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1.Selling of my Xiphophorus Montezumae Tank 03/02/25 Yes
Fish Tank for Sale – White Glass, Perfect for Aquascaping. Size: 80 x 40 x 45 cm H -Opal Glass Volume: 144L / 31 Gallons Equipment Included: 2x Fluval 307 Filters one has handle broken, it doesn't affect the filter functions 1x 80 cm Fluval Aquascape Light Blu... ...
2.Ryukin and oranda goldfish 12/01/25 No
Hi I have about 7 oranda goldfish and 2 Ryukin for sale the oranda are about 4 to 5 inch and the Ryukin are about 5 and 6 inch Oranda £5 to £10 Ryukin £20 and 30
3.Ryukin and oranda goldfish 12/01/25 Yes
Hi I have about 7 oranda goldfish and 2 Ryukin for sale the oranda are about 4 to 5 inch and the Ryukin are about 5 and 6 inch Oranda £5 to £10 Ryukin £20 and 30
4.6 Goldfish for sale 15/03/23 No
2 black mores- one completely black and another one black with an orange belly 1 panda more 2 calico fantails 1 Oranda goldfish
5.Oranda Goldfish for rehoming 31/10/22 Yes
Large High Grade fancy Oranda male Goldfish for rehoming. Absolutely stunning and large boy with long fins and tail. In need of large tank/aquarium minimum 260L and experience with fancy goldfish Collection only from London NW9 close to Colindale, Kingsbury and Wembley
6.wanted lionhead or oranda 18/03/14 No
Hi am after a new Oranda goldfish or Lionhead to go with my other ones. Im unable to pick up so would need delivery. Anyone who has any send me a message.
7.[NE England] From 50p guppies, zebra danios and goldfish 29/01/12 Yes
--SOLD-- I have separated the fish I'm selling into groups for easy identification:-- BUY ALL THESE FISH BELOW FOR A BARGAIN PRICE: £25 Normal price without bulk buy discounts: £43 Normal price with bulk buy discounts: £38.10 I really want a quick sale so I can house my 2 turtles into ... ...
8.4 Coldwater Oranda Fish For Sale 28/01/10 Yes
I have four lovely Oranda goldfish for sale as I've now sold my tank, but the new owner doesn't want them as he's going tropical. I'm absolutely gutted as they're the most gorgeous, funny and interesting fish with wonderful personalities. They measure approx 4 inches. One is white with a big red cap... ...

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