggressive Whatsapp for some pics £15
81.Malawi cichlids wanted Bolton area 27/11/24 No
I will be looking for some Malawi cichlids in about a week. If you live in or very near to Bolton and have some for sale,msg me and I might buy them if I like them. Anything considered. Can collect
82.Cichlid tank closing 23/11/24 No
Got 2 nice blue angels around 4-5 inches £10 for both Electric blue Jack Dempsey 2-3 inches perfect health one of the prettiest fish I’ve ever had £30 Electric blue acara 4 inches £10 Barred bicher 4-5 inches£20 Spotted cactus plec £30 £70 the lot message me for photos vids ect 073... ...
83.Frontosa for sale all sizes red, blue and others 20/11/24 Yes
Frontosa Burundi - 5” £40 Frontosa Red breeding group of around 7 large fish up to 12” Breeding group of Burundi one male and 4 female maybe one sub dominant male . I can post up to 5” fish. 12” male £120 Pictures of individual fish available. These are. Old and I’ll re... ...
84.Neolamprologus leleupi [lemon cichlid] & female Copadichrois sp. 15/11/24 Yes
Adult Neolamprologus leleupi [lemon cichlid] X1 & Female Copadichromis sp. {with sulphur crest x1: £10 for both sold together Collect only, unless you live local to me in Salisbury. Cheers Peter
85.Cichlid and Spotted Dollar 13/11/24 Yes
1 Rainbow Cichlid 4 Inch 1 Threadfin Acara 5 Inch 1 Keyhole cichlid 3inch 6 Spotted Dollar 4-5inch 10 quid each or near offer All in amazing condition, just reducing stock Handsworth Birmingham
86.WANTED AMERICAN CICHLID AND FIRE EEL cash waiting 12/11/24 No
Hi there I have just set up a new 7ft tank and after some American cichlid and a fire eel I am based in Camberley in Surrey many thanks
87.American south America cichlids wanted fire eels 12/11/24 No
Hi there am based in Surrey am after some American cichlids also some eels cash waiting many thanks
88.American cichlid wanted 12/11/24 No
Hi there about to set up a fish room full of American cichlid if anyone has any would be interested in the Guildford area thanks
Female Dovii wolf cichlid wanted to go with my 10/11inch adult male Cash waiting 07568500811
90.Price change Oscar, Black & copper.10inch 11/11/24 Yes
Oscar, Black & copper.10inch Approximately 4 years old Current size from mouth to tail 10inches In good condition Litre tank in a 450 L tank Lives With silver dollars and a couple cichlids £20 Contact 07917755913 Any questions or more photos please ask Bring suitable container when... ...
91.Cichlids available in Leeds 07872 417861 05/11/24 No
Contact me for photos and info : local delivery available. Parrots and convicts pairs 15 Fry 1 each Green sevs big 20 pair 30 Geos pairs steindacheri and brasiliensis 35 Super red Texas 65 Nicaraguan 8 Wild caught acara 8 Electric blue acara 10 Uaru 20 Lemon bn 15 Rosy barb 3 Datnoi... ...
92.7 x Peacock cichlids mixed 31/10/24 Yes
Nice little group of 7 peacock cichlids approx 3 - 4 inches constantly breeding. to be sold as a group £50 closing down tanks.
93.Books on Cichlids 31/10/24 No
£10 Bundle of 5 books on Lake Malawi & Tanganyika Cichlids: 1 Ad Konings ‘Back To Nature: Guide to Malawi Cichlids’ 2nd Edition – hardback; 2 Ad Konings ‘Malawi Chichlids in their Natural Habitat’ 3rd Edition – hardback [small damage to top and bottom of spine – minor concerti... ...
94.Malawi cichlids North East Scotland / Dundee 30/10/24 Yes
Malawi mbuna and haps available, Aberdeen area. Delivery possible in NE Scotland / Dundee area. Sorry no postage. I have fry and semi-adults of the species listed below. Aulonocara stuartgranti Ngara flametail TB Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" Hai Reef adult males only Protomelas taen... ...
95.SOLD - Dwarf Green Pike Cichlids for Sale x3 - £35 for group 30/10/24 Yes
I have three Dwarf Green Pike cichlids Wallaciia Compressiceps for sale. All are 6-7cm in length. Group of 1M/2F - all kept together alongside tetras and minimal aggression. £35 for all three fishes. ALL SOLD Collection only from Ruislip. Contact Amit - 07940 458472
96.Wanted America cichlid predator 28/10/24 No
Hi just set up a 8foot tank so need to feel it have smaller tanks too so can grow smaller fish cash waiting in the Camberley but willing to travel a bit for the right fish
97.Royal Acara Diadema 26/10/24 No
For sale 2 Royal Acara Diadema. Bought thinking they was male and female juveniles, but now developed, suspect they’re both male. Larger one is approx 6”, the other approx 5”. Feed very well on cichlid pellets, frozen and live food. Stunning and great fish but can be boisterous. S... ...
98.Blue Eyed Cichlids Cutteris 23/10/24 Yes
Hi I'm selling Blue eyed cichlids Cutteris . These fish are very charismatic and best kept with other cichlids. Price varies from: 2.5cm £4 3cm £4.30 4-6cm £5 Larger breeding pairs potentially for sale in the future. Would have to be timed so that they aren't with fry but can send Wha... ...
99.Red Tiger Mota 21/10/24 Yes
Red tiger Mota available Living with other cichlids, no aggressive behaviours. Pick up Haslingden Lancashire Number: 07399952611
100.Jaguar Cichlid 21/10/24 No
Wanted pair of Jaguar Cichlids.
101.Vieja Argentea and Synspila fry baby fish 18/10/24 Yes
Update: aboutn30- 40 left. They have doubled in size and patterns showing in their body now. All healthy. I have over 80 babies from these two stunning Veija cichlids. the fry are growing quick and healthy. they are currently about 2cm to 3cm in size and very active. looking for £3 each. Any ... ...
102.vieja argentea cichlid 18/10/24 Yes
Selling one of my male veija fish. He is in great condition and very healthy. Only selling him as I already have a breeding pair of veijas and need to thin out my tank. He is a big boy, around the 10 inch mark. Only looking for £40. Any questions, feel free to ask.
103.Loads of cichlids for sale breeding pairs and groups 18/10/24 Yes
Loads of cichlids for sale breeding pairs and groups Pick up: Haslingden Number: 07399952611 Name: Ryan Multiple fish for sale, moving over to a species only tank. All fish of good temperament
104.Rainbow cichlid breeding group X 5 £30 18/10/24 Yes
Rainbow cichlid breeding group X 5 £30 Pick up: Haslingden Number: 07399952611 Name: Ryan Multiple fish for sale, moving over to a species only tank. All fish of good temperament
105.Stunning Green terror 5-6 inches Gold Saum 14/10/24 Yes
A very nice breed of Green terror lovely pattern and strong dominant male who readily breeds with similar cichlids in the tank. Healthy and feeds well. Nice size and still growing nicely. Will continue to breed in right conditions. Price is £15 ono. Call or email if interested on 07511906... ...
106.labidochromis caeruleus 11/10/24 No
I have 20 of these beautiful yellow wonders, which are a must have in any African cichlid set up. They are peaceful in a group and are happy with Mbuna, Malawi or Tanganyikan community. Each around 2 inch. £150 for the group of 20 or £75 for 10.
I Have some Macaw cichlid young for sale:£6.50 each or 5 for £30. Lovely colouration when adults. The pictures are of the parents.
108.Malawi cichlids for sale 03/10/24 No
Yellow labs X3 2 Males and 1 female - certified breeding pair £20 aulonocara X2 Breeding pair - £25 Grey shakei cichlid X2 Certified Breeding pair -£25 Grey shakei albino X2 Certified breeding pair - £25 Afra cichlid X2 Certified breeding pair £25 Blue zebra mbuna X... ...
109.Bandit cichlid for sale 3 inches fully grown £20 02/10/24 Yes
Bandit cichlid for sale 3 inches fully grown £20 Pick up: Haslingden Number: 07399952611 Name: Ryan Multiple fish for sale, moving over to a species only tank. All fish of good temperament
110.Red jewel cichlids 3 inch for sale X2 £30 02/10/24 Yes
Red jewel cichlids 3 inch for sale X2 £30 Pick up: Haslingden Number: 07399952611 Name: Ryan Multiple fish for sale, moving over to a species only tank. All fish of good temperament
111.Tiger cichlid £10 02/10/24 Yes
I have a tiger cichlid around 20-22cm. Very healthy fish that has outgrown my capability. Any questions 07840174135
112.NetS CHARITY AUCTION 01/10/24 No
Fresh update 30/9/24 This is the expected list for Sundays charity auction possibly more to be added but we really on the sellers on the day so no gaurantees on the fish lists been exact Dennisoni /Torpedo barbs Albino cherry barbs Checker barb breeding group Ruby barb breeding group WIL... ...
113.Cichlids in Leeds 14 28/09/24 No
Nicuraguan cichlid female 6” Breeding pair of Geophagus steindachneri Breeding pair of Geophagus brasiliensis Texas gt unfaded cichlids Large group of parrots and convicts Geophagus red head Nicuraguan cichlid female 6” Breeding pair of Geophagus steindachneri Breeding pair of Geophagus ... ...
114.Young malawi cichlids 26/09/24 Yes
I have young of these malawi cichlids in the photos for sale size fro inch to inch and a half. I also have brislenose plecos for sale too Collection from Ub6 8et
115.Cichlids 22/09/24 Yes
Large Starry eyed cichlid between 6/7 inches,£40
116.African cichlids Mbuna juveniles 2-4” £3 each 21/09/24 No
Hi I’ve got a few Mbuna cichlids for sale I have got ice blue zebra, OB zebras and Yellow labs £3 each or 4 for £10 there around 2-4 inches in size if you want any please contact me on 07833867373 TEXT ONLY NO CALLS Pick up from Liverpool Thanks for viewing my post
117.Malawi cichlids 19/09/24 No
Hi I’m selling mixed Malawi fry for £1.50 I have around 200 mainly Yellow lab fry Red zebra fry Feel free to contact me cheers Dave
118.Malawi cichlids 19/09/24 No
Hi I’m selling mixed Malawi fry for £1.50 I have around 200 mainly Yellow lab fry Red zebra fry Feel free to contact me cheers Dave
119.Malawi cichlids 18/09/24 No
Hi I’m selling mixed Malawi fry for £1.50 I have around 200 mainly Yellow lab fry Red zebra fry Feel free to contact me cheers Dave
120.Coral sand 15/09/24 Yes
22kg of coral sand, ideal for an African Cichlid set up. £20
121.Two Large Cichlids for Sale 14/09/24 Yes
I have two very large cichlids for sale. Vieja synspilum 11-12 inch - £60 very healthy Vieja Heartwigi 9 - 10 inch - £60 very healthy Please contact me as I need to rehome these guys ASAP. Thank You
122.Polar blue tiger parrot cichlid 13/09/24 No
Polar cichlid fry 6 for £25 10 for £40 25 for £90 all eating dry food mainly small pellets can post at additional cost
123.Juvenile cichlids Leeds 12/09/24 No
Nicaraguanese cichlids Texas gt unfaded cichlids Wild blue acara Electric blue acara Geophagus steindachneris red hump Green terrors gold/white Saum Fire mouth cichlid 07872 417861
124.Geophagus brasiliensis breeding pair Leeds 12/09/24 No
5” male and female Geophagus pearl cichlid breeding well happy and healthy. Great examples of the species. 07872 417861
125.Red Devil Cichlids and large Clarias free to good home NOW ALL GONE 09/09/24 No
THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO E-MAILED. FISH NOW GONE. I have a large number of Red Devil cichlids of all sizes. White in colour. Free to a good home. I also have 3 very large Clarias catfish black and white also free to a good home but must go together. Get in touch if interested. Dave
126.Cichlids for sale 08/09/24 No
Selling fish due to closing my tank down Blackbelt cichlid £20 Barred Midas£20 2x red devils£10 Can sell all together or separate contact me for pictures 07395147710
127.Fluval Roma 200 Aquarium 08/09/24 No
Aquarium 200ltr with hood, light unit, original fluval stand and backing for sale. I would recommend changing the tubes We shut down our cichlid tank so it’s clean and ready for its new inhabitants! I’m on not desperate to sell as brand new ones are ridiculously priced now but need to pu... ...
128.Red Devil Cichlids and large Clarias free to good home 06/09/24 No
I have a large number of Red Devil cichlids of all sizes. White in colour. Free to a good home. I also have 3 very large Clarias catfish black and white also free to a good home but must go together. Get in touch if interested. Dave
129.Red Devil Cichlid 02/09/24 Yes
Hi, I have a Red Devil Cichlid for sale @ 8-9 inches. Lovely fish in perfect condition. Offers please or trade for african cichlids.
GMCS OPEN FISH AUCTION. ON THE 8th September 2024 AT LITTLEBOROUGH CONSERVATIVE CLUB PEEL STREET LITTLEBOROUGH OL 15 8AQ FOR DETAILS CONTACT email alanwaterfield@aol.com or Tel 01706 849355 Lots can be entered on the day AUCTION STARTS 1.15pm BOOKING IN 12 – 1pm
131.Convict cichlid fry 29/08/24 No
Convict cichlid fry 5for 25 or 10 for £40 25 for £90
132.9 to 10 inch Jaguar cichlid 28/08/24 Yes
Here we have a very healthy Jaguar cichlid around the 9 inch mark. Very active and strong. Eats prawns and pellets with no problem. Shes not fussy. Only reason I am selling her is because I plan on focusing mainly on my veija project. Looking for £50 for her.
133.8 Medium size Adult Panda Uaru 28/08/24 Yes
Selling with regret a group of 8 medium sized Adult panda Uaru. Aprox 1.5 years old. 4-7inches in size I Have kept Panda Uaru for a long time and are by far my favourite South American Cichlids but due to moving house and change in water parameters I have decided it would be best for them to go to... ...
134.Malawi cichlid fry 27/08/24 No
Malawi cichlid fry 1mnth to 4mnths old mixed batches 10 for £45 large selection peacocks/obs hybrid peacocks orange blotched red tops red top ice blue just to name a few can post
135.Ob marbled peacock Malawi cichlid 27/08/24 No
Ob marbled peacock cichlid aulonocara fry all feeding on dry food mainly pellets £5 for £25 10 for £45 1inch
136.Powder blue Malawi cichlid 27/08/24 No
Powder blue cichlid 5 for £25 10 for £45 all feeding on dry food round 1inch in size
137.Midas Cichlids 3 to 4 inches £5 each 26/08/24 No
I have found a few in my sump, healthy eating well and looking for a home. Both males
138.Aqua oak wine rack aquarium full set up with fish 25/08/24 No
Aqua oak 160cm wine rack aquarium and stand. 330 litres. My aquarium has been established for nearly 5 years now and contains a big mix of over 50 malawi cichlids. External fluval filter, wave maker, LED Light, heater, aquarium sand and ocean rocks all included. I have spent a huge amount of times a... ...
139.T bar cichlid fry 20/08/24 No
T-bar 1" fry £2 each collection Barnoldswick WhatsApp 07592791486 for photos
140.Tropical fish and cichlids 19/08/24 No
Green Terror 4/5" Aggressive eater but not towards my other fish - £20 amazing orange tail Pictus catfish 4-6" £20 each or all 3 for £50, they are 20 for an 2" in store Big Red spotted Severum 7-8" very friendly - £30 Ask me for pictures/videos
141.South American cichlids 19/08/24 No
Green Terror 4/5" Aggressive eater but not towards my other fish - £15 amazing orange tail Pictus catfish 4-6" £15 each or all 3 for £40, they are 20 for an 2" in store Big Red spotted Severum 7-8" very friendly - £30 Ask me for pictures/videos
142.Platinum Polar Parrot Cichlid Hybrid £5.00 Greenock. 18/08/24 No
20x Platinum Polar Parrot Cichlid Hybrid
143.South American Cichlids 16/08/24 No
Green Terror 4/5" Aggressive eater but not towards my other fish - £20 amazing orange tail Pictus catfish 4-6" £20 each or all 3 for £50, they are 20 for an 2" in store Big Red spotted Severum 7-8" very friendly - £35 Ask me for pictures/videos
Latest stock list this will change weekly. Please message us for prices, PXs accepted L397 Alenquer tiger L239 blue panaque L333 bel monte tiger L066 Tiger L333 standard tiger L183 starlight L181 peppermint Rio Paraguay group 2m2f 3juvi Sultan plec L081 gold nugget L273 red ti... ...
145.Closing down tanks 15/08/24 No
Considering closing down a couple of tanks as I'm becoming more interested in koi and ponds. Have the below for collection. Turkana Jewel Cichlids x8. £5ea Had these for over 2 years and have kept them as a group. They are all male and fully grown. Thorichthys Pasionis x2 £10ea Thorichthys ... ...
146.Red top ice blue Malawi cichlid 12/08/24 No
Red top ice blue cichlid 5 for £25 10 for £45 1inch in size
Several polar blue parrot chichlids for sale. Bred in my own aquarium. £5 each. Collection from Shortstown Beds MK42 0UT. Contact for further details 07842 558118
Hi am after a large jaguar cichlid I am down south near Heathrow airport
149.Flowerhorn Male - Read Description 01/08/24 Yes
I have available a male Flowerhorn which sadly has one blind eye. - please be aware of this. I have treated heavily numerous occasions to no avail. I originally purchased as a female parrot X Flowerhorn from the store however , now grown id say it is a full Flowerhorn male. Currently in a commu... ...
150.Tanganyikan Cihlids wanted 01/08/24 No
Have a Large tank of Tanganyikan cichlids which has dwindled in stock over the years. Looking for decent sized Tanganyikan Cichlids to add. Open to lots of different species, looking to see whats around. Not looking for Tropheus, Frontosa or Shellie's Can collect from Wiltshire area, anyw... ...
151.Malawi cichlids 31/07/24 No
Hi looking to buy cichlids, will travel in nth west and also plecs Cheers
152.Malawi Cichlids for sale, peacocks, yellow labs 30/07/24 Yes
Peacocks and labs for sale as seen in photos, have been grown on from fry and now need to go. Peacocks are £10 and labs £5 each can do good deal for job lot as they’re now too big for tank. There’s 10 in total, 2 main peacocks, will sell the whole lot for £40. Collection from near Letchwort... ...
153.WANTED ...Pearsei /pantano cichlid ,single or pair 28/07/24 No
hi i am after a pearsei or possibly a pair .size is irrelevant anything from 5" upwards is perfect because of tankmates staffordshire and surrounding counties preferable but will travel a reasonable distance Thanks
154.Fish for sale, convicts, polar parrots, plecos 28/07/24 No
Baby bn plecos £3 each 4 for £10 Mixed shrimp £4 each or 3 for £10 Juvenile convict cichlids £5 each Juvenile polar parrots £5 each Silver dollars £15 for the pair Snow White socolfi cichlids £10 for pair Blue maingano cichlids £10 for pair Location Castleford wf10 Message me a... ...
155.Community fish for sale. 26/07/24 No
I am shutting down one of my aquariums and have the following fish to rehome. 5x Panda Barbs - £5 for alll. 8 x Glowlight Danios - £5 for alll 8 x Harlequin Rasbora - £3 for all. 6 x Bleeding Heart Tetra - £5 for all. 6 Siamese Algae eaters - £5 for all. 3 x Sicyopterus Goby - £5 ... ...
156.2 Tanks - Shutting down fish room 24/07/24 No
One 6x2x2 tank on homemade stand and a bow fronted juwel tank 5ft long x 2 ft in middle.selection of fish south American cichlids,some catfish,breeding group bristlenose,fahaka puffer,snakehead,gulper catfish.would be good buy for a serious fish keeper,will not split open to offers the tanks are not... ...
157.Shutting down fish room 24/07/24 No
selection of fish south American cichlids, some catfish, breeding group bristlenose, fahaka puffer, snakehead, gulper catfish. One 6x2x2 tank on homemade stand and a bow fronted juwel tank 5ft long x 2 ft in middle. would be good buy for a serious fish keeper,will not split open to offers the tank... ...
158.Large Malawi cichlids clown loach L134 23/07/24 No
*********** SOLD ************* ****** THANKS FOR THE INTEREST********* I am closing down my tank and selling all of my fish. I have 10 or so Malawi cichlids Some are large specimen. 3 large clown loach. 5-7 inches 3 small clown loach. 4 L134 plecs Viewing recommended Po7 area
159.Turkana jewel cichlids 20/07/24 No
Around 12 adult turkana jewel cichlids. Need sell to a good home as a pair of our adults have had babies and haven't got the room. Message me for price.
160.Ellioti cichlids for sale 20/07/24 No
Ellioti cichlid fry for sale, stunning fish with lovely markings, about an inch in length and coloring up nice now. £5 each or 5 for £20 collection from Ne28 0ex or if your local to me I may deliver if you take 5 or more. I have tried to upload photos but for some reason it won't upload, if anyone... ...
161.Jack Dempsey cichlid 6 inches hertfordshire 19/07/24 No
6 inch jd 20 pound sg99dp 07568302451
162.King Kong Parrots 19/07/24 No
Hi,looking for juvenile King Kong Parrot cichlids, able to deliver to Rotherham, S Yorks. Thanks
163.Cichlid fish room 16/07/24 No
I am currently in the process of setting up a fish room am in the Guildford area of Surrey am after cichlid American type if anyone has them give me a shout have many tanks to feel many thanks
164.Full tank stock for Sale 02/07/24 No
Hi I have the below for sale and open to offers. Pair of Carpintis Trio of Cryptoheros Spillurus Group of 7/8young Amatilania Myrnea with 3 Females 4 x Elliotti Rainbow cichlid looks like a Male Striped Damba x1 Collection from L34 Knowsley, I can send video/ photos via WhatsApp Ch... ...
165.Fish for sale 02/07/24 No
Jaguar cichlid 12 inch £30 2 x Giant Red tail Gourami 4-5 inch £20 each 2 x Altifron Geos 7-8 inches £40 for both Albino Pacu 4 inch £30 Albino black labeo 5 inch £20
I have: 3 x acei Ngara I think 2m 1f but unsure 5 x yellow labs, unsure of sex 5 x labeotropheus trewavasse thumbi? 2m 3f 3 x red zebra All vibrant and around 2.5-5” between them 07534804894 message on WhatsApp for pictures. Need gone.
I have: 3 x acei Ngara I think 2m 1f but unsure 5 x yellow labs, unsure of sex 5 x labeotropheus trewavasse thumbi? 2m 3f 3 x red zebra All vibrant and around 2.5-5” between them 07534804894 message on WhatsApp for pictures. Need gone.
168.Rainbow Cichlid possibly male 28/06/24 No
Large Rainbow Cichlid possibly male Around 4 inches £10 Pick up L34 Cheers Ben
169.Breeding Pair of Dovii Male 15 Inches Female 12inches - Stockport area 28/06/24 No
I am selling my breeding pair of wolf cichlids parachromis Dovii Male is 15inches and the female is 12 inches they feed on cichlid pellets. Please message me for photographs of the fish. I am looking for £99 for the pair. Please make contact if you are interested my mobile number is 0754340660... ...
170.Shelll dweller nano setup with fish for sale - Sutton 25/06/24 No
Breeding colony of multifacoatus included. Im selling the tank, heater, internal filter, light and fish plus shells etc for £100. There are 10+ adult fish and lots of babies plus some small snails. These are the smallest cichlid in.the world at only.about 5cm long. The tank is low iron rimless ... ...
171.Nets auction 23 june 16/06/24 No
ROUGH LIST!!!!! 1 week to go, 23rd of June N.E.T.S. Aquatics Auction I have asked sellers to look round there tanks and fish rooms. I haven't got everyone's list. But here's a start. Please remember this list isn't guaranteed it's merely there to show the selection possibly available at these e... ...
172.African Cichlids : Lake Malawi 16/06/24 No
have many different Malawi Cichlids, Peacocks, haps and mbuna. various ages. From 1 month to about 10months. males and females available and vented if i can based in ng22 can deliver for fuel costs unto 1 hour away. vewings welcome in person or via messenger or whatsapp. get in touch for more ... ...
173.Breeding pair if Jaguar cichlid fish for sale 15/06/24 No
Breeding pair of jaguar cichlids male 12” female 9-10” Stunning examples Message me for pictures and price Will swap for Malawi or tanganyika cichlids
174.Jaguar cichlid - hertfordshire £10 14/06/24 No
Male jag about 9 inches whats app for pics 07568302451 Based buntingford sg99dp
175.Malawi for sale 11/06/24 No
Greshakei malawi cichlids Yellow labs chiclids All fish about 3-4 inches All fish 3 for 10 pounds please message me for pictures as it won't let me put up a picture Contact me on 07484333017 on WhatsApp mid Glamorgan South Wales
176.Amphilophus Citinellum Midas cichlids x 3 10/06/24 Yes
I have three young citrinellum for sale they are about 3” now and are showing their stunning colours. Butter must collect from Syston Leicestershire £50 for the three
177.convict cichlids 10/06/24 Yes
This tropical Convict Cichlid Fry is a perfect addition to your aquarium. The fish thrive in warm water temperatures Babys from 1 inch £3 each or 4 for £10 Mature adults £15 or 4 for £ 40 There are 6 week old 4 weeks and 2 week old fry available over 100 pick up only untill i sort out s... ...
178.2 x Pleco and 7 x cichlids FREE 09/06/24 No
Free to anyone who can collect. 2 Plecos ame 7 cichlids. Dewsbury
179.Central American Cichlids 08/06/24 No
Cryptoheros spilirus, myrnae, septemfasciatus, nanoluteus and altoflavia. Also pink convicts. Mature pairs and juveniles available from North Bedfordshire/Northamptonshire borders. Various prices or in some cases free to a good home.
180.For sale cheap 05/06/24 No
As stated 8 assorted angels. 3big males. 9 cherry barbs. 6 Congo tetras. Also all sand from the 6 foot tank. Large big wood about 2 feet. Couple live plants All to go. Open to sensible offers or swap for malawi cichlids Based in Manchester pics upon request probably via wotsap
181.Beautiful South American cichlids to go adults 05/06/24 Yes
Dear hobbyists I am selling my collection of South American cichlids, being unable to give them the attention they need. They are listed as follows; Red Devil 10 inches £60 proven spawner, lays eggs regularly. Beautiful fish. Oscar 13 inch Female £40 Oscar 13 inch Female £40 Jaguar 9... ...
182.Wanted American Cichlids wanted Vieja, severum 05/06/24 No
American cichlids wanted. All types and sizes considered. Located in wales but can arrange licensed courier and packaging or will travel for the right fish
183.Jaguar cichlid fry for sale 04/06/24 No
Jaguar cichlid fry for sale , 1 to 2 inches. £5 each , will do deal on bulk . Collect only from Kirkbymoorside. May deliver for cost if not too far .
184.Large tropical fish and cichlids for sale 29/05/24 No
14 inch giant gourami 14 inch giant tiger oscar 12 inch red oscar 12 inch albino tiger oscar 8 inch vieja synspilum male 6 inch leopard bush fish 8 inch king kong parrot 5-6 inch male convict 4-5 inch female red terror 9 inch upside down asian catfish Also have some aquatic turtles for s... ...
hi I have the following cichlids for sale only selling as I need the space 4 x adult male sunset aulonocara 5 - 6 inches £25 each 1 adult xl female venustus 7 + inches £30 1 female cyrtocara moorii 6 inches £30 1 female sunset aulonocara 5 inches £25 1 female star sapphire 5&q... ...
20+ Malawi cichlids, 1 green phantom Pleco, 2 Bristlenose Pleco’s. Collect anytime SW18, SW London
187.Books 19/05/24 No
Konings Malawi Cichlids 4th edition £15 Konings Tanganyika CIchlid original , worn £5 Konings TC In their natural habitat £10 Konings / Diechoff Tanganyika SEcrets £10 Aqulog African CIchlids 111 Tropheus £25 Pierre Brichard Cichlids of Lake Tanganyika £5 All excellent except notes Me... ...
188.Cichlids, Large tinfoil barbs and a frontosia cichlid 14/05/24 Yes
Jack Dempsey juvenile 1 inch £8 Blue polar parrot cichlid juveniles x2 1 inch £6 each £10 for both Vieja cichlid juveniles x3 1 inch £6 each all for £15 Albino convict cichlid 1.5 inches £5 Jewel cichlid x12 2/3 inches £4 each all for £40 Tin foil barb x2 5/6 inches £12 each both for ... ...
Hi I have Oscar’s, Vieja and Jaguar cichlids for sale. I am based in London SW18 and collection can be arranged :
190.Various large fish 27/04/24 No
Looking to thin out some fish 1 x 31inch fire eel 2 x 15inch florida gars 1 x 12inch jaguar cichlid 1 x 12inch albino red Oscar 1 x 10inch albino long fin Oscar 1 x 13inch L600 plec 3 x Kelberi bass 1 @ 14inch 2 @ 7inch 1 x 12inch giant gourami 1 x 6inch red tail giant gourami 1 x 8inch ... ...
191.Jack dempsey cichlid and salvini cichlid. 25/04/24 No
Closing down my freshwater tank and these are the only remaining 2. Feel free to make any offers for them, the Jack dempsey is 8 or 9 inches and the salvini is around 6 inches. If you would like to see photos please message me on 07737080970 thanks.
192.FOR SALE OR SWAP 24/04/24 Yes
20 Assorted Medium-sized Rainbow Fish, size between 1- 3ins. £200 or sensible offers OR a Swap for Dwarf Cichlids reason for sale fancied a change to keep. Dwarf Cichlids. I’m biased in EXETER.
193.WANTED Malawi cichlid males 10/04/24 No
hi I'm looking for adult or sub adult males of the following lichnochromis acuticeps albino Cyrtocara moorii Aulonocara baenschi aulonocara Mayland please let me know if you have any or all of the above .the closer to lincolnshire the better but don't mind travelling for the right fish ma... ...
12/13 inch female jaguar cichlid. Stunning example very thick fish. Very active and healthy feeding on a mixture of good quality pellet, bloodworm and mussels. Any questions please feel free to message the number provided. Looking for £50 07735213732
195.3 oscars , texas cichlid, jaguar cichlid 04/04/24 Yes
I have 2 black oscars aprox 8/9" & 7" 1 orange oscar aprox 6/7" Texas cichlid 5" Jaguar cichlid 5/6" Common pleco 6/7" 6 silver dollars
196.Wanted female Jaguar Cichlid 23/03/24 No
Looking for a female Jaguar Cichlid, will to pay or swap need to be bigger than 6inch in size, can collect or will to pay postage Many thanks
197.Silver Arrowana for sale or swap 21/03/24 No
A Stunning Silver Arrowana for sale or to swap for the right price or right fish. 18 inch in length and 2 inch in depth. Feeding on pellets, all types of frozen food bloodworm, mussels, shrimp, etc general cichlid food, and extremely tame, you can stroke him
198.Jaguar cichlid 14/03/24 No
Big 12inch Jag cichlid for £70. Pick up only Lincoln, 07587293935. Pictures can be given if asked.
199.STUNNING OSCAR Need GONE ASAP 07/03/24 Yes
HIGH GRADE Red Oscar ** Astronotus ocellatus ** CICHLID **. This is a stunning Large HIGH Grade Red Oscar without any blemishes and odd patterns. Has the perfect black to red ratio. And has excellent gradient throughout the fins and tail. The base colouring is very vibrant. Great specimen in ... ...
200.Ocean Rock with large pieces approx 40kg 02/03/24 Yes
For sale - ocean rock with some nice big pieces, bought so they can be stacked into an aesthetic structure for cichlids or other tropical fish to have lots of hiding places. The large pieces are both around 30cm x 25cm each. £75 collected ono Message on whatsapp for extra photo's and measure... ...

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