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1.Cichlids, Plecos & Dollars 12/02/25 No
Need to move some fishies on … 2x 5” Xingu 1 Orange Pike £150 3” Clown Angelfish, pair £15 4x 3” Spotted Dollars £25 6” L200 Hi Fin Green Phantom £40 6” L177 Golden Nugget Pleco £40 5” Bristlenose Pleco £10 5” Tiger Whiptail Pseudohemiodon sp. Tigre £5 Collec... ...
2.Malawi haps and Peacocks 12/02/25 No
sciaenochromis fryeri white knight male 10-15cm £15 Sciaenochromis iceberg male 10-15cm £15 Reverse trio 2m-1f F1 aulonocara redflush numetumbwe 10-12cm £45 X2 ob males 10-15cm £30 X2 male Lethrinops gold harbour island £20 each 50+ Baby normal bristlenose plecos 1-2cm £0.50each Collec... ...
3.Sydontis Granulous 12/02/25 No
Sydontis Granulous, Fantastic looking fish around the 5 inch mark , Seen these go for lots of money , Accept decent offers, or will swap for Lnumber plecos, what you got ?
4.Snow white longfin plecos 11/02/25 Yes
I have some lovely longfin snow whites for sale ,London based but can post using APC couriers at £15 next day delivery.The fish are over an inch long tx.Price is £20 per fish,i have x 20 available,also have red and lemon longfin,cannot post too cold now.Have short fin male and female tenner each
5.L25 Scarlet Pleco STUNNING FISH 11/02/25 Yes
L025 10 inches Feeding on variety of foods prawns, mussels, bloodworms, pellets, veg etc Collection EX2 Exeter Devon £350 Open to sensible offers Save over £100+ on a shop price
6.Food 11/02/25 No
Hi I have food for sale big tub of vitalis 1.7 kg unopened date 09 2025 plus catfish pellets this food is especially good for ancistrus and Plecos give me a ring or text on 07790107174 thanks I can then send pictures of what I have .packing up hobby .
7.L236 10/02/25 No
Pleco L236 2” to 3” for sale 20 Available
8.Albino sailfin pleco 10/02/25 No
Huge albino sailfin superb condition £30 Collect from thame Wasapp for vid
9.Plecos needing rehoming 09/02/25 Yes
Two Sailfin plecos need urgent rehoming. One 12” & one 4” Must collect from Croydon Surrey
10.Group of 10 L236 plecos 09/02/25 No
Group of 10 L236 plecos £400 or nearest offer
11.L471 pleco trio 09/02/25 No
Reverse trio l471 pleco 2m 1f
12.Albino super hybrid male ray , breeding plecs + other fish 09/02/25 Yes
Albino male super hybrid stingray 8inch -Breeding group of wabenmusters honeycomb Pleco 3 male 2 female , all males have sat & hatched eggs with both females around 5inch -Breeding group snow white pleco 3 male 2 female 10inch pangasius 10inchalbino pangasius Contact me for d... ...
13.Wanted big cichlids/ red belly piranha and big cats 08/02/25 No
Dovii Oscars Big plecos Big catfish Local Wigan-Warrington area ideal What’s Ap me on 07568500811
14.Cichlids and oddballs Leeds 07872 417861 07/02/25 No
Pm me Leeds 14 Red Oscar 7” Red Oscar 2” Albino Oscar 7” Pair Tiger Oscar 7” Emperor snakehead 14” Gold Severum 7” Gold saum 6” Jaguar 6” Fire mouth 6” Pair Royal acara 7” 3x Chocolate Cichlids 3” Datnoid polota 5” Datnoid polota 2” Lima shovel nose 7” Flow... ...
15.Large Luteus Pleco - Phase 2.5 06/02/25 Yes
This fish has almost turned to phase 3, only has a little bit of black around the top as shown in the picture.. Living in London tap water dechlorinated and temp around 27-28c Feeds on mussles, veg, pellets etc.Selling due to cutting down stock. Pictures are of the actual fish for sal... ...
16.L190 pleco 05/02/25 Yes
6” £40
Planet Arowana January sale grab yourself a bargain all stock must be sold ready for new shipments incoming. Please pm stock list below KIRIN PARROTS. sold out GREEN EMERALD CRYSTAL PARROTS sold out GOLDEN YELLOW MAMMON 4 left. SOLD OUT YELLOW KING KONG PARROT 2 left. SOLD OU... ...
18.2 ROYAL PLECO REDUCED PRICE £200 for both Panaque ambrusteri Xingu L027 05/02/25 No
Rare Panaque ambrusteri Xingu L027 royal pleco listed on ebay for around £400 each One is around 8 inch other is around 7 inch £350 for both...both.very healthy eating reduced now £350 for both...now £300 for both £250 for both now £200 fo r both paid £200 each £190 both
19.L046 L46 Zebra Pleco Hypancistrus Plecostomus Tropical freshwater fish X6 04/02/25 Yes
L046 Hypancistrus Zebra Group of 6 1 year+ Top quality specimens Collection from Stratford E15 690 Thanks
20.Selling of my Xiphophorus Montezumae Tank 03/02/25 Yes
Fish Tank for Sale – White Glass, Perfect for Aquascaping. Size: 80 x 40 x 45 cm H -Opal Glass Volume: 144L / 31 Gallons Equipment Included: 2x Fluval 307 Filters one has handle broken, it doesn't affect the filter functions 1x 80 cm Fluval Aquascape Light Blu... ...
21.L095 Orange cheek 03/02/25 Yes
A reluctant sale of my L095 Orange cheek pleco, approx 25cm SL, I've had since July 2017 and is in a verygood/healthy condition, one slight flaw is that it's left cheek is not as orange as the right one, it's not damaged, it's just always been like that. I'm looking for £250 no offers, it must g... ...
22.Plecos for sale Manchester 02/02/25 No
Few plecos for sale. i have 4x L519. 3x 4-6cm and 1x proven female breeder. L471 male L333 gold 2.5-3.5 cm these are for collection only, get in touch if interested.
23.Zebra Pleco L046 Hypancistrus 02/02/25 Yes
L046 Hypancistrus Zebra Pleco Beautiful and Healthy 1" + £55 Collection from Stratford Thanks
24.Bristlenose pleco babies 31/01/25 Yes
Bristlenose pleco babies available liverpool £4 each
25.Sunshine Pleco L14 29/01/25 Yes
Excellent condition 9-10 inch quality specimen fish. Well cared for. £220 o.n.o.
26.SCREWCUMBER VEGGIE FEEDER/WEIGHT - Two year warranty - Free delivery for UK 26/01/25 Yes
TROPICAL FISH FEEDER/WEIGHT. Effective and simple solution for anchoring veggies for bottom feeders. http://www.screwcumber.com Or see us on eBay UK! Fantastic for: Plecos, Clown loaches, Malawi Cichlids etc 2 Year swap out warranty. All payments securely processed by PayPal. We al... ...
27.Discus and other tropical fish for sale. Shutting down down tank 26/01/25 No
19 discus various sizes and colour 8 diamond tetras 5 phantom tetras 8 black neons 4 flying foxes 4 long fin Corry 1 ruby pleco 1 gold pleco Aquarium setup to go as well Would prefer for all to go together Please send WhatsApp message if you'd like to discuss, for photos.
28.L095 Orange Cheek PineCone Pleco PRICED TO SELL 26/01/25 Yes
29.Short finned snow pleco £4 each or 10 for £30 sold out for now but new batch growing on 25/01/25 No
As title states short finned snow pleco for sale 3-4cm in size feeding and growing well. £4 each or 10 fish for £30. Please message for pics I can deliver if fuel money is covered
30.Tropical Fish for sale - Tank breakdown 25/01/25 No
My son is selling his tropical fish and then tank & equipment to raise money for driving lessons. Here is a list of the fish that need to go first. Rusty pleco Super red bristlenose pleco Albino bristlenose pleco x2 Common bristlenose pleco xlots Pictus catfish x3 Koi angel Scissor tai... ...
31.Fish to sell 24/01/25 Yes
X1 10-12 inch Red Oscar £40 X1 12 inch common pleco £30 X1 trimac £50 6-7 inch X1 medium size tiger Oscar £20 X8 bubblebee and Asian cat fish combo £60 for all X2 12 inch Birchir £50 each grown since baby
32.Pleco Breeding Equipment/Decorations 22/01/25 No
Full set of Terra-Natur.eu Terracotta Pleco Breeding Caves from Germany. Closed down my set-up and looking to sell off equipment. Happy to sell the full set for £40. Bought back a few years ago for well over £100. Tried to find a reference website and don't appear to be able to buy these anymo... ...
33.Various Cichlids FOR SALE MUST GO 22/01/25 No
Several Tank Shutdown Various cichlids for sale and catfish / others 1 Very Large Red Oscar 1 Large Wolf Cichlids/Dovi 1 Trimac Cichlids 1 Small Red Oscar 4 upside down catfish 2 Adult Endlecheri Bichirs 1 Normal Senegal Bichir Adult 2 Massive Dory Catfish 2 Adult Raphael Catf... ...
Several Tank Shutdown Various cichlids for sale and catfish / others 1 Very Large Red Oscar 1 Large Wolf Cichlids/Dovi 1 Trimac Cichlids 1 Small Red Oscar 4 upside down catfish 2 Adult Endlecheri Bichirs 1 Normal Senegal Bichir Adult 2 Massive Dory Catfish 2 Adult Raphael Catf... ...
35.Aquarium Bristlenose Catfish Plecos & Red Cherry Shrimp from £1.00 21/01/25 Yes
I have a full tank of Bristlenose Catfish Plecos which are an excellent algae grazer that help keep the tank clean. They vary between 2-4cm and am looking for £1.00 each. I also have Red Cherry Shrimp which are also a great algae grazer. Asking for £1.00 each. Both are from the same well e... ...
36.Closing tank down , all fish to go 21/01/25 No
CLOSING TANK FEW FISH TO BE REHOMED £ , PLEASE PM ME FOR DETAILS Marbled Clarius catfish 12” Oscar 8” Green terror 7" X4 Pictus catfish 5” Red tail black shark 5” Jack Dempsey 6” Red jewel cichlid 3” X2 silver dollars 3” L200 green phantom pleco 5” Peacock eel... ...
37.Bristle nose plecos 18/01/25 Yes
My plecos have had unexpected babies ! I have 30 fry some gold some black and spotted for sale £8 each ready to go they are 8 weeks old now and doing well .
38.Plecos Phantom, Starlight, Bristlenose in Dorset 18/01/25 Yes
Hi i have the following plec's all feeding on flake,algae wafers and courgette. L128 Blue Phantom approx 4cm £47.50, L200 Green Phantom 3" - 4" £60.00, L190 Royal Pleco 2.5" £40.00, L183 Starlight Bristlenose 4cm-5cm £35.00, Super Red Longfin Ancistrus 4cm - 5cm £24.00... ...
39.Super hybrid stingray & asain arowana 17/01/25 No
Albino super hybrid stingray 6-7inch Malaysia golden bluebase ‘PUREBREED F1.5’ Snow White Pleco breeding group Wabenmuster breeding group 12in giraffe catfish Delivery possible WhatsApp for info & vids possibly swap for mature female Ray
40.L183 starlights 15/01/25 No
LOOKING FOR: starlight plecos min 6-7cm sexed pairs/trio Message @ 07548908865
41.Long fin calco cross lemon plecos 14/01/25 No
1 to 2 inch
42.L191 Panaque Pleco - monster. 30cm+ 14/01/25 No
Biggest Panaque I’ve seen. 07712294245 for pictures
43.wanted plecos 11/01/25 No
Hi, im a pleco breeder looking for some new blood lines if you have any for sale please send me a email on jayf941@live.co.uk many thanks
44.L095 Orange Cheek Pinecone Pleco PRICED TO SELL 11/01/25 Yes
25-30cm Stunning fish, limited availability. `. £300
45.Large Luteus Pleco - Phase 3 - 12inch+ 10/01/25 Yes
Had this for around 2 years now - living in London tap water dechlorinated and temp around 27-28c. Feeds on mussles, veg, pellets etc. Selling due to cutting down stock. Pictures are of the actual fish for sale. Living in 6 foot x 30 inch tank. Around 12 inch+ Looking for £850. Please, no t... ...
46.Super Rare Albino Lizard Pleco 09/01/25 Yes
Very Rare Albino Pleco Born in the shape of a lizard, very unique & rare , As an importer for many years I have never seen a pleco like this. Confident only one in the UK, great colour & rare shape & Albino Size 11” odd Great clean up crew for any aquarium with the wow fac... ...
47.Bristlenose plecos 06/01/25 Yes
Young bristlenose plecos available conisbrough Doncaster 2pounds each
48.Zebra pleco 03/01/25 No
I have an adult male for sale for £150. The reason I sell is I have 2 dominant males. Collection only from Edmonton Green. N9
49.L236 Super Whites 03/01/25 No
We have some stunning super white plecos available 3-5cm £60-80 Will do deals on 4 +
50.L114 Cactus Pleco 03/01/25 No
L114 Cactus pleco approx size 10cm £60
51.L160 Spiny Pleco 03/01/25 Yes
We have 7-8cm L160 Pleco £70
52.Flash Plecos 03/01/25 No
Limited number of flash Pleco’s available £45 a piece These are between 7-8cm
53.Wild - 25cm L095 orange cheek pleco for sale - very rare 27/12/24 Yes
L095 orange cheek pleco for sale. Only one I know of that’s currently available on the market even at specialist shops. Exceptional example with great colours, spots and fin extensions. £350 - collection from Crews Hill or can deliver for an additional fee. Col - 07882424608 Image i... ...
54.Re: L330 Watermelon pleco - stunning fish 27/12/24 Yes
Selling my L330 watermelon pleco, he's a stunning fish with great pattern and a very good chunky size. Nice bright eyes, great temperament, very active and always on show. Videos available on request. Collection from Crews Hill - £150 Col 07882424608
55.Cleair aquatics acrylic fish tank £350 26/12/24 No
Cleair aquatics fish tank think it’s 500 ltr Acrylic Sumped It’s has 2 brand new cleair aquatics lights which cost £100 each This has been running for 3 years But I just don’t have the time for it anymore Comes with everything you will need and fish all decor loads of extras this was ... ...
56.L134 pleco Juvenile 20/12/24 No
I have some stunning L134 Leopard frog juvenile pleco F1, Wild caught Parents purchased from pier aquatics. Very healthy and eating well. £30.00 each collection only Warrington cheshire. 07867467437
57.Flash Pleco’s available 19/12/24 Yes
Limited number of flash Pleco’s available £45 a piece These are between 8-10cm
58.L236 Super Whites 19/12/24 Yes
We have some stunning super white plecos available 3-5cm £60-80 Will do deals on 4 + Stafford based
59.L114 Cactus Pleco 19/12/24 Yes
L114 Cactus pleco approx size 10cm £60
We have available several PLECOSTOMUS REDFIN PSEUDACANTHICUS L024. These are around 10-15cm £120
61.L046 Zebra Pleco Snub Nose 08/12/24 No
L046 zebra pleco snub nose 1 inch Collection from medway kent or local delivery may be available
62.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
63.4ft fish tank with fish 29/11/24 Yes
4ft 400l fish tank including fish and all accessories Comes with air stone and heater Comes with external pump Also have a few decoration pieces for inside so you can swap and change - plane - car - rock displays and more. Inside there will be 3x silver sharks 1x rainbow shark 1x al... ...
64.L201 Hypancistrus inspector plecos 26/11/24 No
I have some Wild Hypancistrus inspector L201. 3 inch + Ready to go. £25 each. Collection or posting available. Based in West London. Pm if interested.
65.Alenquer Tiger L397 Pleco. 23/11/24 Yes
L397 Pleco’s. 2024 Juveniles/Young. Unsexed. 2-3cm. = £10.00 Each. {10 Available}. 4-5cm. = £15.00 Each. {5. Available}. Bred from Wild caught L397. Collection from Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 9TZ. Or possible delivery available for multiple purchases, ie Tropical Fish Trader / Busine... ...
66.Large Sailfin Pleco 11 inches Free to good home 23/11/24 No
I have a large sailfin pleco that has outgrown the tank. He measures around 11 inches.
67.Spotted cactus pleco L96 23/11/24 No
Have a real nice spotted cactus pleco looking for a new home around 5 inches real nice colour and patterns message me for photos looking for £40 07380 513442
68.L181 Peppermint Plecos 14/11/24 Yes
2 lovely Peppermint Plecos available. Not able to post sorry. Located near 5m Cardiff Airport. 4.5cm body length nose to caudal peduncle / 6cm total Any interest please get in touch.
69.FREE Bristlenose pleco catfish babies 11/11/24 Yes
Hi all, My Bristlenose plecos have had babies and I have no room in my tank for them, so am giving them away for free to whoever would like them. There are around 6 or so in total. Collection from West Pilton, Edinburgh and ASAP.
70.9 inch rusty pleco 05/11/24 No
Large rusty pleco just changing stock around £25 Collection bradford
71.8 x 3 x 2.5 full setup 02/11/24 No
Looking to sell my lovely huge fish tank complete setup including fish. ND Aquatics 2250mmL x 900mmW x 700mmH 1500l comes with brand new PFC 25000 pond canister, 8000l/h water pump, heater, led light, stand, ornaments, aqua pond air pump including my beautiful tongyan 17" arowana with cer... ...
72.Snow white Long fin pleco 16/10/24 No
Snow white longfin Juvenile pleco 3cm+ Very active smart looking fish, Eating well and in good health.£15 each A great addition to any tropical aquarium. Any questions 07867467437 Collection from Burtonwood Warrington 5 mins from M62.
73.Malawi and Pleco Free 09/10/24 No
I have 4-5 Malawi and a pleco for free Please text me for more details
74.Pleco & Malawi Free 09/10/24 No
I have a Plecostomus and 4-5 Malawi for free. Ask please me for pictures, I can post.
75.L471 breeding group x 9 07/10/24 No
A rare opportunity to purchase an established proven group of 9 adult L471. There are 3 males, 5 female and a new unrelated addition who not fully grown to sex but showing the body shape of female. I have owned them for 2 years and they have produced lots of stunning fry which are very sought af... ...
76.WANTED L181 Peppermint Bristlenose 05/10/24 No
Wanted L181 Peppermint Bristlenose Plecos Adult or Sub-Adult
77.L471 breeding group x 9 04/10/24 No
A rare opportunity to purchase an established proven group of 9 adult L471. There are 3 males, 5 female and a new unrelated addition who not fully grown to sex but showing the body shape of female. I have owned them for 2 years and they have produced lots of stunning fry which are very sought af... ...
78.Starlight Pleco L181 29/09/24 Yes
I have for sale a breeding group of 14 2 years old Fantastic group always Laying eggs . located in Kent CT19 07936730980
79.Young malawi cichlids 26/09/24 Yes
I have young of these malawi cichlids in the photos for sale size fro inch to inch and a half. I also have brislenose plecos for sale too Collection from Ub6 8et
80.Starlight Pleco large breeding group 23/09/24 Yes
Starlight Pleco large breeding group for sale 14 in total open to serious offers no Time wasters or silly offers I know what they’re worth but I am up for a deal. 07936 730980 Please call text or WhatsApp Based in Folkestone Kent
81.L25 Plecos for sale 21/09/24 No
We have several L025 Plecos available around 10-15cm bargains at £125
82.Bristle nose plecostomus £8 each 19/09/24 Yes
juvenile Bristlenose plecs. Shortfin blue eyed lemon and common spotted browns available. all 6/8cm+ Tank bred and healthy. Collection only from Tadley, Hampshire.
83.Range of fish 18/09/24 No
Guide Price Open to Offers things without offers I’m not sure on price pickup only: Coventry I have available: Trio of honeycomb bristlenose 1 big male And 2 smaller females: £90 3 cardinal tetra £4 Assasin snail £1.50 each 10 for £12 3 Snow White juvi range from 1 inch to 1.5/2... ...
84.2.5ft fish tank full set up 18/09/24 No
Fish tank 2.5ft tropical fish tank for sale full set up which includes external filter cost £65 new media not that old in it. Comes with sand, some ornaments , bit of bog wood, heater, pot of fish food Everything you need . Fish include; 1 retail shark 1 balloon Molly 1 yo-yo loach ... ...
85.Corydoras / Plecos / Rasbora - Fish room closure 15/09/24 No
Longfin Albino Corydoras 6 £3 Each Venezuelan Black Corydoras 4 £5 Each Corydoras Julii Trilineatus 5 £3 Each Albino Bronze Corydoras 12 £3 Each Sterbai Corydoras 14 £4 Each ... ...
86.3 cm young bristlenose plecos for sale/ Red Cherry shrimp / Guppy Grass 13/09/24 Yes
Bristlenose plecos for sale £3 each, 3 to 6 CM in size, Great tank cleaners. Cherry shrimp available 10 for £10, Its a large colony always available, Decent colour red shrimps especially the females. Guppy Grass 100 grams £15. Text or phone me on 0754 699 7026 Collection Gedling, N... ...
87.L236 L397 13/09/24 No
Pleco L236. 2” plus quick £13 L397 2”to 3” £9 or deal on 10
88.Pleco l333 12/09/24 Yes
9 l333 king tiger pleco juvenile looking for blue dolphin albinos are brundi
89.Trio of honeycomb pleco 10/09/24 No
Please message on WhatsApp located in Coventry also have assassins and others
90.Starlight Pleco in Kent 08/09/24 Yes
Hi I’m closing down my Fish Tank I have a breeding group of 14 starlight Pleco i’m open to good genuine offers I know how much they are worth so no silly offers cash on collection only based in Folkestone Kent .
91.RESERVED Around 90+ beautiful fish plus plants for £100 30/08/24 No
I'm moving house so I have to sell full fish stock of my 650 liters aquarium. All healthy, feeding on variety of foods and peacefully living together in my tank for last 6 months. I spent around £600 on them. Yo can have them for 100. There are; 18 congo tetras, 12m/6f 8-10cm in size. 12 deniso... ...
92.l471 dwarf snowball pleco 29/08/24 No
group of 4 l471 dwarf snowball pleco for sale.1 adult male 3 smaller 2 females 1 unsexed,possible male .£100 for group.collection from Leicester.no postage available.more pictures etc available at request.whats app
93.Adult Snow Plecos 28/08/24 Yes
SOLD!!! Adult snow plecos for sale.. 3 males and 2 females, all breeding age. £15 each ono. Selling for a friend who's based in Ealing West London. West London collection only. Please email me only for more details and pics. No calls. Thanks.
94.Plecos available 28/08/24 No
L236 super white £50 4cm L236 rb £30 4cm L136 Angelicus Pleco £30 L400 Bella monte pleco 4cm £25 L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £19.99 Mixed cherry shrimp 50p each Postage £14.99 deals on multiples. Collection is from Chelmsford Essex. +44 7745 661842
95.L236 super white plecos l236 basic plecos 28/08/24 Yes
I have some super whites available at £50 4cm Also some nice quality l236rb £30 Postage is £15 Collection is Chelmsford Essex Will only reply to text or WhatsApp 07745661842 Matt
96.Fully established 125L Fluval Roma fish tank & cabinet + aquatic equipment, fish, shrimps, snails - £299 27/08/24 Yes
£299 ono - all inclusive. Original total was £1,788.48. All original prices below so you can see the bargain. What do you get? 125L Fluval Roma fish tank and cabinet + all aquatic equipment, food, meds,fish, live plants, shrimps and snails. Equipment and fish food + basic meds • 125... ...
97.Tropical fish, shrimps, snails + 125L Fluval Roma fish tank & aquatic equipment - £299 ono 27/08/24 Yes
£299 ono - all inclusive. Original total was £1,788.48. All original prices below so you can see the bargain! What do you get? Fully grown and healthy adult fish, shrimps and snails: • Blue Siamese Fighter Beta Fish x1 £8 • Harlequin Rasbora x3 £8.40 • Glowlight Tetras x3 £8.40... ...
98.Green Phantom pleco 26/08/24 Yes
Green Phantom Pleco. Not sure it it’s a male or female. Approx 3.5 to 4 inches long £50 Please bring a suitable bag/container to collect. Thanks
99.L160 Pleco 25/08/24 Yes
L160 approx 10-15cm £80 info@only-fins.co.uk 07944580299
100.L046 Zebra Plecos 25/08/24 No
L046 Zebra Plecos for sale 2-5cm £70-100 info@only-fins.co.uk 07944580299
101.FREE Longfin Bristlenose Pleco. 24/08/24 No
Closing down tank, have a healthy Long Fin Bristlenose Pleco, Healthy between 4-6 inch Free to a good home.
102.Ancistrus Bristlenose Pleco 4cm+ | Born June 2023 23/08/24 No
STILL AVAILABLE: Beautiful Common Brown | Bristlenose Pleco Born June 2023 £4.00 each Birmingham, Sutton Coldfield Approx 4cm+ Tap reared, peaceful community fish. Eating well and fed on a mixture of Pleco Spirulina Wafers, Courgette & Repashy. Unable to sex at the moment.... ...
103.5ft cleair fish tank 20/08/24 Yes
Cleair 5 foot fish tank in black high gloss, If you have never seen one close up they are stunning modern looking tanks with a matching built in unit that it sits on which houses the sump for the filter system. Here is a link for this tank https://www.millracegardencentre.co.uk/aquariums/fish-tan... ...
104.ANGELICUS L136 16/08/24 No
approx 8cm in size stunning pleco £50
Around 10cm £65
106.L236 Cracked Zebra Pleco Group Available 16/08/24 No
Group of 10 available. Approx size 7cm £600 takes the full group
107.L160 Spiny Monster Pleco 16/08/24 Yes
10-12cm L160 available stunning colours £85
108.I am looking for super red female or male long fin or short fin also looking for a lemon female 14/08/24 No
Looking for: LF/SF super red pleco male or female LF/SF female lemon pleco I have available aswell Have: 3 cardinal tetras, 1 female or male adult wabenmuster, 1 black corydora, 1 panda corydora, 1 elegant corydora all adults Also have cash. In Coventry
109.Blue Phantom pleco 11/08/24 Yes
Blue Phantom Pleco. Not sure if it’s a male or female. Approx 2.5 inches long. £40 Please bring a suitable bag/container to collect. Thanks
110.Gold Nugget pleco 11/08/24 Yes
Queen fine spot Gold nugget Pleco. Not sure if it’s male or female. Approx 5 inches long £60 Please bring a suitable bag/container to collect. Thanks
111.Juwel Rio 350 - full tank setup sale 09/08/24 No
For sale is my Juwel Rio 4ft aquarium in dark wood finish. The tank has a blue background. The tank is approximately four years old and in great condition. Ideally, I would like for it to be sold as a whole set up with livestock and plants. The price for everything, including livestock and... ...
112.Juwel Rio 350 4ft fish tank and livestock 03/08/24 No
For sale is my Juwel Rio 4ft aquarium in dark wood finish. The tank has a blue background. The tank is approximately four years old and in great condition. Ideally, I would like for it to be sold as a whole set up with livestock and plants. The price for everything, including livestock and... ...
113.L236 SW RB line x 5 Plecos Sub Adults 5cm 03/08/24 Yes
Hobbyist Breeding small amounts of high quality l236 SW. I currently have 5 L236 Super White hypancistrus 5cm in size and about 9 months old, eating well , in good condition with nice markings £70 each Collection or Free local delivery within 50 miles perferred, from Lancaster LA1
114.L330 Fully Spotted Watermelon Royal Pleco 03/08/24 Yes
L330 Fully Spotted Watermelon Royal Pleco these fish are an XL size we only do have 4 left of these. Selling as pairs for £400 or singular fish for £225 Contact us via whatsapp or text
115.Spiny Monster Pleco XL L096 03/08/24 No
We have currently a Spiny Monster Pleco lovely friendly fish £175 Please contact us via text or whatsapp
116.Fish 31/07/24 No
ALL BREEDING PAIRS mbunas £20 the pair Plecos £40 the pair Convicts £20 the pair Orange Malawi £20 MALAWIS ARE CURRENTLY CARRYING EGGS COLLECTION LEICESTER
117.L160 pleco for sale spinney monster pleco need gone ASAP 30/07/24 No
About 5 inches make me an offer! Please message for pics thanks
118.Fish for sale, convicts, polar parrots, plecos 28/07/24 No
Baby bn plecos £3 each 4 for £10 Mixed shrimp £4 each or 3 for £10 Juvenile convict cichlids £5 each Juvenile polar parrots £5 each Silver dollars £15 for the pair Snow White socolfi cichlids £10 for pair Blue maingano cichlids £10 for pair Location Castleford wf10 Message me a... ...
119.L236 RB Line Pleco - Adults cracked zebra pleco 27/07/24 Yes
I have quite a few sub adults available, They are sexable and breedable. Collection Walsall, or Birmingham West Midlands. £50 each, trio for £125 Buy 5 get one free x
120.Bristlenose Plecos 24/07/24 Yes
Hi all, my two bristlenose have recently had babies, but unfortunately I can't keep all babies, I have at least 5/6 black with white markings similar to the parents, I also have at least 3 albino though colour may change , they are 2weeks old, I'm happy to keep them until they are a little bigger a... ...
121.L397 Tiger Plecos - Adult breeding ready 23/07/24 Yes
I have some L397 adult, sexable and breedable ready adults, absolute bargain at £25 each. Can do deals on orders over 10. And deliver locally. Kay
122.Pleco 23/07/24 No
7inch albino bristlenose 7 inch rusty pleco WhatsApp for photos £10 each
123.Super Red and Calico Bristlenose Plecos 20/07/24 No
Beautiful, full range of patterns juvenile and adult Super Reds and Calicos 4-7cm in size, a few even bigger. 5 for £20, 10 for £30, 15 for £40, 20 for £50. Photos on request via WhatsApp.
124.Plecos for Sale 13/07/24 No
L260 Queen Arabesque Pleco Juveniles 3cm + £20 Snow White Short Fin Bristlenose Juveniles 3cm + £10 Snow White Long Fin Bristlenose Juveniles 3cm + £20 Deals on multiples Collection only Stowmarket Suffolk
125.10 inch Pleco 10/07/24 No
£10 collection Chester,bigger fish wont leave it alone message me for pictures wont let me upload here
126.6x2x2 Aquarium set up for sale Inc fish £500 09/07/24 Yes
Due to moving it's with great regret to have to sell my complete set up including all fish. I have the FX6 filter, led lights, decent digital Aqua LED pro 500w heater, SOW-15 Eleatronic controld propeller pump, Lots of nice size bog wood and plastic plants, lots of spare and new bags of gravel.... ...
127.Large common pleco 07/07/24 Yes
Large common pleco £10, he hates my flowerhorn so need to let him go. Collection de13
128.L134 - Leopard Frog Plecos - Peckoltia Compta 06/07/24 Yes
F1 Leopard Frog Plecos bred from wild caught parents Rio Tapajos Stunning chunky examples in tip top condition. 5-6cms £25 each Collection only.
129.COMMON PLECO 30CM XL - £20 01/07/24 Yes
Common Pleco Collect from SW18
130.PLECOS 25/06/24 Yes
L333 king tiger B/W F1 juveniles 2.5-3.5cm £15 L236 cracked zebra F1 juveniles 3cm+ £15 L181 peppermint Bristlenose 3cm £15 L134 leopard frog F1 5cm+ £35 Deals on multiples Collection hove BN3 Postage available £15 anywhere in the UK only
131.Hypancistrus L46 zebra pleco 19/06/24 Yes
Hypancistrus L46 zebra pleco. Adult Male and female of 9cm available. Message for details
132.Nets auction 23 june 16/06/24 No
ROUGH LIST!!!!! 1 week to go, 23rd of June N.E.T.S. Aquatics Auction I have asked sellers to look round there tanks and fish rooms. I haven't got everyone's list. But here's a start. Please remember this list isn't guaranteed it's merely there to show the selection possibly available at these e... ...
133.Hypancistrus L46 zebra pleco 11/06/24 Yes
Hypancistrus L46 zebra pleco Sizes from 3 to 9cm. Delivery available. All ready to go. Message for details.
134.2 x Pleco and 7 x cichlids FREE 09/06/24 No
Free to anyone who can collect. 2 Plecos ame 7 cichlids. Dewsbury
135.Various collection of tropical fish 03/06/24 Yes
I selling my collection of tropical fish which include; 2 x large Cat fish 2 x kissing fish 1x South African Orange/Black Chiclid 2 x gouramis 1 x Pleco 1 x purple/blue speckled Gourami 2 x Black Chiclid I selling the entire collection of fish as well as the as the aquarium, pump with UV ... ...
136.RARE PLECO FOR SALE 30/05/24 Yes
Rare Pleco. Collect from SW18 Postage available for £10 extra
137.Catfish for sale 26/05/24 No
I have 1x Irwini catfish 7 inch 3x featherfin synodontis catfish 6/7 inch 1x common sailfin pleco 7/8 inch’s Scarborough North Yorkshire 07878953888
138.Catfish for sale 25/05/24 No
I have 1x Irwini catfish 7 inch 3x featherfin synodontis catfish 6/7 inch 1x common sailfin pleco 7/8 inch’s Scarborough North Yorkshire 07878953888
139.Albino Bristlenose Group of Six Young Shortfin Ancistrus Pleco for £20 25/05/24 Yes
Group of shortfin Albino ancistrus for sale. Size 2 cm- 2.5cm Pink/red eyes .Eating well on courgette ,cucmber, Hikari tropical sinking wafers, frozen blood worm etc. Kept in Mature Tapwater, Zero nitrites. Priced at £6 each or group of Six for £20. !! Because Autistic Children live with us, ... ...
140.Male gold base kamfa flowerhorn 25/05/24 Yes
Around 9" he's a stunning fish pics can be sent via WhatsApp looking to swap for some special plecos blackburn bb1
141.2 large Plecos 25/05/24 No
Hi I’m looking to find a new home ASAP for my 2 large Plecos 8 inch and 6inch for cash or exchange with other tropic freshwater fish ,located in Wigan near Manchester, cash in hand or bring exchange fish Collection only cause I don’t drive 07387 901929 Thanks
20+ Malawi cichlids, 1 green phantom Pleco, 2 Bristlenose Pleco’s. Collect anytime SW18, SW London
143.Snow White bristlenose pleco breeding group 2 males 2 females 16/05/24 Yes
I am selling my breeding group of 4 Snow White bristlenose Pleco’s. Beautiful fish all four of these still haven’t reached full maturity but are breeding readily, there are two males and two females in this group. I have had couple of successful spawns in the past month resulting in around 150... ...
144.Snow White Bristlenose Pleco Young Short Fin 14/05/24 Yes
Very young fish normal short fin variant. Currently 4 weeks old and around 1cm in size. £10 each or two for £15. Collection from Colchester Essex area. I might possibly be able to post out/ship but at extra costs. Any questions please message me 07707822737. Thank you.
145.Aquarium fish tank and super red plecos 07/05/24 Yes
90l Ultra Clear Glass fish tank. Full tropical setup, 2 internal filters, heater, air pump, live plants, 15-20 assassin snails, a few guppies, 6 young swordtails and around 6 super red young plecos from which 4 are longfin super red and 2 shortfins. Also comes with at least 3 months worth of food s... ...
146.Watermelon pleco 13” chunky forsale 07/05/24 Yes
Great fish eating well on pellets veg and drift wood Active day and night £150ono Collection only 07887498324 please sms /what’s app me can’t been missing a lot of calls lately so a message helps me get back to you
147.XXL Slate & Terracota Caves 26/04/24 No
Made 2 slate caves for Pikes and large plecos. They are irregular in shape but in length they're around 13 inches. Can send numerous photos with measurements. £15 each I also have 2 Terracota round caves and they have been covered in Black Aquarium Sand using aquarium silicone. £15 each... ...
148.L46 Zebra Pleco adult males 8-10cm 24/04/24 Yes
I have for sale around 6 adult males 8-10cm. I’ve had these for a number of years some are breeders some are not I’m having a change around in my tanks and these are surplus £120 each collection only from Nuneaton warks CV10 7DY It won’t let me upload photos yet
149.L46 Zebra Pleco Juvies 1”+ 24/04/24 No
I have 5 zebra pleco 1”+ These have been bred from one of my groups around 8 months old I was going to keep them but I’m having a change around and need the space 1 of these is snub nose and will go for £25 the other 4 are £65 each or will sell all for £270 Collection only from N... ...
150.Ancistrus L267 group pleco 23/04/24 No
I have a group of 6 adult wild L267 Ancistrus which I imported from Peru April last year and probably the only group in the UK, so if you can get them breeding you will make your money back in no time. These were caught in the Rio Pichis which is not the location listed on most sites so maybe a ... ...
151.Sailfin pleco 20/04/24 No
12 inch sailfin pleco, free to a good home
152.Sailfin pleco 20/04/24 No
12 inch sailfin pleco, free to a good home
153.L183 starlight pleco breeding trio 12/04/24 Yes
Hi I am selling my breeding trio of l183 starlight pleco .1 male and 2 females. One female is wild caught. Adult size £120
154.3 oscars , texas cichlid, jaguar cichlid 04/04/24 Yes
I have 2 black oscars aprox 8/9" & 7" 1 orange oscar aprox 6/7" Texas cichlid 5" Jaguar cichlid 5/6" Common pleco 6/7" 6 silver dollars
155.Wild L095 - 12/13inch - 07712294245 16/03/24 No
Beautiful Pleco
156.Super red pleco albino pleco shrimps 16/03/24 Yes
Super red pleco 4-6 cms £5 each or 3 for £12 Albino pleco 4-7cms £5 each or 3 for £12 Shrimps red yellow orange orange rili and yellow 5 for £10 Sheffield location
157.Rusty pleco, great alge eaters 5inch 14/03/24 Yes
Selling a lovely rusty pleco around 5inch Ready to go asap Collection only from woolston Please message for info / pictures 07773894759
158.3 x L333 ~4.5 inches 13/03/24 Yes
Three L333 plecos available. Around 4.5" in length. Very active and very healthy. £30 each.
159.Wild Caught - L095 orange cheek Pleco - 12inch 18/02/24 No
160.Wild Caught - L095 Pleco - 11/12inch - 07712294245 18/02/24 No
Lovely fish. Please message me for details - 07712294245
161.Free Tropical Fish +/- tank cabinet and equipment 17/02/24 No
Due to a house move I need to rehouse fish. The tank/cabinet and equipment also available if wanted. Collection only Truro. Best of my knowledge: Pleco bristlenose x4 Hypostomus Pleco x1 Rainbow fish x1 Harlequin Tetra x5 Neon tetra x1 Black line Rasbora x1 Black widow tetra x2 Red... ...
162.L046 ADULT ZEBRA PLECOS - BREEDING SIZE - Last few 15/02/24 Yes
Last of my adult zebras to go as I want to use the tank for other projects. Had 11 and have had eggs in the past. Not sure if they're males or females left and I can't tell the difference generally. 3-4in length and about 4 yrs old. Collection only, Oldham. £150 each. Serious enquiries only.... ...
163.Still available - various Preds Available - Text on 07547 390910 for a call back 10/02/24 No
The fish I keep are highly aggressive, for this reason please research what you’re potentially getting into. I don’t keep cichlids for a reason as these guys tear them up so bear that in mind please guys. All at a decent size.12inch Gulper catfish Lives by himself for obvious reasons . 11inc... ...
164.L183 starlight pleco pair 09/02/24 Yes
L183 starlight pair for sale £60 young pair
165.Bristlenose pleco 04/02/24 Yes
60 young bristlenose plecos Mom's- red Dad's- black About 2cm £5 each £10 for three
166.Green Dragon Bristlenose pleco Long fin, short fin. 04/02/24 No
Green Dragon Bristlenose pleco Long fin and a couple of short fin available now. Parents are different blood lines. Size approx 1.5-2 inch. Collection only from Medway Kent. Good deals on more than 5 bought.
167.L046 zebra pleco and others 29/01/24 No
Adult male L046 zebra pleco. 2.5" Adult male L066 king tiger pleco. 6" Adult female bristle nose pleco. 5" Around 8 adult Adolfi corydoras Selling as a group as I need to close down my fish tank. I do not want to split. Collection only from Exmouth, Devon. Buyer to bring bags/... ...
Fish going cheap Plecos Snow White 3cm Snow White breeding pairs adult 10 cm Common brown breeding pair adult 10cm Albino longfin male 17cm Albion longfin 7/9cm also around 500 Enders guppies Also a few different croys 07936 730980 WhatsApp with what you’re interested in and I’... ...
169.Wabenmusters pleco 24/01/24 No
2-3” Wabenmuster Plecos. The 3” I believe is male. Beautiful colour and patterns. Would make a good breeding group as 4 left. Fairly certain the others are female. £30 for 3” male and £20 each for 2.5” possible females.
170.ENFIELD Bristle Nose Pleco long & short fin 20/01/24 No
Fish available Long fin albino size 7cm to 15 cm Albino short fin 5cm to 10cm Snow white 2cm to 4 cm Also have blue shrimp available Nice colour Also have about 300 Enders guppy’s Please WhatsApp for any Photos or prices 07936730980
171.L330 Watermelon Pleco 16/01/24 No
for sale is my group of L330 watermelon pleco, is 4 of them 2 males 2 females, fairly large, they are £100 ea or will do a £300 for the group, 07341343254 happy to send some more pics or videos, collection only or happy to meet up. thanks
172.Pleco for sale 16/01/24 No
Pleco for sale around 8 in he's I would say Only wanting £10 for it
173.Common Pleco Hypostomus Plecostomus - Large 14/01/24 Yes
Meet the Common Pleco Hypostomus Plecostomus, a wonderful addition to any tropical freshwater aquarium. This peaceful fish is easy to care for, making it a great choice for intermediate level hobbyists. With a maximum size of 18 inches, this large fish will make a stunning centerpiece in your aqu... ...
174.Tropical Tank Full Set Up and Fish 11/01/24 Yes
Aquael Classic 70 Bow 90L tank 70 x 35 x 40cm WDH Matching black cabinet curved to hold the tank 73cm tall. Interpret deltatherm Heater,Fluval U2 underwater filter, LED lighting and thermometer. Gravel,1 x natural wood piece, plants and 4 x rocks. 10 fish, some over 3 years old 3 x ... ...
175.Plecos 06/01/24 Yes
Peckoltia Lujani - 3/4 inch 20 L191 Royal Pleco - hard to find this size 6'' - 80 Located in SW4 South London
176.L117 PLECO 5 INCH 03/01/24 Yes
L117 pleco 5inch stunning fish Message for details
177.Full setup 01/01/24 Yes
I'm looking to sell my full setup of community tank with or without filtration. There are a lot of plants,fish and stuff. The tank is 5x2x2ft, 10mm glass ,cabinet with lids and lights, and additional 2 glass lid.Instaled a lot of power sokets inside cabinet so you don't need to worry about sokets... ...
178.Full setup tank 01/01/24 Yes
I'm looking to sell my full setup of community tank with or without filtration. There are a lot of plants,fish and stuff. Fishes are: 20+ green dragon juvelines 6m or old Another bristlenose plecos don't know how many are they Stunning breeding pair of Green Dragon 20+ Corrys peppermi... ...
179.Plecos Super red,L200 01/01/24 Yes
Avalible L200 19-20cm - £60 Group of 5 breeding Red BN plecos SF 2M 3F - £190 Collection only East London,rm10
180.Peacock Cichlids Red Sea Reefer 170 Job Lot Closing down tank 28/12/23 Yes
Complete Aquarium Setup Red Sea Reefer 170 Peacock Cichlid Aquarium everything included tank, stand heater, lights, sump, Gravel.Rocks £1250 Ovno Just the Fish as job lot Make me sensible offer Castaway1200@outlook.com Kessil Lights Eheim Heaters Dragon rock Around 15 Large Peac... ...
181.Snow white bristlenose plecos 26/12/23 Yes
Snow white bristle nose plecos available £10 each feeding on cucumber, couchette, frozen daphnia, frozen brine shrimp collection from Basildon, Essex
182.L number rare plecos 13/12/23 No
L048 golden cloud Pleco 4 inches £100 L177 golden nugget Pleco 5 inches £45 L014 sunshine Pleco 4 inches £100 L273 titanic Pleco £100 7cm L075 para Pleco £29.99 6cm L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £19.99 L340 Mega clown Pleco 3-4cm £19.99 Mixed cherry shrimp 50p each WhatsApp or text +44... ...
183.Albino plecos 12/12/23 No
I have a breeding pair of albino plecos for sale, they breed roughly 4 times a year and have up to 50 to 60 babies, reason for sale getting over crowded with babies now £40 or reasonable offer
184.10 inches + XXL Watermelon Pleco - £115 10/12/23 Yes
10"+ XXL Watermelon Pleco - £115 Very Nice fish Collection from Croydon
185.Pairs of L183 Starlight Ancistrus Pleco 22/11/23 No
Ebay link with some images: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/196088773470?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=edSmJQdfSN2&sssrc=2524149&ssuid=edSmJQdfSN2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Though the white seam has faded, they all have 9 soft rays on their ... ...
186.Discus & other fish for sale 20/11/23 No
1x Super eruption 6inch - £10 1x Blue ring red cover 5inch - £25 1x Red cover 5 inch £20 2x Checkerboard pigeon blood 6 1/2 inch - £25 1x Wild Cross red cover 6inch - £10 1x Blue diamond 4 1/2 inch - £15 1x Blue Cobolt 4 1/2 inch - £15 2x yellow Checkerboards 5inch £100 1x Albino eru... ...
187.Proven Breeding group of bristlenose plecos 19/11/23 No
Selling 5 proven bristlenose's. Fully mature and currently breeding like crazty, need to make room to concentrate on other varients. 2x males and 3x females. £35 for the group
188.Young Bristlenose pleco fry 1 pound each Bournemouth 18/11/23 Yes
Young bristenose plecos 50+ bh8 area Bournemouth 1 pound each.
189.Tropical Fish 16/11/23 No
Tropical Fish 10"+ XXL Watermelon Pleco - £130 3x 3-4.5" Spotted Silverdollars - £20 3-4" African Cichlid - £5 1.5" Mesoheros Gephyrus cichlid - £5 Collection from Croydon
190.Large fish tank, 6ft long, 28 inches high, 16 inches deep - 500 Litres - £300 09/11/23 No
Large fish tank, 6ft long, 28" high, 16" deep - 500 Litres Includes all decor and equipment including stand one door off hinges , hood, Fluval FX5, LED light bar possible dodgy switch , decent tank heater with LCD display, all accessories including nets, food and timers. Fish inclu... ...
191.Green phantom plecos X 3 03/11/23 No
Approx 4" in length, lovely healthy fish, feeding well. Can WhatsApp pics,£120. Strictly cash on collection only please. Thanks.
192.Blue phantom plecos x 5 03/11/23 No
Nice group of fish,approx 3" in length. Feed on most foods, love courgette. £175 cash on collection only. Please,no swaps, silly offers,meet me at a service station,etc! Can WhatsApp pics. Thanks.
193.Stock clear out - RTG Asian Arowana, Florida Gar, Giraffe catfish, Ripsaw catfish, Oscar 25/10/23 Yes
Selling my stock to make some changes. Collection only, please bring bucket or appropriate container, these fish get large so I will ask for tank proof. ALL FISH FEED ON FLOATING PELLETS, FROZEN SHRIMP AND MUSCLES. NO TIME WASTERS PLEASE!!! RTG Asian Arowana approx 14inches - £500 Florid... ...
194.Rare L number plecos available 22/10/23 No
L077 golden nugget Pleco 5 inches £50 L273 titanic Pleco £125 7cm L075 para Pleco £45 6cm Lda33 pair 4-5 inches £80 for the pair L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £20 L340 Mega clown Pleco 3-4cm £25 L400 belo monte pleco 3-4cm £30 L201 orinoco Angel snowball 3-4cm £22.50 Mixed cherry shrimp 5... ...
195.Closing tank down Central and south american cichlids for sale , open to offers 16/10/23 No
4xHerotilapia multispinosa / 2x firemouth / 1xTexas/ 4xAmatitlania Nanolutea 2 breeding pairs /4x Neets / 4 or5 xThorichthys aureus/3xThorichthys pasionis/1x Red shark / 3xCryptoheros cutteri / 1x Geophagus Abalios/2x red shoulder severum / Sterba corydoras and a few different cory species not sure... ...
196.White gloss full aquarium set up 15/10/23 No
Beautiful looking. 300litre capacity 2 bottom cupboards for filters and equipment. Excellent filtration system including Fluval 360. Fully stocked with live plants and tropical fish. Tetras, gourami, pleco, pictus corys plus 2 giant African armoured shrimp. £100s of equipment far too much too ... ...
197.Plecos wanted 3 inch plus 15/10/23 No
Looking for a pleco or two, not fussy about variety, but must be say 3 inches or bigger and I have some fairly large cichlids who’ll eat anything smaller so no baby bristlenoses, please . Ideally a common pleco, rusty pleco, sailfin, adult bristlenose etc. Cheap rather than exotic or rare, j... ...
198.L204 flash pleco group x9 please read description 15/10/23 Yes
Group of 9 flash plecos L204 For Sale Full adults ratio unknown This group have spawned once before and I have a juvenile of just under 1yr old that i kept from the group that i will include in the sale unfortunately I changed the aquascape of the tank and all breeding and trapping s... ...
199.New rare l number plecos tropical fish 10/10/23 No
L077 golden nugget Pleco 5 inches £50 L273 titanic Pleco £125 7cm L075 para Pleco £45 6cm Lda33 pair 4-5 inches £80 for the pair L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £20 L066 king tiger Pleco 3-4cm £22.50 L340 Mega clown Pleco 3-4cm £25 L400 belo monte pleco 3-4cm £30 L201 orinoco Angel snowbal... ...
200.Sold ND Aquatics 7x2x2 aquarium Ash White 08/10/23 Yes
I’m shutting down my 7x2x2 tank from ND Aquatics Used in a bare bottom setup to house my L-Number Plecs. Shutting down as I’m selling most plecs and downgrading to a smaller set up.. Has a 4 cupboard cabinet and matching hood. Tank has glass sliding covers. Made in white ash wood. Some ... ...

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