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1.1.4 Tonne of marine live rock. No coraline algae. 22/01/25 No
Thriving. Full of life. Some pieces are over twenty years old. Big and small pieces. No pests or astrina or aptasia. Just shrimp, tiny inverts, fan/tube worms also present on some pieces. Also other live rock approx 400 kilo., ideal for fish only systems, has the beasties and astrina, which is... ...
2.Red Sea Reefer G2 425 max spec 10/06/24 Yes
Selling recently purchased Red Sea Reefer 425. Purchased in October but have to sell due to change in circumstances Includes lights, reef mat, skimmer, pumps and 1 x reef wave. Outside of the specified Red Sea system, it includes a reef can ATO tank at 40L, RODI unit and test equipment. A fluidi... ...
3.Inverts/coral/live rock reduced for quick sale. 03/08/23 No
I’m closing down my tank and have the following for sale: Live rock £5/kg 2 x Giant Mexican turbo snail £10 each Nassarius/Astraea/trochus snails £1.50 each Rasta and radioactive dragons eye zoas on rock £45 Echinulata caulastrea Bali trumpet coral 14 heads £70 La lakers... ...
4.SPS, LPS corals and clam 24/03/23 No
Tank shut down, looking to sell all corals, inverts and clam in one sale. 7 head frogspawn Purple wall hammer 5 head torch 40 head candy cane 10 head can’t cane X 2 Rainbow Trachyphyllia Green Trachyphyllia Blue and red lobophyllia X 2 8” purple clam Tri colour anenomie X 3 7 large ... ...
5.Fish tank 06/12/22 No
Due to house move I have broken my Marine fish down. Just taken all fish and inverts out so all other equipment for sale. Signature 900 tank and sump with cabinet Illuminair light with lightning feature Bubble magus filter Live rock/sand Pump All you need is water and fish £350 collection... ...
6.Redsea Reefer 525XL Black Excellent Condition Complete Setup £2000 ONO 30/06/22 No
I am selling my Redsea 525XL as I can no longer give it the time it needs. Full complete setup, complete with Redsea lighting, skimmer, TMC return pump, titanium heaters and controller, two circulation pumps. Includes all equipment listed plus , 2 x fluidised reactors, test kits, auto feeder, 100GPD... ...
7.Full Marine setup. Aqua Oak systemised 400ltr tank. Fish, corals, inverts, rock etc 27/06/22 Yes
Great spec tank. Selling due to changing circumstances. Gutted as I had it running well for the past 2 years. Corals include several tri-colour bubble tip anemones, mushrooms, zoas, Kenya trees, toadstools, pavonas, palys, Xenia, gsp, candy cane etc It’s an aqua oak 4ft tank. Used but in go... ...
8.Anybody rehoming any marine fish or inverts 21/04/22 No
Hi , let me know if anybody is rehoming any marine fish or clean up crew in the Hampshire area . Need to be coral safe please .
9.Fish & Coral for Sale 01/04/22 Yes
I have a number of marine fish and corals for sale. These include: Powder Blue Tang Yellow Tang Coral beauty Magnificent Foxface Cleaner Wrasse Algae Blenny Cleaner Wrasse Aiptasia Eating File Fish Various Chromis - Blue and Yellow Tail Long nose wrasse Blue Trigger All the fish a... ...
10.Marine Fish & Inverts Books 21/01/22 No
A large range of books for sale : (1) Reef Secrets: Starting Right, Selecting Fishes and Invertebrates, Advanced Biotope Techniques Softcover – 15 Aug. 2003 (2) Basslets, Dottybacks & Hawkfishes (Reef Fishes series book 2) Scott W. Michael (3) Angelfishes and Butterflyfishes (Reef Fishes Se... ...
Hi, I have a 5FT rena reef system 5FT x 2FT x 2FT which because im moving house i have to sadly part with and heavy heartedly i have to sell , the tank comes with everything needed for you have a successful reef setup from day 1 ….. does require around 5+ strong men and a large van to move it som... ...
Fish: 1x bristle tooth tang 1x purple tang 1x foxface rabbitfish 2x clownfish 2x anthias 3x blue/green chromis Corals: 1x large bubble coral 2x hammer corals 1x torch coral 1x coronet coral 2x anenomes one being a magnifica breed 1x pussy coral 1x green elegance coral Plus many m... ...
Fish: 1x bristle tooth tang 1x purple tang 1x foxface rabbitfish 1x scarus qyoi parrot fish 2x clownfish 4x anthias 4x blue/green chromis Corals: 1x large bubble coral 2x hammer corals 1x torch coral 1x coronet coral 2x anenomes one being a magnifica breed 1x pussy coral 1x green ... ...
Hi, I have a 5FT rena reef system 5FT x 2FT x 2FT which because im moving house i have to sadly part with and heavy heartedly i have to sell , the tank comes with everything needed for you have a successful reef setup from day 1 ….. does require around 5+ strong men and a large van to move it som... ...
15.Addis bfly, Annularis Angel, Red coris and Maroon clownfish for sale 01/08/21 Yes
I am sadly having to sell some of my fish due to changing the tank from a fowlr to a reef and the clown is fighting with another. Addis Butterfly £110 2.5 inches - fowlr only, tho fine with inverts. Annularis Angel £90 5 inches - will eat coral fowlr only fine with inverts. Red coris wrasse £ 35 ... ...
Fish: 1x bristle tooth tang 1x purple tang 1x foxface rabbitfish 1x scarus qyoi parrot fish 2x clownfish 4x anthias 4x blue/green chromis Corals: 1x large bubble coral 2x hammer corals 1x torch coral 1x coronet coral 2x anenomes one being a magnifica breed 1x pussy coral 1x green ... ...
Hi, I have a 5FT rena reef system 5FT x 2FT x 2FT which because im moving house i have to sadly part with and heavy heartedly i have to sell , the tank comes with everything needed for you have a successful reef setup from day 1 ….. does require around 5+ strong men and a large van to move it som... ...
18.Fish, inverts, coral and rock 28/07/21 Yes
Looking at selling all contents of reefer 170 in bulk. 2x clown 1 orange spot goby 1 blue chromis 1 Banggai cardinalfish 1 fang blenny 1 yellow belly wrasse 1 high fin banded goby + fine striped pistol shrimp pair 1 blue pipe fish 1 red fire fish 1 red fire shrimp 2 peppermint shr... ...
Fish: 1x bristle tooth tang 1x purple tang 1x foxface rabbitfish 1x scarus qyoi parrot fish 2x clownfish 4x anthias 4x blue/green chromis Corals: 1x large bubble coral 2x hammer corals 1x torch coral 1x coronet coral 2x anenomes one being a magnifica breed 1x pussy coral 1x green ... ...
20.Mixed Guppies 4-6 months old 16/05/21 Yes
Mixed guppies Fish are a good size and around 4-6 months old. Lots of variation in patterns and strong bright colours. Photos are of the actual fish for sale and taken at time of posting. £1.25 each, £1 each on 10 or more Collection from Alcester, B49 6AW. will trade for Ramshorn,appl... ...
22.Live rock wanted 08/01/21 No
Live rock wanted. Can be dry. Let me no if u have any at all or inverts or fish. Must be reef safe. Thanks for looking. Would need delivery as don't drive but can pay via PayPal. And be no contact delivery left in my front garden. If u can. Txt me on WhatsApp. Plz
23.Rehoming 18/09/20 No
Any one looking to rehome some Marine fish or inverts i am willing to take them off your hands free, i can collect locally if you are unable to sell them. I have several tank running and can give them a good home
24.tank contents for sale 19/05/20 Yes
entire tank contents for sale corals fish inverts please see the facebook link for details or search gumtree oxfordshire based
25.Marine corals wanted 15/05/20 No
Marine corals wanted. And fish inverts well if you have anything marine related for sale let me no please tha ks for looking you can txt me on WhatsApp I will get right back to u.
26.Selling off all my livestock 12/05/20 Yes
I have just had a newborn and need to sell a few of my tanks to make some space. The marine tank is going first as it is the most costly to run. For sale I have the following fish and inverts.. 20inch skeletor moray eel, 12inch snowflake moray eel, 6-7inch pollini or harlequin grouper, breeding pair... ...
27.Wanted reef safe fish / inverts 25/02/20 No
Wanted reef safe fish / inverts / corals if you have any of the ubove for sale txt me on 07561425205 or on whatsapp I wil get straight back to you
28.Marine corals wanted 06/02/20 No
Marine corals wanted can be frags or full. Message me on WhatsApp plz if u have anything marine for sale fish inverts corals. Please 07561425205
29.Wanted Inverts and Gonipora 24/01/20 No
I recently set up a new reef and I am the quest to get some of the above Plus any Torch corals agripora Give me a call quite happy to pay cash Thanks for reading
30.Wanted Corals and inverts 08/12/19 No
Ho if you are breaking down a tank please give me a call Looking for CUC and corals More than happy to pay cash and collect would love to get any shrimps you have Thanks forreading
31.Red Sea Max Nano marine aquarium including corals, fish and inverts. 22/11/19 Yes
I am selling the tank plus contents. It includes the following fish: 2 clown fish, 2 blue star damsels, 1 royal grammar, 1 cardinal. Also the following corals: finger coral, leather coral, 2 small colonies of zooanthids, pulsing xenia, green star polyp, branched coral (Gorgonia), 7 red mushroom cora... ...
32.Wanted reef safe fish / inverts 19/11/19 No
As title says. Reef safe fish anything concidered. Also clean up crew members shrimps starfish snail's crabs. If your thinking of selling or just want to make space for something new. Please let me no what u have and haw much please can pickup locally. But any further would need to sort summink out ... ...
33.Reef Aquarium contents - fish, coral, inverts, live rock, live sand, marine algae. 12/10/19 Yes
House sale forces the sale of the contents of my loved 4x2x2 reef aquarium. Sale will include liverock, live sand, fish, inverts, mixture of SPS, LPS and soft corals, coral rubble and marine algae from sump tank. The tank, stand and equipment are not included in the sale, though I would consider any... ...
34.Marine livestock in Fluval 125 set up 24/06/19 Yes
Powder blue tang 2x clowns several inverts 11kg live rock, coral gravel I have a Fluval 125 tank and stand with Kent marine prskimmer,2x powerheads, fluval aquasky bluetooth controlled,Fluval heater.Spare led lighting and heater also included + marine accessories. £400 or near offer.
35.Marine tank set up 24/06/19 Yes
I have a Fluval 125 tank and stand with 11kg live rock, coral gravel,Kent marine prskimmer,2x powerheads, fluval aquasky bluetooth controlled,Fluval heater.Also contains Powder blue tang 2x clowns and swveral inverts. Spare led lighting and heater also included + marine accessories. £400 or near o... ...
36.Wanted - Marine Inverts in the Hertfordshire area 22/06/19 No
Currently looking for any marine invertebrates people may be wanting to sell, particularly any hermit crabs, shrimp snails etc. I'm in the Letchworth area but can pick up from most of Hertfordshire/Cambridgeshire.
37.Maroon clownfish for swap 26/04/19 No
Looking to swap my maroon clownfish for either fish, corals, frags, inverts anything let me know. My clowns took a dislike so she is now living in my qt tank for her own protection lol. Message for any swap ideas Thanks
38.Marine Fish & Invert.. 08/12/18 Yes
39.Tank closure various fish and inverts 07/11/18 Yes
I have various for sale including: Boxer shrimp Cleaner shrimp Various crabs in various sizes Various snails Pink Conch Red spot flymo blenny Bangai cardinal Green chromis Open to offers on all as need gone Best deals for multiple collections..... Collection only, bring a net, newbold ver... ...
40.Tank contents: fish & live rock 29/09/18 No
I’m shutting down my marine tank, so I have the tank contents for sale, collection only from Liverpool. Whole lot for £300, or: About 40kg live rock £150 Yellow tang (quite big) £50 Royal gramma £15 6 line wrasse £15 Bicolour blenny £15 Pair of oscillaris clowns £20 Long nosed ha... ...
41.Live corals, Inverts, Live rock, in Complete Marine Tank 16/08/18 Yes
Selling a complete Marine aquarium. This is my pride and joy very mature Marine Fluval 190L black corner aquarium. Selling only because of present unforeseen circumstances and very sad to see it go. Selling as a complete set up for £450. Grab yourselves a bargain. Sensible offers welcome fo... ...
42.Marine fish, inverts, live rock, in 5 foot Marine fish tank 18/07/18 Yes
Complete set up including at least 50 kg of live rock (as seen in pictures) 3 different leather corals, lots of pulsing zenia and live sand. Includes the following fish Regal tang (approx. 6"), yellow tang (approx. 5"), coral beauty, cleaner wrasse, blue cheek goby, and 2/3 red firefish ( was 3 in... ...
43.Marine inverts and fish 04/06/18 No
All stock healthy and good condition. Disease free Cleaner shrimp £10 Electric blue hermit crab £5 Red leg hermit crab £5 Trochus turbo snail x 2 £5 Brittle star £5 Polyps/zoa's £5 Royal Gramma £15 Clownfish pair £20 2 X Talbot damsel £5 each Flame angel (Beautiful, unfortunately ... ...
44.Clean up crew inverts 04/05/18 No
Hi I'm selling marine/reef clean up crew located in Scunthorpe At the minute ive:- TURBO SNAILS £1.25 EACH ALGAE EATING HERMITS £1.25 CERITH SNAILS £1.25 NASSARIUS SNAILS £1.25 AND MORE INVERTS WILL BE ADDED IN TIME
45.Marine fish & Inverts in Complete Marine aquarium 23/04/18 No
1 Zebra Goby, 2 Common Clowns, 4 Blue Chromis, 2 Panama Cardinals, 1 Midnight goby, 1 Midas Blenny, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Six Line Wrasse, 2 Chalk Bob's. 2 Blue Legged Hermit Crabs, 1 Red Legged Hermit Crab. 2 Cleaner Shrimp. Due to illness I sadly have to put my marine tank up for sale. Set up compr... ...
46.Complete Marine Reef System - Evolution Aqua eaReefPro 1500S 17/04/18 Yes
Advertising again due to time wasters. A complete, high-spec reef system including the following equipment: - Evolution Aqua eaReefPro 1500S - IT5012 AuqaOcean LED Marine Lighting System - VorTech MP40w QuietDrive - Maxspect Gyre xf250 with two xf250 pumps - Nyos Quantum 160 Skimmer - Tunze ... ...
47.Complete Marine Reef System - Evolution Aqua eaReefPro 1500S 27/03/18 Yes
A complete, high-spec reef system including the following equipment: - Evolution Aqua eaReefPro 1500S - IT5012 AuqaOcean LED Marine Lighting System - VorTech MP40w QuietDrive - Maxspect Gyre xf250 with two xf250 pumps - Nyos Quantum 160 Skimmer - Tunze 5017 Auto TopOff - Jaebo 4 pump Dosin... ...
48.Fiji Live rock, Marine livestock in Complete Evolution Aqua eaReefPro 1500S 27/03/18 Yes
I have sold off most of the coral now, but a great selection of fish and inverts are included in the sale. There are also a number of soft corals and over 250lb of premium Fiji live rock. In a complete, high-spec reef system including the following equipment: - Evolution Aqua eaReefPro 1500S ... ...
49.Live corals, inverts, fish in Marine tank Red Sea max 250 with sump £450 Ono 15/02/18 Yes
I've decided to sell my tank. It's a Red Sea max 250 with sump, approx 280 litres. Two jebao power heads, eheim heater, return pump and v2 skimmer Aquaroache Rock, corals; hammers, 2x acans, 1x white feather cluster, 1x blasto, 1x yellow sun coral, 3x mushrooms and Zoas on a rock. 3x blood shr... ...
50.Marine fish 13/02/18 No
Wanted, complete marine set up,looking for livestock, marine fish, soft corals, anemone, inverts ,live rock etc or just tank set up ...anything considered ,willing to travel within reason..Thanks.
51.Full reef setup 15/01/18 No
A full set up of a well matured and well established marine reef aquarium up for sale at a bargain price of £850 (ONO). Fishes, corals, rocks and lots more included in the price. (please note, nothing is to be sold separately). Should you wish to find out what is included in the package, please ref... ...
52.Marine tank for sale inc marine fish and inverts 13/01/18 No
Marine aquarium for sale. A Must . Brought may 2017 less than year old. Approximately 280L, four foot tank. Complete set up. Can be viewed by contacting number. Total cost would be approximately exceeding £4000 this includes material shown on receipt (dosing system, protein skimmer, 2 WiFi aqamai w... ...
53.Simply Aquatics, Stockton on Tees 15/12/17 No
Stocking an extensive range of marine fish, corals, inverts, tropical fish, oddballs and coldwater fish plus a well stocked dry goods/ aquarium show room. We are open 7 days a week for all your Fishy needs. Like us on facebook page to take advantage of our 12 days of Christmas daily special offers a... ...
54.Live rock, Marine fish, Inverts in Fluval Marine fish tank set up 09/10/17 Yes
**Selling** Fluval Reef Aquarium. Includes, Tank, 2 drawer,2 door Oak cabinet with drainage system. Led light Protein skimmer, Fluval sea circulation pump ( wave maker), pump and heater. Included in price, Gobi and partner pistol shrimp. 2 Clowns (4cm) 1 orange, 1 black. 1 x scarlet Hawk ... ...
55.Marine fish, Inverts, Rock, in Marine fish and tank 08/09/17 Yes
A bargain at £750. A 170 litre Clear Seal aquarium set up earlier this year. The overall cost of set was approximately £2,000 but due to ill-health my husband cannot manage this and we've got to sell. In addition a certain amount of salt is included, together with test kit, refractor, additional ... ...
56.Wanted - frags coral or inverts 01/09/17 No
hi If you are closing down your marine tank please let me know as I am looking for corals/frags. Many thanks Harry
57.Marine fish, Inverts, in Marine aquarium 28/08/17 Yes
yellow Tang pair of clownfish bicolour dwarf angel five pyjama Cardinal one cleaner shrimp one boxer shrimp quite a few snails and crabs sand sifting goby. Excellent condition ND Aquatics marine aquarium 72"18"24 with sump 50" 12" 18" with three separate chambers vectra m1 return pump heater... ...
65-75 kg of live rock approx Loads of soft corals, mushrooms, Large torch, small hammer, Green bubbletip anemone, star polyps, 2 large fluorescent cabbages. Fish include, Yellow tang, Captive bed regal tang, flame angel, copperband butterfly, solon fairy wrasse, pyjama cardinal and a couple of lyr... ...
59.Marine fish, Corals, Inverts in full marine set up 04/08/17 No
marine fish: a breeding pair of clarki clown fish (lay every fortnight without fail) a regal tang a niger trigger a indian sailfin tang a scopas tang a fox face a emperor angel a hawkfish a couple of blue damsels a banggai cardinal a coral beauty inverts: loads of snails and hermit c... ...
60.full marine set up 04/08/17 No
i am selling my whole set up which includes 6ft long x 30"deep x 24" front too back tank made by nd aquatics and cabinet in silver finish tank and cabinet cost 1600.00 also available is 4 Chinese led light boxes cost 120.00 each a dc15000 controllable return pump cost 140.00 a hydro pe... ...
61.300L Fish Tank cabinet with full setup 17/07/17 No
Here we have my 300L 48" x 17" x 29" included is: tank, cabinet, 1200lph filter system, 300w heater, 20kg of rock, 2 peices of drift wood, 2x 1200lph wave makers, thermometer, 30+ fish and inverts, live plants, substrate, water test kit, water conditioner, food and net! Willing to sell the mature... ...
62.Aquareef 275 cube tank full marine setup £600 ono 14/06/17 Yes
Well established Aquareef 275 cube tank that has been setup for about 4 years. Selling my full marine setup the whole lot needs to go. it also has an led light that has its own timer on it so you never need to turn it on or off it gets brighter or darker every 30 mins depending on the time of day... ...
63.full marine setup £600 ono 14/06/17 Yes
im selling my full marine setup the whole lot needs to go. It is a well established aquareef 275 cube tank that has been setup for about 4 years. It has lots of live rock covered in all sorts of soft corals there are also 4 green chromis 2 black clown fish and a royal gramma and then loads of inv... ...
64.Marine fish, Inverts, Corals, in Aqua One 270litre marine tank 25/05/17 Yes
One clarkii clown, one percola clown, one emporer Cardinal, pistol shrimp, peppermint shrimp, pink urchin, elephant ear coral, pulsing Xenia, button polyps and mushrooms. Aqua One marine tank with all equipment, live rock included. 12 months old. Excellent condition. Wave machine, skimmer, le... ...
65.A Few Kg Of Live Rock WANTED 21/05/17 No
Hi guys. i am setting up a small tank for inverts and wanted to see if i could save a few pennies along the way. I wont need too much. Its a small tank so a few kilos will be fine. Let me know if you can help in anyway please. I can pick up in south Suffolk & North Essex. Maybe some live san... ...
66.Live rock, Inverts, Marine fish in mature marine Aquarium - all to go 11/04/17 Yes
Regal and purple tang, clown fish, shrimps, crabs, tube anaemia, corals, Mature Marine Aquarium with live stock. White, Aqua One, 300 litres with skimmer, pump etc as in full working order is looking for a new home. Price £650. Buy as seen. New owner will need to collect and dismantle to take a... ...
67.200L aquarium with fish and inverts 01/04/17 No
Hi. I'm selling my 200L aquarium with 3 compartment sump. It has two wave makers, pump, protein skimmer and lots more. It has 2 clowns in there and lots of shrimps and other invertebrates.
68.Marine Aquarium with Sump Refurbished 13/03/17 Yes
69.Snowflake Moray Eel 04/02/17 Yes
Snowflake Moray Eel for sale. Approximately 12" long. Owned for 2 years without any issues. Large, established tank with plenty of rock is required. Best tank mates: fast moving, aggressive fish (puffer, lion fish, damsels, blennies, some wrasse etc). Fed muscles, prawns, squid - eats well... ...
70.Top Marine Fish Keeping Books 02/02/17 No
Ive got a collections of Marine Fish keeping and Coral/inverts. There is 10 books in total they are as follows: Algae: A problem solvers guide (Julian Sprungs) £8 Invertebrates: A quick reference guide (Julian Sprungs) £25 Corals :A quick reference guide (Julian Sprungs) £20 Clownfishes ... ...
71.Unwanted Marine fish and inverts collected and rehoused free of charge 14/01/17 Yes
Marine Fish and inverts collected and rehomed, anything considered and will be housed in our large tanks happy to pay a small fee, can collect any time or pretty much anywhere as we have a national network of members who are hand picked to re home any offered marine species. donations of equipmen... ...
72.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
73.Marine fish, Inverts, Corals, Live rock, etc in Marine set up 15/11/16 No
Live Rock lots of with different soft corals Clown fish African clown, coral beauty Anthias Purple stripe dottyback Cleaner shrimp Hermits Turbo snails Sand snails I am having to sell my much loved fish tank. The tank is Jewel 120 lido and is 1year and a half old. It is in perfect cond... ...
74.AQUA FISH SOMPTING 31/10/16 Yes
Aquatic Specialists in Sompting (near Worthing), West Sussex selling a vast selection of Fish and Aquatic supplies inc • Marine Fish, Corals & Inverts • Tropical Fish • Malawi & Tanganyika Cichlids • Coldwater Fish • Pond Fish • Aquatic Plants • Aquarium Gravel & Décor • F... ...
75.Red Sea MAX E260 Marine Aquarium - Complete setup only 6 months old 03/10/16 Yes
Great opportunity to purchase a fantastic Marine Aquarium with everything you need. -The Aquarium- 1 x Red Sea MAX E260 260 litre Aquarium 1 x Red Sea custom stand in White 1 x Red Sea electrical connection and distribution unit (for easy connection of pumps, heaters, lighting etc. 2 x H... ...
76.Live rock, Marine fish, Live corals, in Red Sea MAX E260 Marine Aquarium 03/10/16 No
-Marine Habitat and Livestock- £500 worth of living rock (with inverts) Applicable amount of Coral Sand (highest grade) 1 x pair of rare Jigsaw Clownfish (male and female) 1 x Sailfin Tang 3 x Lyretail Anthias 1 x Corel Beauty Angel 1 x 6 line Wrasse 2 x Bengal Cardinals 1 x Emper... ...
77.Live rock 16/09/16 No
I have 100-120 kilos of live rock no nasties.Returning to discus.also have equipment fish and inverts for sale.Please phone07764455095 for details.ps.i want £400-for the live rock.
78.Marine fish and inverts in Aqua one 400 L full set up 03/09/16 No
Includes 1 regal tang,2 clown fish,3 green chromis,3 red legged hermits,3 blue legged hermits,3 snails,2 peppermint shrimps,1 cleaner shrimp.Everything you need to set up.Lack of time forces sale. £850 ono Maldon Essex.Vicky 07561109357 email for pictures: sookie671@gmail.com
79.Marine fish and cuc wanted 24/08/16 Yes
Wanting to add some Fish to my 550ltr fully cycled reef system Fish, inverts, cuc, live rock etc please cheap as possible if not free
80.Wanted marine fish/inverts and coral 28/07/16 No
Hi, I have a 7x2.5x2 marine tank been running about 3 months now have some livestock such as clowns and chromis, the tank is looking a tad bit empty. So if anyone is breaking tank and needing a new home give me a shout with what you have and prices. Thanks Jo
81.breaking down tank 20/07/16 No
breaking down a 6*2.5*3 foot tank..all inverts and live rock must go. special interest are large montiporas and a carpet anemone over a foot across. about 170kg of live rock maybe more, but will need corals to be purchased first. contact for details and prices.
82.Live corals, Marine fish, in Full tank setup 15/07/16 Yes
Approx 220l sumped tank, with pumps, and livestock included. Stock in the tank Includes a pair of misbar Clowns plus anenome, bi colour Blenny, Sixline Wrasse, Blue Mandarin. (Additional Orange Goby, 2green Gobies, Prawn Goby and Aptasia eating Filefish also available in separate tank) Corals, V... ...
83.Marine fish, soft corals, anemone, inverts in Marine SetUp for Sale or Swap 10/06/16 No
The following live stock and Corals -Regal Tang -Yellow Tang -3x Humbug Damsels -Fireball Angel -Fire Shrimp -Caribbean Anemone -Cleaner Shrimp -Haloween Hermits -sand sifting snail -Toad stool coral -zoa coral I am selling my marine set up due to work and other commitments. I have a... ...
84.marine fish, inverts, corals, plus tank and contents for sale 24/05/16 Yes
I have Pearlscale butterfly £35 2 x cleaner shrimps £20 4 x percula clownfish £50 3 x blood fin anthias £60 Around 8 hermits red and black £10 6 ish turbo snails including a super turbo £10 Aqua rock with Kenya tree and mushrooms on £140 Purple mushrooms £25 Green mushrooms £25 ... ...
85.Live rock, Inverts, Marine fish, Soft corals, in full Marine Aquarium 24/05/16 No
Live rock work and inverts and soft corals. Fish also 1 clown, female Bellus Angel, pair of Blue Throat Triggers, 1 wrasse, 1 Purple Tang, 1 Yellow Tang and large Pink Spot Goby. The above are in a bespoke made marine aquarium and stand with everything.40x26x22 inch Aquarium and two door stand ,f... ...
86.Marine Aquarium 24/05/16 No
Bespoke made marine aquarium and stand with everything.40x26x22 inch Aquarium and two door stand ,filter is built along the back wall of the tank with two return pumps,two heaters,phosphate reactor and protein skimmer also includes all live rock work and inverts and soft corals. Fish also 1clown,fem... ...
87.marine fish, inverts, live rock, in fluval m90 full marine setup 19/05/16 No
Around 20kg of mature live rock with differant corals on all growing well and about 3 to 4 inch of well mature sand also includes clown fish,large blue tang, banggi cardinal,banana wrass. red scotter blenny loads of red and orange hermit crabs, nassarius snails ,strawberry conch.emerald crabs and c... ...
88.Marine fish and inverts in Large full marine setup 4ft x 2ft x 2.5ft 30/04/16 No
Marine Fish: Regal tang Orange stripped bristletooth tang 2x clown fish Cleaner wrasse Royal grammar 2x green chromis Clown goby Around 800ltrs Inc sump comes with lots of live rock Invertebrates: Cleaner shrimp Sandsifting starfish (large) 3x nasarias snails Gorilla crab (in sump) ... ...
89.Atoll Reefs: Coral, SPS, LPS, Soft, Inverts 18/04/16 Yes
Here at Atoll reefs we have a Large Number of corals ready for shipping or collection, Superman mushrooms 8.00 Green mushrooms 20.00 Red mushrooms 20.00 Purple mushrooms 20.00 Watermelon mushrooms 20.00 Green elephants 15.00 Giant green mushroom 15.... ...
90.We are now stocking Marine fish, corals and inverts again at The world of fish and pets Birmingham open all over Easter holidays 27/03/16 Yes
After a break of 5 years to expand shop we are now selling marine fish, corals etc again Marine fish unit all up and running some ready to go now last weeks marine fish are now ready to sell these include percula clowns clarkii clowns coral beauty coral goby green anthias ark eye hawk fish ... ...
91.Stunning Complete Marine Reef system 20/03/16 Yes
This solid oak marine system has been adored for several years with much time and effort being given to it, to produce an incredible reef system that is fully mature and beautiful. This is the 5ft solid oak, Maidenhead aquatics systemised reef tank with weir and sump version. It consists of t... ...
92.Wanted invert, fish, corals, rock in Grimsby,hull, Scunthorpe area 16/03/16 No
Hi if anyone selling unwanted inverts, fish, rock or corals drop me a message on 07548482205 can pick up
93.Neocaridina wild type 25p.each. 12/03/16 Yes
Scientific Name: Neocaridina heteropoda var. "wild". Origin: Asia. Size male/female: 0.8/0.9 inch Water temperature: 68-78 F (20-26 *C) Water parameters: pH 6.5 - 7.8 Breeding rate: High Behaviour: Non-aggressive Difficulty: Easy For more informations follow the lin... ...
94.Marine fish and inverts for sale 20/02/16 No
Changing my setup so need to clear out, so i have for sale Pair of maron clown fish Sea urchin Sea cucumber 3ft Red fire shrimp Peppermint shrimp Hermit crabs Snails / various Open to reasonable offers will sell all togther or seperate (clown fish must be bought togther)
95.live corals and inverts in marine setup 02/12/15 No
hi selling my marine setup as i finding at hard for me to cope due to health problems. i only have two cromies(green),four hermits,one snail, rock are covered with corals pulsing xenia and other live corals. tank is an aquamarine 900 with marysis 2 sump, it also comes with red sea testing equipmen... ...
96.Lots Of New SPS, LPS and Fish For Black Friday 27/11/15 No
Hello Everyone, I managed to get a few stock photo's done this evening. Lots of other Fish/ Inverts and corals in stock also for Black Friday Weekend (Lots of deals not to be missed in store!). Please follow the link to see more pictures..
97.Marine fish, corals, inverts, in Marine Aquarium for sale - complete setup 28/10/15 No
1 x Yellow Tang 1 x Regal Tang 1 x Clown 1 x Engineer Goby Corals / clean up crew Live rock /sand TMC Signature 90 Aquarium 2 x Aqua One 8000 Wave makers 2 x Aqua One wave maker Magnets TMC Skimmer Aqua One Mariglo LED Lighting 2 x Wave makers in sump Accessories / tubs / TMC re... ...
98.Quality Corals, Inverts and Marine Fish in Fluval M60 for Sale £300 Bargain 19/10/15 Yes
Fluval M60 Complete Reef Setup in Excellent Condition. Livestock: 2x clown fish - 1x royal gramma 1x fire shrimp 2x hermit crabs and. Few snails 1x pink goniopora - bought for £50 1x 3 head hammer coral bought for £45 1x large ultra orange acanthstrea with around 20 polyps - boug... ...
99.live rock, select corals, inverts, marine fish, in 94liter full marine set up for sale 27/09/15 Yes
I have my 94L kent bio reef full marine set up only 12months old still like new comes with live rock and corals such as Kenya trees hammer heads torch corals purple gonepora polups orange plate coral there are about 12 in total a pair of common clowns peacock wrasse goby clearer shrimp fire shrimp s... ...
100.Wanted Aquarium Shop Manager 18/09/15 Yes
Hi everyone, My name is Justin Haber and I'm the director of JustBes ltd , where one of our entities is JustWater- https://www.facebook.com/JWMalta Our company is based in Malta , and we build anything from 100 liter aquarium up to lagoons and public aquariums. We also have the largest and on... ...
101.Full time Job in Malta 18/09/15 Yes
Hi everyone, My name is Justin Haber and I'm the director of JustBes ltd , where one of our entities is JustWater- https://www.facebook.com/JWMalta Our company is based in Malta , and we build anything from 100 liter aquarium up to lagoons and public aquariums. We also have the largest and on... ...
102.World of Water Staines Marine Stock 02/09/15 No
MARINE FISH Green Chromis Orange Line Chromis Yellow Tangs Blue and White Wrasse (M/L) Barnacle Blennys Yellow Coral Gobies Green Face Wrasse Keyhole Angels Red Specled Coral Gobies Blue Star Damsels Monti-Bug wrasse Blue eyed Tang Queen Wrasse Wreck Fish Coll... ...
103.For SALE: Juwel Trigon 190 + Marine Set up + Fish & Corals (MK18 7DE) 28/08/15 No
Hi all, I'm breaking down my marine tank, here is a list of available items: Equipment: 1x Juwel Trigon 190L + stand (black) £100 1x Juwel T5 light unit + bulbs + spare bulbs + reflectors (around 1y old) £50 (reserved for Paul) 2x TMC Aquaray (Marine White) one of them with faded 1 LED £2... ...
104.ANGEL AQUATICS - Specialists in marine & tropical fish & inverts 17/08/15 Yes
Here at Angel Aquatics we pride ourselves on great customer service, good quality products at competive prices. We carry a large selection of corals from high colour zoanthids, sps frags & colonies, and lps. We also have a good selection of quality fish and dry goods to suit all your aquatic needs. ... ...
105.Marine rock, inverts, marine fish, in Red Sea Max Reefer 450 12/08/15 No
*25 kg rock £250 *Soft Coral - £50 *1 x Purple lobster *1 x Cleaner shrimp *1 x Fire shrimp *4 x Chromis The above in my Red Sea Max Reefer 450 (Everything listed is under 3 months old)in perfect condition with no scratches to tank & cabinet is as new. *Ecotech RMS XR15w P... ...
106.The Ark Outpost Stock List 11/08/15 Yes
The Ark Outpost New Arrivals 11/08/2015 Black Line Pipefish (Stunning) £15 2” Red Carnation Discus £18 2” Blue Diamond Discus £18 3.5” Clown Loach £8 Silver Arowana £22 Orinoco Peacock Bass £12 Monoculus Peacock Bass £12 Geophagus Winimilleri £12 Rocket Gar £10 Archer F... ...
107.Marine fish, inverts, live rock, in 4x2x2 marine setup 22/07/15 No
For sale is my 4x2x2 tank with sump on a steel stand this was my project tank and as u can see it's unfinished. The front of the tank is scratched so would need replacing unless u can deal with it like I have with the tank you will get: Tank also comes with live rock not sure on weight A zoa/... ...
108.Full time Job in Malta 19/07/15 No
Hi everyone, My name is Justin Haber and I'm the director of JustBes ltd , where one of our entities is JustWater- https://www.facebook.com/JWMalta Our company is based in Malta , and we build anything from 100 liter aquarium up to lagoons and public aquariums. We also have the largest and on... ...
109.New shop open now 19/07/15 Yes
Check Facebook group out to see the progress https://m.facebook.com/groups/443944909108940?ref=bookmark Soon be stocking Goldfish Tetras Dwarf cichlids American cichlids Plecos Corys Guppies Mollies Ect ect all your freshwater needs will be catered for. Plus Saltwater fish ... ...
110.marine fish, corals, inverts, in whole marine set up 16/07/15 Yes
Live stock includes: one yellow tang pair of common clowns pair of dart fish, bi coloured angel and a cleaner shrimp also clean up crew including hermit crabs and snails , also have a few corals mushrooms and finger coral Aqua medic 3 foot 280 litre tank with stand thick glass sump on the back of... ...
111.Corals, Inverts, Live rock, Marine fish in Aqua one reef 300. 29/06/15 No
Hi for sale is my Aqua one reef 300. Livestock, loads of live rock not sure weight wise. About 10+ red bubble tip anemones they keep splitting, loads of pulsing Xenia, green star polyps, Kenya tree, cabbage coral and a giant toadstool. Fish: 1x regal tang 1x sohal tang 1x engineer goby 1x cl... ...
112.Reef inverts, marine fish, live rock, in RSM250 for sale 22/06/15 Yes
Numerous inverts: crabs, star fish and various molluscs Yellow tang, dwarf African flameback angel, 2x Humbugs & 2x goldentail damsels. Multicolour mushrooms and anemones. House move is reluctantly forcing the sale of my fully stocked RSM250 that has been matured over the past 4 years. Consist... ...
113.Fully stocked Red Sea Max 250 for sale 22/06/15 Yes
Hi, house move is reluctantly forcing the sale of my fully stocked RSM250 that has been matured over the past 4 years. Consists of; RSM250, original pumps, light and skimmer setup DC750 chiller V2 pure 75 RO SYSTEM 20+kg of live rock Numerous inverts: crabs, star fish and various molluscs Yel... ...
114.130 Red Sea Max - Total Setup inc fish.... 21/06/15 Yes
Hi! Due to the birth of our son we are in a position where we are unable to give enough attention to our tank. We are looking to sell up for a good price, whilst being happy the animals are going to be well looked after... The tank is a red sea max 130 litre. Currently one powerhead is working and... ...
115.Live rock, corals, inverts, in Marine complete set up for sale Bargain price 08/06/15 Yes
Approx 25 kilo of Live rock Tank is full of various soft corals, sps and 2 Anemones. Fish included Purple tang 5 Clownfish (there is a pair) 2 x Regal tangs (one is a yellow bellied regal) 2 x Fire shrimp 1 x Algae blenny 1 x Chalk goby 1 x Sea urchin 1 x Orange starfish 1 x Cleaner wrass... ...
116.Marine 90 litre full set up with fish, inverts, corals, live rock, will split live stock must go first 25/05/15 No
90 litre Tmc tank, aqua one marine lighting, heater, protein skimmer, two power heads. Livestock: 2 black tomato clowns, 2 yellow tail damsels, 1 fire fish, I chalk gobey, I yellow sunrise dotty back. 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 sand sifting starfish,1 Fire shrimp, 1 mandarin loads of hermit crabs. Lots... ...
117.Marine fish, coral, inverts in 55L full aquaone nano 22/05/15 No
Im selling my 55L aquaone nano marine aquarium. Livestock - Linear blenny (sex unknown) - Large cleaner shrimp - Mythrax crab - 2 scarlet hermits - Turbo snail - Nassarius snail - 4 trochus snails - Large and a couple small clumps of pulsing xenia - Tennis ball size ball of sun coral -... ...
118.marine fish, inverts, corals, kive rock, in full set up 19/05/15 No
livestock as follows: yellow tang 2 anemones and 1 tubue anemone powder blue tang sailfin tang foxface pair of clowns lipstick tang sand sifter goby aglea eater blue goby pyjama wrasse scooter blenny 2 cleaner shrimps 2 crabs dancing shrimp over 20 corals live rock . tank 43x2... ...
120.Marine fish, inverts, corals, live rock, in Boyu TL-450 Marine Set Up 15/05/15 No
Full set-up which will include 1 clownfish, 1 white goby, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 turbo snail, 2 hermits, 2 nassarius snails, 7kg of live rock with a large selection of mushrooms, zoas and ricordias, food, refractometer, nets, water containers, scrubber and pippetes. The above are housed in my modifi... ...
121.Fish and Inverts wanted 06/05/15 No
Looking for fish and inverts for a new tank. I am located in the milton keynes area, but am willing to travel for the right fish at right prices.
122.tropical and marine fish and inverts (shrimp) 28/04/15 No
Marine fish Skunk clown (large) - £10 Watchman goby (large) - £10 Fire shrimp - £10 Tuxedo urchin - £7 Tropicalfish Flying fox £4 Male dwarf red gurami £4 2x neons £4 peppered cory £4 Willing to negotiated prices if you buy more than one. Collection from Basset, Southampton
123.live rock, corals, inverts, marine fissh, in 4ft marine aquarium 24/04/15 No
50 kilo live rock mushroom/leather/Kenya tree coral refractometer spare powerheads 2 clowns regal tang yellow tang 2 mandarins orange cheek gobi 3 damsels 2 firefish cleaner/pistol shrimp 2 fireshrimp 6 line wrass 1 cromis Clearseal tank 4x2x2/sump full setup led light lots of extras £450 co... ...
124.marine fish, inverts, and corals in 5 ft reef tank 22/04/15 Yes
Reef tank as picture with fish, inverts, and corals as picture 5ft long 2ft deep 28inch tall with sud tank filtration Needs to go within next couple of weeks!
125.Sixhills Aquatics , Grimsby. NEW STOCK IN weekly 14/04/15 Yes
CHECKOUT OUR youtube MAY 2014 shop tour Grimsby's best kept fishy secret. runner up in the PFK readers poll Yorks and Humber region retailer of the year 2011.Top 40 shops PFK 2014 CHECK OUT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE TO SEE SOME OF OUR NEW TROPICAL AND MARINE STOCK. shop owner Alan Hodgson who has 28+ yea... ...
126.Marine fish, inverts, corals, live rock, in full set up 13/04/15 Yes
2 black tomato clowns, 2 yellow tail damsels, 1 fire fish, I chalk gobey, I yellow sunrise dotty back. 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 sand sifting starfish,1 Fire shrimp, 1 mandarin loads of hermit crabs. Lots of various corals including an anemone. 9 kilos of live rock. The above in 90 litre Tmc tank, aqua... ...
127.Clown fish, marine shrimps, inverts in reef setup £300 09/04/15 Yes
Full marine setup with all corals and live stock water tubs and more tank is a Kent marine 100ltr tank full of live corals and fish this tank as been setup as a reef tank so there are just 2 clown fish and shrimp unit as well as inverts please any questions please ring 07541783909 £300
128.Kent marine 100ltr setup £300 09/04/15 No
Full Kent marine 100ltr tank reef setup with all corals and live stock water tubs and more. tank is full of live corals and fish this tank as been setup as a reef tank so there are just 2 clown fish and shrimp unit as well as inverts please any questions please ring 07541783909 £300 Photos: www.... ...
129.Shop for Marine coral, fish, inverts, Sps, lps, lots for your aquarium based in midlands 05/04/15 Yes
Welcome to UZ Ultrazoanthids where we bring affordability to fellow enthusiasts with a love for the hobby. Www.ultrazoanthids.co.uk Take a look and like our Facebook page to see daily special offers and regular updates on stock choice and start enjoying the savings for yourself. https://www.fa... ...
130.Marine fish and inverts in fluval roma 240 02/04/15 No
I'm selling my marine aquarium Tank and cabinet ant all contents due to joining the army and it will be to hard for my family members to look after it. live fiji rock roughly 10kgs several corals 1 clown fish 1 blue eyed tang 1 golden damsel 1 yellow reef goby 1 bicoloured blenny 1 6 line ... ...
131.Live rock, Corals and Inverts in Red Sea Max 130D 31/03/15 No
For sale, in red Sea max 130d: coral beauty, boxer shrimp, lots of hermit crabs and other sorts of crabs, starfish n other crustaions, but mainly coral, the stock is as follows, about 45 kg high grade live fijian rock, different colour hammerheads and mumushrooms, a large monti plate coral lots ... ...
132.Corals and inverts wanted (west or east mids) 10/03/15 No
Looking for more corals mostly LPS and more clean up crew for my tank. Need to be local to the West Midlands but will travel for the right deal. 07884376586....
133.Live rock, Fish, inverts, corals and anenomes -n Redsea CMax 250 02/03/15 No
I am reluctantly forced to sell my full set up, complete with Live rock, Fish, inverts, corals and anenomes etc ... Plus wave maker, auto top up and plenty more items. The whole set up has cost over £3000.00 since last May when the tank was purchased. Open to reasonable offers. Picture in ... ...
134.Redsea CMax 250 White - Full Set up For Sale 02/03/15 Yes
Due to working away I am reluctantly forced to sell my full set up, complete with Live rock, Fish, inverts, corals and anenomes etc ... Plus wave maker, auto top up and plenty more items. The whole set up has cost over £3000.00 since last May when the tank was purchased. Open to reasonable of... ...
135.Marine lights for sale 26/02/15 No
Marine reef and inverts t8 pro lights 14 blue moonlight,Uva and actinic for healthy corals 2 x 42" 38 watt 4 x 36" 30 watt 1 x 34" 39 watt 2 x 30" 25 watt 1 x 22" 24 watt 2 x 18" 15 watt 2 x 15" 14 watt 2 x reef daylight promotes growth of corals and macro... ...
136.Marine fish and inverts and tank for sale 24/02/15 Yes
Hi selling my marine fish tank comes with Bubble tip nem Pair of clown fish Sand sifting goby Citron clown goby Few snails and hermit crabs Loads of live rock and sand Aqua one mg-600 light unit Aqua Ray bule led light Wp25 wave maker V2400 skimmer Ocean runner 3500 ret... ...
137.wanted : marine fish and inverts area dudley Brierley Hill Stourbridge etc 10/02/15 No
Wanted asap txt only 07804 76 75 79
138.For sale live marine ROTIFERS 04/02/15 No
Hi , for sale live marine rotifers ,'l' strain brachionus plicatilis , fully enriched. Great first for marine fry such as clownfish , also great food for corals and filter feeding inverts. I have an apc account and can arrange next day delivery. £7 per litre. 07964 346770
139.marine aquarium. 03/02/15 No
am putting out a few feelers as to interest in my marine aquarium.8ftx2ftx3fthigh light pine effect cabinet ans surround.100kgs live rock.skimmers reactors uv lights twin 4ft led canopies. looking for £1000- will not except any offers as rock alone is worth this amount. fish and inverts included.if... ...
140.Aqua One Aqua Reef 275 Cube complete marine reef 24/01/15 No
Aqua One - Aqua Reef 275 Cube Black Photos available on request. Too large for the ad it seems :( Location: Market Harborough. 18 miles North of Northampton, 18 miles south of Leicester. Seller: Alistair Phone: 07533 873677 email: alistairgirvan@hotmail.com Price: £600 cash on collec... ...
141.wanted - marine fish corals or frags and inverts 20/01/15 No
Im after some stock for my tank. No silly prices. Text or call only 07804 76; 75 79
142.4x2x2 coral reef aquarium, full set up , fish , inverts, live rock 11/01/15 Yes
There are around 100 kg of live rock, 20 kg of live sand , mushroom coral, furry mushroom coral, elephants ear coral, polyp coral. Also 2 orange lip cronch, 2 urchins, 2 clown fish, coral beauty, royal tang, hawian spotted tang, green cromis. Tank is 4x2x2 front and sides are one piece , corner w... ...
143.Full marine fish tank with corals, inverts , some fish £400 11/12/14 Yes
Marine reef fish tank setup sell all together 60-70+key live rock been in different tanks I have had over the years lots of growth there is a few left a pair of pink talbot damsels a blue damsel a electric damsel a fugi damsel cleaner shrimp / crabs / turbo snails / sand sifting star fish / baby s... ...
144.Exotic Marine Corals For Sale - Great Bargains 28/11/14 Yes
Welcome To "The Aquarium Centre" Please read below but here's our initial fish stock list. Our fish are all supplied from here in the UK and are used to aquarium conditions. Marine Corals For Sale Size: Large (For Species): 2 x Rose Bubble Tipped Anemone 1 x Finger Soft Coral 1 x Fro... ...
145.Complete Marine Set Up For Sale - 5 Foot Juwel Tank 15/11/14 Yes
** For Sale ** COMPLETE MARINE SET UP JUWEL 5 Foot Tank Tank (150 x 51 x 66 (LxDxH)) Cabinet (151 x 51 x 73 (LxDxH)) Whole Set Up: Juwel Internal Filter Eheim Pro 2 External Filter 2 Power Heads Eheim Heater V2 Vecton 400 UV Steriliser TMC V2 Skim 600 External Skimmer Arcadi... ...
146.Rimless/Braceless High Gloss White Full Setup 04/11/14 Yes
Due to new arrival im selling my setup i wont be splitting any equipment or fish/inverts need it to go as a whole the tank is 48x24x16 rimless/braceless shallow setup and the sump is 36x12x18 divided into 3 sections equipment wise i have 1 vortech mp40w which is virtually silent and 1 vortech mp10w ... ...
147.Full marine setup with corals, inverts, marine fish and top level equipment 08/10/14 Yes
Lots of soft corals including zoas and a leather mushroom that is about a foot high and 14 inch wide! other small corals such as xenia and Kenyan trees which are multiplying! tons of live rock that is maturing nicely - some 2yrs old with plenty of live sand bed. pair of mating clowns lay eggs... ...
148.fluval m60 marine setup with marine fish, live rock,inverts 05/09/14 Yes
Hi im selling my fluval m60 reef aquarium as i no longer have the time to look after it. It comes with fluval led strip lighting (which is great) fluval cp2 powerhead, fluval m100 watt submersible heater, fluval return pump, bubble magus nac qq skimmer. Livestock; I have a pair of clowns and x2 ... ...
149.Neocaridina Heteropoda var. wild shrimps £1/ each. 11/08/14 Yes
Scientific Name: Neocaridina heteropoda var. "wild". Origin: Asia. Size male/female: 0.8/0.9 inch Water temperature: 68-78 F (20-26 *C) Water parameters: pH 6.5 - 7.8 Breeding rate: High Behaviour: Non-aggressive Difficulty: Easy For more informations follow the link: http:/... ...
150.Trigon 350 beech. Marine fish only setup. Fish sold 03/08/14 Yes
Hi guys. Here is my trigon 350. (Only one set of lights with reflectors) For sale for £350. Good overall condition. Very little scratching. Coral and rock can be included for £420 air pump and stones also included. Fluval 406 and media included (needs carbon change) The rock is both ree... ...
151.Marine Supplier in Staffordshire, Urban Ocean Aquatics. Fish, Corals, Inverts, Cuc 29/06/14 Yes
URBAN OCEAN AQUATICS! Marine only aquatics store based in Stafford. Suppliers of quality Marine fish, corals, invertebrates with the emphasis on catering for nano reefs. Weekly deliveries of livestock from trusted wholesalers and importers. A full range of soft and hard corals, frags starting fr... ...
152.Marine Fish and inverts wanted 28/06/14 No
Hi I'm looking for fish and inverts i have a bare 300litre tank with only live rock so I'm looking to stock it up, so if you are looking to get rid of you stock send me a text with prices or pack deal Im in Tamworth Midlands im willing to travel for right deal 07884376586.
153.Twin spot wrasse 23/06/14 Yes
Twin spot wrasse About 6-7 inch long Between juvenile & adult colour In good health & eating well. £ 30 ovno or exchange for a Reef safe fish, coral, or inverts.
154.Corals Frags Inverts and marine fish 12/04/14 Yes
Coral Creations unit 7 north street industrial estate Droitwich wr9 8jb 01905 780 090 We have a good selection of corals and coral frags and Clean up crew....
155.Closing down 120 gallon, N London, 5 mins J25 M25 04/04/14 No
I am selling live stock 1st then the rest. here is a link on youtube of the actual tank contents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvaHlXFK_hk I will try to get some coral pics up later. I will give bigger discounts the more you take. Fish: yellow tang £50, Emperor angel £50, coral b... ...
156.QUALITYFISHONLINE - We sell quality tropical and cold water fish, we now have new inverts 17/03/14 Yes
GO TO QUALITYFISHONLINE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW!! Find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/qualityfishonline FISH LIST: Black Angel 2.90 Ghost Angel 4.90 Koi Angel 2.90 Leopard Angel 5.00 Marble Angel 3.00 Zebra - Sm 2.50 Zebra Angel - Lge 12.00 Crab - Red Claw... ...
157.Marine Fish and Corals fantastic offers 50p Hermit Crabs 07/03/14 Yes
Sea Store Aquatics in Rotherham South Yorkshire have over 1000 hermit crabs in stock for this weekend at just 50p each. Great offers on other clean up crew and inverts too! We also have in stock Arrow Head Crabs, Coral Crabs, Emerald Crabs, Tuxedo Urchins, Bristle stars, Chrystal Shrimps, pistol shr... ...
158.Maidenhead Aquatics@Shirley New Marine stock list (25/2/14) 06/03/14 No
New Marine Fish and inverts Shipment Arrived on 25/2/14 and are on sale now, Please phone the shop for more details. Miami Chalk Bass Peppermint shrimp Rock Anemone Emerald Crabs Scarlet Hermits Nassarius Snails Cerith Snails Ricordea polyps (Orange, Blue, Green and bicolour) Soft Cora... ...
159.Marine Fish and Corals fantastic offers 28/02/14 Yes
Sea Store Aquatics in Rotherham South Yorkshire have over 1000 hermit crabs in stock for this weekend at just 50p each. Great offers on other clean up crew and inverts too! We also have in stock Arrow Head Crabs, Coral Crabs, Emerald Crabs, Tuxedo Urchins, Bristle stars, Chrystal Shrimps, pistol shr... ...
160.Marine Fish and Corals fantastic offers 20/02/14 Yes
Sea Store Aquatics in Rotherham South Yorkshire have over 1000 hermit crabs in stock for this weekend at just 50p each. Great offers on other clean up crew and inverts too! We also have in stock Arrow Head Crabs, Coral Crabs, Emerald Crabs, Tuxedo Urchins, Bristle stars, Chrystal Shrimps, pistol shr... ...
161.Quality marines 12/02/14 Yes
Harlington world of pets. Sell a wide range of marine fish and inverts. Dry goods and a wide range of aquariums.
162.marine corals / inverts & fish for sale cheshire 09/02/14 Yes
We have a wide range of corals/fish and inverts for sale such as boxer shrimp hermit crabs snails foxface cleaner wrasse fairytale wrasse bluehead wrasse chalk goby unicorn tangs leather toadstool yellow centre zoas red mushrooms blue clove polyps and many more, please get in touch... ...
163.Marine Fish and Corals fantastic offers 31/01/14 No
Sea Store Aquatics in Rotherham South Yorkshire have over 1000 hermit crabs in stock for this weekend at just £1 each. Great offers on other clean up crew and inverts too! We also have in stock Arrow Head Crabs, Coral Crabs, Emerald Crabs, Tuxedo Urchins, Bristle stars, Chrystal Shrimps, pistol shr... ...
164.NEW Marine Only Store in Worthing - South Coast Marines 31/01/14 Yes
South Coast Marines is a new Marine Only Fish Store in Worthing. We stock a wide variety of Fish, Corals, Inverts and Dry Goods :-). For regular Livestock updates please visit our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SouthCoastMarines Or come in and see us, our opening times are Tuesday-Sat... ...
165.Marine Fish and Corals fantastic offers 16/01/14 Yes
Sea Store Aquatics in Rotherham South Yorkshire have over 1000 hermit crabs and 300 turbo snails in stock for this weekend at just £1 each. Great offers on other clean up crew and inverts too! We also have in stock Arrow Head Crabs, Coral Crabs, Emerald Crabs, Tuxedo Urchins, Bristle stars, Chrysta... ...
166.Red Sea Max 130d 15/01/14 Yes
I am reluctantly selling my Red Sea max 130d tank as a fully stocked marine set up.It is approx 3 years old and is is in good condition and in good working order.It comes complete with a variety of equipment,including testing kits,filter media,spare skimmer pump,additives and numerous other dry goo... ...
167.Marine reef aquarium 14/01/14 Yes
I have my 4x2x2 reef aquarium for sale Equipment list 4x2x2 aquarium with 3x1.5x1.5 3 chamber sump with ro compartment Vortech mp40 power head with controller 2xaquailluminations sol blue 40/70 led lights with controller Bubble magus curve 7 skimmer Bm phosphate reactor Arcadia gyractor ... ...
168.corals fish inverts for sale 12/01/14 Yes
loads of corals for sale sps -orange setosa -acro -montie -huge plana -hystrix lots more lps -hammer -green hammer -green frogspawn -fox coral lots more softies -loads of huge mushroom rocks - xeina -gsp -bsp lots more inverts -hermits -conch -huge purpl... ...
169.Looking for live rock/corals and marine fish/inverts 30/12/13 No
Hi I have a new set up and am looking for all of the above - please contact me with anything you may have for sale in Oxfordshire/Warwickshire/Worcestershire/Gloucs and Birmingham - am very central to all of these areas also able to collect from Southampton/Portsmouth area. Many Thanks
170.Wanted marine fish 01/12/13 No
Any marine fish,inverts or corals/frags now setting up my tank thanks Michael 07871690501 please contact through phone thanks
171.Custom built marine room NOW OPEN 10/11/13 No
Our brand new custom built marine room is now open and houses one of the south wests largest collections of marine fish, inverts and corals. With weekly trips to TMC to hand pick livestock, we can aim to deliver both amazing quality livestock at very good prices. Visit us at Fat Fish Aquatic... ...
172.Custom built marine room NOW OPEN 10/11/13 No
Our brand new custom built marine room is now open and houses one of the south wests largest collections of marine fish, inverts and corals. With weekly trips to TMC to hand pick livestock, we can aim to deliver both amazing quality livestock at very good prices. Visit us at Fat Fish Aquatic... ...
173.marine complete setup BARGAIN REDUCED 06/11/13 Yes
Here i have my aqua one 660 full set up complete with stand built in filter, heater, on a oak effect stand. It comes with a load of fish, inverts, corals and live rock inside and also accessories! A Hawaiian orange hermit crab A pistol shrimp Clownfish pair they have spawned 4 times but th... ...
174.Marine fish and inverts 30/10/13 No
For sale two tomato clowns female 3 inch male 1 inch £15 for both also tiger cowrie 3 inch £10
175.Marine Fish & Marine Inverts Home Delivery Service 16/10/13 Yes
Kent Aquatics To Your Door is a dedicated Delivery Service for all you aquatic fans based in Kent, We offer a weekly delivery direct to your door of Cold Water, Tropical, Marine Fish and Dry Goods
176.Soft coral pom pom xenia 08/10/13 No
Medium - large pieces of pink pulsing pom pom Xenia on pest free live rock. £4 per piece. I would be willing to swap for other coral/fish/inverts. Collection from London (finchley). For negotiations and more info or pics call me, david, on 07772393715 or email me at shatzkes.David@gmail.com
177.Juwel 190 aquarium set up for marines inc inverts, fish, etc 03/10/13 Yes
Juwel 190 aquarium, internal filter, eheim pro3 external filter, sump, live rock, stunning piece of Aquaroche porous ceramic rock. 3 Tunze powerheads, Tunze Overflow, Red Sea protein skimmer, Vecton UV filter, 1/2 tub of reef crystals salt, V2 Refractometer, JBL Marin Test Lab, Giesemann metal halid... ...
178.£320 - Full Marine Set Up, Jewel Vison 260 3FT Bow front inc fish, rock, inverts 02/10/13 Yes
What it comes with and value: £450 Jewel Vison 260, £100 T5 Lighting Unit with Marine Blue and White bulbs, £75 Fluval 206 still with 6month warranty and receipt, Spare £60 T8 lighting Unit with 2 bulbs, 2X spare T8 and 2X spare T5 bulbs £40. £25 Airpump and pipe and 2x spare air stones, £1... ...
180.Custom Oak Panorama Reef Tank 27/09/13 Yes
Custom built 400ltr panorama reef tank in Oak, 12 months old. Includes sump containing Bubble magus NAC 7 skimmer, circulation pump, chiller pump, refugium with calorpa. I also have a fluid bead phosphate remover. LED lighting system comprising 1 Aquabeam 1500 Ocean, 2 Aquabeam 1000 marine white, ... ...
181.niger trigger for sale birmingham 27/09/13 Yes
hi there, i have a lovely niger triggerfish for sale.it is approx 5 inches in size and is beautiful in colour.had him for 8 months now,behaves really well with my other fish/inverts and feeds well £20 cash on collection call/txt shah on 07779911144
182.WANTED CARDIFF. tangs angels inverts etc (also frag swapping) 23/09/13 No
need to restock my 700l so looking for a bit of stock. also have a lot of corals if people are local and want to frag swap
183. SOLD Superb 3x2x2 Gloss Black Marine Setup inc fish, inverts, corals 06/09/13 Yes
Hi, Im selling this stunning, very well look after Marine setup that includes: Drilled optiwhite front 3x2x2 Tank in gloss black cabin with matching pendant. Sump with cheato and DSB, full of live KEY LED E7848-D-TC dimmable, time controller with remote Deltec 1250 Skimmer, Phos reactor ... ...
184.Marine Fish/Inverts & Corals 28/08/13 No
Forsale 8nr Green Chromis £24 1nr Dragon Wrasse(Very funny) £15 1nr Torpedo Gooby £10 2nr Fire Shrimps £25 Various Corals forsale Trumpets, Brain Coral, Red Scolly, Mushrooms, Galaxy Coral, Leather Coral, Polyps and lots of others Please call me on 01427 752696
185.Peacock Mantis Shrimp Stunning Example 26/08/13 Yes
Hi I have my Peacock mantis shrimp up for sale was very difficult to get hold of is approx 5-6 inches colours are out of this world great character shame to have to sell him but Im not going ahead with an idea I had and he resides in what would be my QT for new fish so I need the tank back as I have... ...
187.Clearance aquariums 21/07/13 No
Complete aquariums either marine or tropical. new in Pine/Oak or gloss finish. No water changes and automated. Supplied and installed for the ultimate aquarium,nation wide delivery Live rock/corals and inverts, fish deliveries both retail and trade. Custom built aquariums and real wood cabinet... ...
188.Maidenhead Aquatics@Shirley corals stock-list (24/06) 15/07/13 Yes
Coral currently for sale at Maidenhead Aquatics @ Shirley. For more information please visit and like our Facebook page. Check back often for stock updates and exclusive special offers! We've got corals in for every budget starting at our £4 frag bin up to our full colonies. -=Deal of ... ...
189.Complete Marine Setup 4x2x2 £500 or near offer 07/07/13 Yes
My Marine aquarium for sale. All fish, inverts and corals inc. Foxface, yellow tang, regal tang, kohl tang, breeding pair clownfish, coral beauty, engineer goby. Various lps coral, plating coral, mushrooms and zoas. 2 tunze 6100 powerheads run by tunze 7095 plus smaller tunze powerhead. NAC 6 ... ...
190.Complete Marine Setup for Sale 4x2x2 £500 or near offer. 07/07/13 Yes
My Marine aquarium for sale. All fish, inverts and corals inc. Foxface, yellow tang, regal tang, kohl tang, breeding pair clownfish, coral beauty, engineer goby. Various lps coral, plating coral, mushrooms and zoas. 2 tunze 6100 powerheads run by tunze 7095 plus smaller tunze powerhead. NAC 6 ski... ...
191.Anglian Aquatic Design - Design / Installation / Maintenance Services 03/07/13 No
Anglian Aquatic Design: Design, installation and maintenance services throughout East Anglia. Have you ever wanted the tranquility of an aquarium in your home, but just don't know where to start? Do you want a slice of the Amazon, Mekong or Red Sea in your living room? Do you have an aquarium alr... ...
192.Wanted Sheffield area, colourful inverts for 100l tank 26/06/13 No
I'm after smallish, colourful inverts for a well looked after 100l Kent mini reef. Anything non beige considered, lps, sps, sponges, tunicates, shrooms etc. Smaller the better to watch them grow. Fair prices paid. Call 07737 420327, cheers.
193.corals and inverts for sale look 03/06/13 Yes
here i have the following for sale xenia frags £3 orange linkia starfish 6-8 inch across £12 red brittle starfish 11-12 inch across £12 christmas tree coral x2 7-8 inches high £18each starpolypes with florescent centre x2 £10 each blue xenia rock £18 8-10 inch across pics provided my con... ...
194.corals and inverts for sale look 02/06/13 Yes
here i have the following for sale xenia frags £3 orange linkia starfish 6-8 inch across £12 red brittle starfish 11-12 inch across £12 christmas tree coral x2 7-8 inches high £18each starpolypes with florescent centre x2 £10 each blue xenia rock £18 8-10 inch across pics provided my con... ...
195.Marine tank + Fish For Sale 01/06/13 Yes
Forced sale due to moving house. Tank measures 48 inches by 20 inches and is 22 inches deep, depth of water can only be 20 inches as the tank is drilled with overflow holes, I have the overflow running into a 3 foot sump tank, which is also included in the sale. The sump is tiered and in 3 section... ...
196.6 ft coral bays/tanks/racks 3 tier not john allen/caso 25/05/13 Yes
Here I have for sale is a 6 foot coral tier shop style tank In total there are 3 tanks Dimensions are: 72x7.5x9.5 10mm glass 72x24x12 10mm glass 72x24x12 12mm glass These are very clean tanks few scratches but nothing major.comes with the stand.i have been using the bottom tank as a sump ... ...
JBJ Ocean Pulse Duo - Wave maker In perfect working order only been used for 1 month 2 week comes in box postage 6.50 of collect from Huddersfield West Yorkshire contact me on 07979648211 £30 Ono Creating Motion in Captive Oceans. The Ocean Pulse Duo is an innovative wavemaker that is spe... ...
198.Marine Fish Corals and inverts available WHY PAY SHOP PRICES? 07/05/13 Yes
Marine fish supplier based in bolton Current stock list: powder blue tangs desjardinii tangs blue eye tang purple surgeon filament fin wrasse cleaner wrasse perc clowns loads more, too many to list. Corals include: acropora montipora leathers loads of zoas anemones mushrooms f... ...
Hello aquarists, I have a full size adult koran angelfish which has gone through all of its colour transformation from juviniel to adult.. The fish is currently in my reef aquarium with aa few soft corals and some inverts and is very peaceful and has a playful spirit as it come to the glass and fol... ...
200.Nano tank with marine inverts and frags 27/04/13 No
River reef 94L for sale full set up and it own stand come with 2 clown fish 3 blue/green chromis fang tail blenny and large cleaner shrimp (corals) 2 toad stools 2 zoa frags 1 brown Xenia 1 pink pulsing Xenia frag Kenya tree frag coral bush tree frag mushroom feather duster also have some cheato tu... ...

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