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1.Tiger shovelnose, sailfin plec and gourami 07/02/25 Yes
Various fish for rehoming Tiger shovelnose catfish roughly 15 inches Sailfin plec roughly 12 inches 3x pink kissing gourami roughly 4 inches May be interested in possible swaps Based in worcester
Planet Arowana January sale grab yourself a bargain all stock must be sold ready for new shipments incoming. Please pm stock list below KIRIN PARROTS. sold out GREEN EMERALD CRYSTAL PARROTS sold out GOLDEN YELLOW MAMMON 4 left. SOLD OUT YELLOW KING KONG PARROT 2 left. SOLD OU... ...
3.2 stingrays , tiger shovelnose , Lima shovelnose 10/09/24 Yes
28 inch Disk motoro female possible pregnant proven breeder from where she came from 5.5 inch disk male motoro 12 inch tiger shovelnose catfish Brilliant eater growing quick now 8 inch Lima shovel nose West Yorkshire Message me 07727010770
4.SOLD cheap 12-14 inches Tiger Shovelnose Catfish Pseudoplatystoma Fasciatum. TSN 25/07/22 Yes
13" Tiger Shovelnose Catfish Pseudoplatystoma Fasciatum SOLD Cash on collection Eats prawns mussels and sinkers I have a transport bags Thanks 07905007786 for more pics and video Hass
5.16 inch Tiger Shovelnose Catfish 04/01/22 No
Amazing fish. Getting too big for me now. He has a sloped face and a growth but I think this adds to his character. Looking for swaps. Please contact me on 07927318959
6.TIGER SHOVELNOSE CATFISH 12inches. £50 11/09/20 Yes
Beautiful fish! Growing way to fast for me and my tank, eats plenty and very healthy! £50 Buyer must bring own container. Thanks.
7.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
8.Oddball, Predator, South American Cichlids STOCK LIST @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 09.05.18 09/05/18 Yes
We offer a good selection of Oddball, Predator and South/ Central American Cichlids, always fully quarantined and greedily accepting food before going on sale. They are housed in our individually filtered fish house containing more than 140 aquariums. Please call ahead for availability as certain ... ...
9.Large Catfish and Oddballs for sale 09/01/18 No
14-15" Silver Arrowana... 18" Tiger Shovelnose Catfish... 15-16" Polypterus Teugelsi Birchir... Email me at bantamtaff12@gmail.com and NOT via make contact option on bottom of ad please for prices and or pics or videos which i could send via whats app or messenger on Facebook... Alternati... ...
10.Mbu puffer - arowana - catfish - stingray - fire eel - peacock bass 19/12/17 Yes
Trying to clear out my current aquarium that consists of: Tiger shovelnose catfish Kilberi gold peacock bass x 3 Mbu puffer Silver arowana Fire eel Black calvus Synodontis granulosus Electric blue jack Dempsey All of them are between the ages of 8 to 10 months. Buy all for £400 ... ...
11.Red tail tiger shovelnose catfish 11 inches 03/05/17 Yes
Red tail tiger shovelnose catfish for sale around 11 inches long n growing fast! Gonna need a extra large tank or tropical pond to house this bad boy as gonna exceed 2 foot easy. Feeding well on anything going prawns mussels smelt. Lovely markings and fins Contact for pictures £100 or swap for oth... ...
12.Tiger Shovel nose wanted , big preds wanted odd balls 20/03/17 No
Tiger shovelnose catfish wanted 1ft plus Pacu , Giant snakeheads ,golden dorados , big predators welcome ! Long term home given , Contact 07764514024 ANY BIG PRED FISH ABOUT?????????
13.Tiger Shovelnose Catfish for sale 21/10/16 No
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish (Doug) for sale to good home. Very healthy fish requires a big tank as approximately 1ft long. £100 ono any questions please dont hesitate to ask. Tel: 07936639993 stefan.b@live.co.uk
14.14 inch Red tail X Tiger shovelnose catfish for sale 23/01/16 No
For sale I have a red tail X tiger shovelnose catfish at 14". He's a great looking fish with excellent markings and an amazing tail in 100% perfect condition. He's very healthy and pretty active for a catfish especially at feeding time. He'd be a great edition to anyone with a 6ft plus tank. ... ...
15.True Tiger Shovelnose Catfish 01/08/15 Yes
True Brachyplatystoma tigrinum approximately 14cm £250.
16.New stocklist 20/11/14 Yes
Washington aquatics brand new stocklist ne37 3bj free deliverys available. Community L018 Gold nugget plec £25 L400 Plec £20 Torpedo barbs 2" £5 each Bronze corys (xlarge) £3 each Kuhli loach £1 each Moscow blue guppy £2.50 each Lyretail sailfin Molly (large) £3 each Platys (xl... ...
17.Washington aquatics brand new stocklist 03/11/14 No
Washington aquatics brand new stocklist ne37 3bj free deliverys within 6 mile and orders over £30 within 15 mile geophagus surinamensis 10cm £15each geophagus balzini 8cm £10each salvini cichlids 14-15cm £15each cichla kelberi 4” £20each electric blue jack dempseys 1.5” £10each th... ...
18.WANTED : Large Tsn (tiger shovelnose catfish) 14 inches or bigger... 29/10/14 No
Must be in good condition with no defects on eyes or on body... Preferably the bigger the better but will accept 14" as smallest size as it will b going into a 7x30 tank with other big cats.... Must b reasonably priced and preferably in South Wales area or as close as possible to there... I... ...
19.Tiger Shovelnose 21/10/14 No
4-5" tiger shovelnose catfish for sale, looking for £20 or will swap for a lima shovelnose.
20.Red tail catfish. And tiger shovelnose catfish 14/10/14 Yes
Red tails 3 inch. £20. Shovelnose are 5 inch £15 each
21.New stock list. Malawi tangs community oddballs. Predators 07/10/14 No
Washington aquatics new stocklist red frontosa 2” £8.99each haplochromis borleyi 3.5-4” £8each haplochromis ahli “hormone” 3.5-4” £8each albino yellow labs 4” £8each super vc-10 haps 4” £8each aulonocara nyassae “ob” 4” £10each (10 available ) aulonocara nyassae pi... ...
22.14" tiger shovelnose catfish 01/08/14 No
14" tsn, eats like a pig and has a great personality £30 La23
23.Tiger shovelnose catfish 30/07/14 Yes
5 inch in size few left at Washington aquatics ne37 3bj
24.Washington aquatics new stock list 14/07/14 Yes
washington aquatics new stock list blue titanium flowerhorn 3-4" £45 bay snook cichlids 5-6" £15 redtail catfish 4" £20ea tiger shovelnose catfish 7" £20ea fire eels 10" £18ea long fin oscars 5" £12ea polleni cichlid 3" £6ea silver cichlids 4-5" £8ea green terrors 6-7" ... ...
25.for sale two large preditor fish. 10/07/14 Yes
Hello there and thank you for reading Here I have for sale my two preditor fish Fish one been a 12" spotted gar lovely fish eating well and not nasty been with all my other fish for 2 years and been fine other fish I have kept him with are 4 x large plecs 1 x retail catfish large tiger shovelnos... ...
26.Red tail x tiger shovelnose catfish hybrids 27/06/14 Yes
I've got 2 tsn x rtc hybrids, they've just started fighting and I can't decide which one to keep so I'm selling the pair, one 12" one 15" collection only from southampton £25 each call 07525252665
27.Tropical fish for sale. Plenty oddballs 20/05/14 Yes
washington aquatics new stocklist (ready wednesday) ne37 3bj pearl arrowana 4" £35 silver arrowna 5" £25 red lizard catfish £8ea blackghost knifefish 10 inch £25ea brilliant diamond tetra 10 f0r £8 yellow stone shrimp 2"plus £3ea hujeta gar 3-4" £8ea bicher endlicheri 4-5" £14e... ...
28.im looking to buy several species of fish 30/03/14 No
Hello, IM looking to buy a tiger shovelnose catfish, a silver arowana and a common pleco. All must be 10 inches minimum length as i have a large rtc and several motoro stingray which would find anything smaller suitable for dinner. I may be interested in any species 10 inches or larger. I live i... ...
29.tiger shovelnose catfish wanted 26/02/14 No
Tiger shovelnose 2 ft northwest area thanks
30.South coast aquatics massive catfish and oddball sale 03/02/14 Yes
Hi we have in stock, many desirable fish: Silver arowana 6" @ £20!!! Alligator gar 5" @ £15 Tiger shovelnose catfish 4" @ £15 Clown knife fish 8" @ £15 rare fish!! You can buy as many as you want the more you buy, the more you save! We can source any fish from anywhere in the world Give... ...
31.Silver arowana and tiger shovelnose 29/11/13 Yes
20 inch silver arowana no drop no gill curl hes in perfect condition and a 18 inch tiger shovelnose catfish. £80 for both i need them gone asap!!!!
32.Tiger Shovelnose catfish oddball Odd Ball SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 31/07/13 Yes
I have for sale a stunning 18" Tiger Shovelnose this fish feeds well on white fish / prawns / mussels etc great fish the wife hand feeds it loves the attention we are having a change around in our main tank so he / she is up for grabs Price £15 Location Harlow Essex Contact 07549613144
33.arrowana, tiger shovelnose catfish, alligator gar. 21/07/13 No
New shipment of the above ready for sale. 2.5-3.5" silver arrowana £18 3-4" tiger shovel nose £6 or 4 for £20 4-5" alligator gar £10. I have many more different types of fish, predatory, peacefuls, catfish, pondfish etc, all at bargain prices - usually half shop prices, for full price/st... ...
34.16" tiger shovelnose catfish for sale offers or swap for American cichlids 05/07/13 Yes
He his a beast! In great health and will eat anything. Looking to swap him or sell for the right offer. Reason for sale is inherited this fish off my late grandfather and unfortunately he his outgrowing my tank and I cannot afford to upgrade. please no time wasters. Looking for American cichlids to ... ...
35.--> List of fish - WANTED <--- 23/03/12 No
Below is a list of fish i am looking for. can collect in the North Yorkshire area, but if you can post the fish i would be willing to pay for the postage. cash waiting for right fish, wont try and blag anything for free as i have had too many people do this to me! Buttikoferi Red belly Pacu Tig... ...
36.Tiger shovelnose catfish 2ft length also large moto stingray 11/03/12 No
for sale tiger shovel nose catfish just gettin to big for his home currently in a 6 x 2 x 2 needs to go in bigger £200 Stingray large 2ft including tail approx 15-18" dia both feeding really well on anything Ray £175 07719304206
37.Silver arowana, RTC, Giraffe catfish, Paku, oscer 29/01/12 Yes
Here i have my pride and joy up for sale. I am making the move to salt water. These are all large in size, but all are fantastic and fun to watch fresh water fish. fish for sale consist of- 2 x Osscer 10 - 12" 1 x Silver Arowana 18 - 20" 1 x Red... ...
38.Red Tail x Tiger Shovelnose Catfish 30/11/11 Yes
14 inch Red tail/shovelnose for reluctant sale, healthy with good markings. Feeding 2-3 times per week on tiger prawns. Sensible offers only please.
39.tiger shovelnose catfish 14/11/11 No
tigershovle nose catfish 7" £20 07904968076
Hi, due to new work commitments we are now offering our collection of catfish free to good homes. They range in size from 1.5ft upto 4ft. We want them to go to good homes,so if you are intrested we need to know what size of aquarium and experience you have in keeping large fish. PLEASE NO TIME ... ...
41.complete 6ftx2ftx2ft set up 23/08/11 Yes
includes 6ftx2ftx2ft fish tank, hydor magnum 8 12500lph powerhead, fluval FX5 exteral filter, 2x 300watt heaters, 2x pre-drilled holes 1 outlet located 6" from bottom & 1 inlet located 4" from top, wooden lid plus tubing and waterproof ultra seal 58w controller, gravel, rocks, fish included are 3x h... ...
42.red tail tiger shovelnose hybrid 05/04/11 No
its a red tail cross tiger shovelnose catfish bout 12 inces long. immaculate condition £50 o.n.o would consider swap.
43.MALAWI TO SWAP 28/02/11 Yes
looking for a red tail catfish , tiger shovelnose catfish, arowana, spotted gar, alligator gar OR any other quirky fish to swap for 10 malawi (5cm - 2 inch) 1 gold severum 2 blue acara 1 firemouth 1 female convict so let me know what you have. the smaller the better. contact by text... ...
45.tiger shovelnose catfish 10/08/10 No
hi im saleing my tiger shovelnose due 2 its size just getting to big for my tank lovely fish, want £120 for it or will consider swapping 4 a jack dempsey male or a jaguar male and some cash if interested call me on 07857157276 or email me kbarker242@hotmail.co.uk will add pic as soon as it lets me
46.fully grown tiger-shovelnose catfish - scotland 15/07/10 Yes
fully grown Tiger Shovelnose catfish for sale in scotland. lovely big fish, this would require a larger aquarium. a bargain at only 50 pound also have 2 smaller marble spotted x redtail catfish. again a bargain at 50 pound for the pair picture attached isnt of actual fish, however looks... ...
47.XL Tiger Shovelnose catfish 15/07/10 Yes
fully grown Tiger Shovelnose catfish for sale. lovely big fish, this would require a larger aquarium. a bargain at only 50 pound picture attachede isnt of actual fish, however looks identical 07858925624 cheers
48.4ft x16x19 aquarium for swap with all fish and equipment 11/07/10 No
hi everybody i am advertising a 4ftx16x19 fish tank with stand,hood,light,fishs and all the equipment you need to have set up. just fill water and you got your self a bargain. I have the following: 4ft fishtank,hood,stand and some LARGE fish 1x large external filter(2275) 2x internal fluva fi... ...
49.Beautiful Tiger Shovelnose Catfish 23/03/10 Yes
I am reluctantly selling my 2ft Tiger Shovelnose due to an upcoming house move. He currently lives in a 6 ft x 3 ft x 3ft aquarium with a large Oscar. Buyer must have an enclosure of equal or bigger size. This fish is a family pet and must go to an owner who knows how to care for such a large growin... ...
50.redtail catfish X tiger shovelnose catfish 10/03/10 No
Hi i have for sale a redtail x tiger shovelnose catfish, he is about 13 inches long, 6-7months old, brought at 2/half inches. Eats everything and anything, loves prawns, and has lovely markings. This catfish is in excellent condition and healthy. A great fish to have to a good home; £70 (ONO) ... ...
51.tiger shovelnose catfish 10/12/09 No
11"shovel nose catfish £20 its in bril condition its fedding very well on lancefish and prawns not shy at all 1ft shovel nose (£25-£30) waterver plz come back to me the soner the chaeper ill sell both for £30 there about £30each
52.Tiger shovelnose catfish good home wanted 04/04/09 No
10" Tiger shovel nose catfish very friendly ventures out in day as well as night gets on with all other catfish very attractive and distinct markings brilliant addition to any tank we are unfortunately having to sell as our tank is a little too small to house him comfortably. £30 o.n.o. Will delive... ...
Hi All I have to part with my 27" Redtail Catfish and my 21" Tiger shovelnose catfish(Very very Sad to see them go) I have had both of these fish since they were about 4" and i have gone through tank after tank after tank(yes THREE NEW TANKS) and they have both now out grown my Newest Tank and i ... ...
Black Ghost Knife,Spotted Climbing Gourami,Red Severum, Red Parrots, Tiger Shovelnose Catfish,Glass Bloofin Tetra, Malaysian Glass Catfish, Clarius,Royal Red Discus,Bristlenose, L333,L02,L262,L254,Keyhole,Madagascar Rainbow,Praecox Dwarf Blue Rainbow,Purple Cheek Shark,Yellow Labs,Burmese Loach,Clo... ...
55.TIGER SHOVELNOSE . .20 POUNDS 16/09/08 No
Hi iam selling my tiger shovelnose catfish>>>>> Hes a beautiful fish, iam reluctantly selling him as i now cannot get a larger tank as house move fell through,not in the near future,,, He eats pellets perfectly which alot of ... ...
56.Large fish for sale 27/07/08 No
Red tail catfish 20 inches........70 pounds Tiger shovelnose catfish 20 inches.......60pounds Giant albino gourami 20 inches........80 pounds Pacu 10 inches x 2........20pounds each Clown knife fish 16 inches........50 pounds Common plecs from 12-18 inches.... 20 pounds each Red tail catfish 1... ...
57.Golden Dorado, Wallagu Attu, Clown Knife fish, Aligator Gar, Tiger Shovelnose Catfish. 13/06/08 No
Golden Dorado (Salminus Maxillosas): 30 inches, 10 inches deep of solid muscle. Certainly the biggest Golden Dorado in the United Kingdom. She is nearly 18lbs. Maybe the rarest fish ever sold on Aquarist Classifieds.She is 3 in July and I have grown her from 4 inches. Wallagu Attu: 36 inches... ...
58.8ft x 2ft x 2ft TANK,Hood,Cabinet,Cover Glass,EVERYTHING..... 13/02/08 No
TANK 8ftx2ftx2ft Hood+Cabinet+Lights+External Heaters+External Filters+Power Heads+Under Gravel Filter ETC..... Everything...Etc.. 14 Inch Redtail Catfish 3x Royal Plecs (8inch+9inch+10inch) 12 Inch Tigrinus Shovelnose Catfish 14 Inch Tiger Shovelnose Catfish 2x 8inch Albino Oscars (Male+Female... ...
59.hoplosternum thoracatum,banjo cats lima shovelnose catfish 13/06/07 Yes
bristle nose ancistrun, honkong pleco, red marble pleco, peppermint spot pleco, gold dot banana pleco, royal pleco, cream zebra pleco, magnum pleco cats farlowella arcus, loricaria parva whiptail pim.pictus cat, tiger shovelnose catfish, hoplosternum thoracatum, corydoras peper, albino, bronze, ele... ...
60.new oddball fish at the mill aquatics 05/05/07 No
the mill garden, pet and aquatic centre 6" farlowella twig catfish 14" asian redtail catfish 3-6" F1 zare blue frontosa 7" alligator gar 4" tiger shovelnose catfish 3" south american lungfish babies 2" venomous monsterfish aquatics@millgardencentre.c... ...
62.tiger shovelnose and red tail hybrid for sale - scotland 19/02/06 No
I have a tiger shovelnose catfish and a red tail hybrid, both are just over a foot long and feed well. Would sell seperately or as a pair offers considered. Photo's available on request
63.Large Tiger Shovelnose 07/10/05 Yes
Hey there i am moving house in the near future and may not be able to move the big tanks with me so have to find a new home for my tiger shovelnose catfish, Hes a great (big) guy, i measured him around 6 weeks ago and he was 16inches so probably a little bigger now, and hes stunning, excellen... ...
65.Tiger Shovelnose Catfish 30/09/04 No
Lovely looking specimen, eats well and is in good condition, about 10 inches in length, rehoming due to selling of tank, £50. Buyer must collect or arrange delivery
66.Various Rare catfish 18/08/04 Yes
1x Tiger Shovelnose catfish 3" 1x Electric Catfish 6" 1x Giraffenose Catfish 24" 1x Pangasius Catfish 10" 1x L25 Scarlet Pleco 12" Please make me offers on each fish all are in perfect health. Delivery can be arranged.
67.Zebra Shovelnose Catfish 10/06/04 Yes
Merodontotus Tigrinus .... From 2" and over £100 cheaper than I've seen them for sale anywhere else . ..... ..... 2" £120 or 3" £150 .. Also Tiger Shovelnose catfish for £7.50 and Red Tail Cross Tiger Shovelnose catfish for £12.50. Collection from Chesham, Bucks or mail order ne... ...
68.10" Tiger Shovelnose Catfish 04/06/04 No
Beautiful example £55 ovno. Also have small tiger shovelnose catfish at £7.50 and red tail cross tiger shovelnose catfish at £12.50.. ... ... PLUS WE HAVE TIGRINUS !!! ZEBRA SHOVELNOSE CATFISH 2" at £120 and 3" at £150!!! I've had SHOPS buying from me at these prices, so grab yours qu... ...
69.Shovelnose Sale 02/06/04 Yes
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish £7.50!!!... ... ... ... ... Redtail Cross Tiger Shovelnose Catfish £12.50!!! ... ... ... ... ... Zebra Shovelnose Catfish 2" £120 !!! ... 3" £150!!! .... .... Mail-Order Fish run by Hobbyists!! Tropical Fish Direct!!
70.Did I Mention..... 30/05/04 Yes
That I'm getting Tigrinus, Zebra Shovelnose Catfish from Peru on Tuesday? I did? .. Oh well, I am!! .... Also have tiger shovelnose catfish at £7.50 and redtail cross tigers at £12.50!! It's a gift!! We're hobby-based with a good money backer to save the hobbyists (er, that's you guys) MONEY!!! ..... ...
71.Silly Price Shovelnoses 25/05/04 No
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish 3" £7.50 - YES !! SEVEN POUNDS FIFTY!!! ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Tiger Shovelnose CROSS Red Tail Catfish 3" £12.50 - TWELVE FIFTY!!! Plenty to go round but since PFK said shops sell them for £40+ I expect they'll go down a treat!! ..... ..... ..... Also ZEBRA shovel... ...
72.18" (but I'm slim!!) Tiger Shovelnose catfish. 11/05/04 No
Beautiful example of a great, friendly (hungry) catfish. Nice colours. Great markings. Hand feeder (or feeds on hands!) well fed....lovely condition of fins and body. Real character....and recommended for any large display tank.....there's no hiding this catfish.
73.4 inch Tiger Shovelnose 10/04/04 Yes
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish. 4" Tiger Shovelnose Catfish £12.95. This fish is not for the faint hearted and could eventually reach a size of 4' although in an aquarium is unlikely to get any larger than 30". He will eventually need at least a 6'X2'X2' tank. These are lovely fish and can easily b... ...

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