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You are viewing results from county of Gloucestershire
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8     (Total: 715 adverts.)
17” male flowerhorn, 4” male blackbelt and plecs :Pristine male flowerhorn, great character, lovely colours and had been well looked after. £120 ono Male blackbelt vieja cichlid, great ...14/01/25
2For Sale: Stunning Trimac pair :Update I believe lots of messages have been going to my spam, I have decided to keep the umbee, too rare and difficult to find in the UK at ...28/12/24
3AI Orbit 2 gyre powerhead £170 :AI Orbit 2 powerhead. Hardly used and boxed as new. https://www.aquaillumination.com/products/orbit Cash on collection only from GL52.16/12/24
4Fluval fish tank and red belly piranhas :Fuval tank 2ft & cabinet comes with heater, air pump & light. Also have 7 baby red belly piranhas Can do a deal or sell sepa ...04/12/24
5Fluval fish tank and red belly piranhas :Fuval tank 2ft & cabinet comes with heater, air pump & light. Also have 7 baby red belly piranhas Can do a deal or sell sepa ...04/12/24
6Fluval fish tank and red belly piranhas :Fuval tank 2ft & cabinet comes with heater, air pump & light. Also have 7 baby red belly piranhas Can do a deal or sell sepa ...03/12/24
74ft fish tank with fish :4ft 400l fish tank including fish and all accessories Comes with air stone and heater Comes with external pump Also have a few de ...29/11/24
8Rare livebearers,Limia Islai tiger :I have juvenile Islai,available,one of the most peaceful fish you could ever keep,On offer for£1.00 each I can post at extra cost,contact m ...23/09/24
9External filter :Anyone have an external filter just got a tank come with one but doesn’t seem to work 200 litre tank17/09/24
10Midas Cichlids 3 to 4 inches £5 each :I have found a few in my sump, healthy eating well and looking for a home. Both males26/08/24
11Goldfish & Shubunkins - free to a good home :We bought 1 goldfish and 2 shubunkins in March 2022. In the first 7 months, they had 3 spawnings, resulting in at least 30 fish - far too ma ...15/08/24
12Females flowerhorn and trimac x flowerhorn female :Have 2 large female flowerhorns Please contact for details ideally need to go together.13/08/24
13Reserved ………DANUBE CYLINDER ACRYLIC AQUARIUM COMPLETE SET UP :Reserved ……… I am selling my Danube cylinder acrylic aquarium fish tank, I purchased it from Shirley Aquatics 8 months ago for £1699 ...29/07/24
146 inch stingray pup :Message me for more details please30/05/24
15Selling my full set up :Because of work commitments I am very reluctantly having to sell the following. See pictures please 1 x BD FEMALE 6 inches 2 x LARGE ...21/05/24
16Cichlids, Large tinfoil barbs and a frontosia cichlid :Jack Dempsey juvenile 1 inch £8 Blue polar parrot cichlid juveniles x2 1 inch £6 each £10 for both Vieja cichlid juveniles x3 1 inch £ ...14/05/24
1715kg of mixed live rock offers :15kg of mixed live rock offers10/05/24
18Large display Java tree 20” length :Large display Java tree 20” length10/05/24
19Large oscar pair :For sale large oscar pair £50 . Both 12"04/02/24
20Red oscar :For sale 8 to 10" red oscar . Or possibly swap for large female convict or other cichlid21/01/24
21L136 Hypancistrus 4-6 cm :L136 Hypancistrus 4-6 cm As £15 each or 6 for £95 Bs £35 each or 5 for £150 Collection GL7 Cirencester or can post for £15 via Royal ...04/03/23
22Cleair 550 Litre Tank with 50 lt Sump Marine or Tropical :I have for Sale a Cleair Marine Tank complete with sump and all the equipment, it has only been used to keep Tropical but is designed as a M ...01/03/23
23Cleair 550 Litre Tank with 50 lt Sump Marine or Tropical :I have for Sale a Cleair Marine Tank complete with sump and all the equipment, it has only been used to keep Tropical but is designed as a M ...23/02/23
24Cleair 550 Litre Tank with 50 lt Sump Marine or Tropical :I have for Sale a Cleair Marine Tank complete with sump and all the equipment, it has only been used to keep Tropical but is designed as a M ...23/02/23
25Cleair 550 Litre Tank with 50 lt Sump Marine or Tropical :I have for Sale a Cleair Marine Tank complete with sump and all the equipment, it has only been used to keep Tropical but is designed as a M ...22/02/23
26Mubna for sale :Selling my mbuna as moving on to discus. 5x Fainzilberi kirondo 2 Mcat males 1 O female and 2 OB females 5x Chindongo socolofi all males ...05/02/23
271ft Common pleco free to good home :Due to moving I'm closing down my tank ready, I have one fish left for rehoming, a common pleco roughly 1ft long. Location Gloucester.22/11/22
28Maroon Clownfish :Had him for about 3 months now,bought him while having another Clownfish in there. Sadly they would bo longer get along do decided to part w ...24/10/22
29Coral Beauty :Coral Beauty, had him for about 2 months, in perfect health. My Firefish seems a bit scared of the Coral beauty and was spending most of t ...24/10/22
30x7 Odessa Barbs free to a good home :Medium / Large sized, beautiful coloring very healthy fish. 6 males, 1 female. Collection only.31/07/22
31Juwel Rio black trimmed Aquarium :100mm w x40 mm d x 50 mm h 39 inches x 16 inches by 19.5 inches. Juwel Rio tank. In good condition. Bio Flow filter working perfectly. 1 dam ...09/07/22
32Marine fish SHUTDOWN :I have lots of marine fish for sale as we are closing down our two tanks. Yellow Tang £180 Flame angel £125 Hawkfish £20 Pyjama wr ...07/07/22
33Tank Shutdown. :I have lots of marine fish for sale as we are closing down our two tanks. 2x Yellow Tangs £180 each Flame angel £125 Hawkfish £20 ...03/07/22
34Free Fish :3 Panda Corydoras, 5 Ember Tetras and some assassin snails free to good home. Due to change of job.17/05/22
35Fish wanted :Hi i am looking for a blood parrot , oscar , hero severum and flower horn. If you have got any of this pls give me a call. Thanks19/04/22
36Tub of free coral. Please message for photos :Free to pick up asap sheets of Green Star Polyps Metallic Green and Grey with white mouth Needs attaching to rock Small Toadstool Nee ...30/03/22
373ft extra tall Opti-white aquarium with extras £300 :More photos on Facebook marketplace Main Display 880mm L x 580mm W x 810mm H 12mm optiwhite glass on 3 sides with eurobrace, External w ...30/03/22
38RMS Rail with custom hanging kit and 3 Light slides for XR15 gen4 :RMS Rail with custom hanging kit and 3 Light slides for XR15 gen 4. £50 Ideal Hanging solution for radion xr15's for 3ft aquarium ...28/03/22
39L280 dwarf pleco :I have several L280 dwarf pleco juveniles to rehome. They are anything from 3 months to 8 months old. Great little pleco and really rare. Th ...17/03/22
40Radion xr15 Gen 4 Freshwater £120 with diffuser :Great Light Worked well on my macro algae reef, never run above 55% Incredible clarity With great coverage. Only reason for sale ...17/03/22
41Full aquarium setup 330L bowfront :For sale, used condition comes with light, filter and a variety of coldwater freshwater fish. Including gold fish, 3 x weather loaches and ...29/07/21
42Fertile vieja hybrid for sale :I have a vieja male for sale. Originally shipped in from Thailand I Originally paid £150 for him at 3 inch he is 100% fertile and proven to ...06/07/21
43CICHLIDS :Eleven blue cichlids includes mating pairs plus two catfish £25;00. ONO. Buyer collects.30/06/21
44Complete aquarium set up :Aqua Oak 110cm (200litre0 wine rack aquarium & cabinet. 100cm (L)x40cm(W)x50cm(H) Includes : Eheim professional 3 Thermo external ...30/06/21
45FREE - 6cm Pleco & Kuhli Loach :I have the below pictured Pleco looking for a new home. I also have at least one kuhli loach that I'm looking to offload with him.19/06/21
46I need to Rehome my goldfish :We’ve had this goldfish for 3-4 years and always thought he was a lot bigger compared to our other one, anyway his friend passed away a co ...21/05/21
47Aquarium and lots of equipment and accessories :Lots of different accessories and equipment with the fish tank. Accepting offers19/04/21
48Red bubble nem :I have a few red bubble nems for sale £20 each10/04/21
49Tank reshuffle to have many frags :Red plate Green plate Green Chalice Purple stylo Toxic green candy canes Red bubble nem Lime green sps Few others I can’t remem ...07/04/21
50Toxic green candy canes and other corals :I have some toxic green candy canes for sale or swap £5 per head or let me know what you have to swap Also have purple stylo, red and gre ...07/04/21
51Live rock :I have about 20kg of spare live rock from a re-scape £5 per kg07/04/21
5260kg approx silica sand :I have 60kg of silica sand looks very nice in tank £40 07792605077.25/03/21
53Pond fish for sale - Stroud Gloucestershire :We have three Ghost Carp, one Golden Orfe and a Grass Carp for sale as they need a bigger pond. All 12 - 15". Buyer collects please. cl ...20/03/21
54Wanted :Looking for juwel rio 350 in white or beech08/03/21
55Cheato for sale £10 including postage :As above cheato £10 including Postage07/03/21
56Young Kribensis :Bred at home. I have 15 x 3cm young Kribs hoping for a new home. Parent reared for a period, now growing out in a 575 litre tank. Photos are ...06/03/21
57Koi and Fish for rescue :We're looking to find a new home for a Koi (no idea what sort). When we bought current house we took possession of a pond with a couple of ...06/03/21
58Male Guppies need Rehoming :I have 5 male guppies that need a new home due to overcrowding. Can deliver local to Gloucestershire.31/01/21
59Wanted :Large clown loach & gourami. Anything about08/01/21
60Channa pulcha Snakeheads :Snakeheads are channa pulcha. 7-9inches long. They are 1yr old. There is 9 of them all together. Selling all together including tank and lig ...12/10/20
61WANTED Metriaclima Msobo Magunga :Wanted group of Metriaclima Msobo Magunga preferred to be female heavy. Willing to travel for the right group, cash waiting.10/10/20
62Tropical fish :200 litre tropical tank with external heater . To include seasoned wood and ornamental stone. Also 3 clown loaches, one black ghost knife fi ...13/09/20
63Looking for Glass Aquariums :I'm an Animal Technician and am adding an aquatic section at work for our students, I currently have a tank for marine and cichlids. I am al ...04/09/20
64For sale :Message me for more details 2x parrot fish Jaguar cichlid Tiger shovel nose Common pleco Channa stewartii snakehead Blue acara C ...16/08/20
65For sale :Message me for more details 2x parrot fish Jaguar cichlid Tiger shovel nose Common pleco Channa stewartii snakehead Blue acara C ...16/08/20
66Complete fish house :Five tanks, 48x18 ht x 15 36x24htx18 18 inch cube 24x18htx12 48x24htx12 All with sliding glass lids, first three are excellent condit ...06/08/20
67Koi Carp For Sale :4no. Koi Carp for sale (1 no salmon, 2no grey with white fleck, 1no white with grey fleck) as per photos. Approx size 16 inches (40cm). Not ...04/08/20
68Dojo loach about 4 year old :Dojo loach about 4 year old for sale. £1019/07/20
69Juwel 190 litre Triton corner tank :Immaculate condition, looks like new. T5 lighting with new bulbs. Filter built in. Fish not included. Bought for £550, selling at £25 ...27/04/20
70For sale :I have these (Pictured) Cichlids, I have forgotten the exact name... 2 male, 1 female... they breed.. I'd like to sell them so I can create ...14/03/20
71Aquarium Bogwood :Tank is being shut down 4 small pieces £5 each 3 medium pieces £10 each 1 large piece £15 Collection only Longford, Gloucester29/02/20
72Green several cichlids :2 green severums free to collector. 1 is approx 5 inces long and the other is approx 3 inches long. Free to good home.23/01/20
73Picasso trigger :Lovely Picasso trigger for sale, would love to keep it but my stock makes it impossible unfortunately. Collection from Gloucester preferably ...10/01/20
74WANTED EA Reef Pro 900 Black :Looking for an evolution aqua reef Pro 900 has to be black I'm afraid (the other half has spoken), anything from empty tank to full setup. W ...03/12/19
75Fluval 200l black :4 months old. Complete set up. Got £300 worth of juvenile fish, only had them for 3 months. Filtration is EFX 400 Blue panaque 30 neon ...02/11/19
76Juwel Rio 450 fishtank and all the trimmings :JUWEL RIO 450 Fishtank with matching cabinet Measurements 151 x 51 x 66 cm Excellent filtration system - Juwel Bioflow Super Illumina ...04/10/19
77Blue rainbowfish about 10cm :Blue rainbowfish adult £1015/09/19
78Free Goldfish :Various sizes of pond goldfish free for collection, Gloucester. Phone 01452525864 if interested.02/08/19
79koi fish rehoming :Hi, we have a nice ~40000 gallon pond which is currently home to a few small koi so we are looking to rehome some koi. Any size / colour. wi ...12/06/19
80Parrot Cichlids for Sale. :I have a 4-5 inch orange Parrot Cichlid that is being bullied by two other Parrot Cichlids. It appears to be healthy but has a bit of scale ...26/05/19
81Breeding group of 6 blue eyed lemon bristle nose :I have a breeding group of 6 blue eyed lemon bristle nose for sale. 2 males and 4 females. 5 of them are very near 4 inches and the 6th is a ...20/05/19
82Bristlenose Plecos (Ancistrus) For Sale :Around 30 Bristlenose plecos for sale, they were born around 5 months ago so are a good size to add to established aquariums. £4 a Pleco, ...23/04/19
83Complete Tropical Aquarium Cheltenham :Aqua one 110 litre with inbuilt filter comes complete with heater pump planted bogwood x 2 ,live plants as per picture, 8 serpae tetras, 4 ...22/04/19
84Complete tropical set up-Bargain for quick sale :URGENTLY need to rehome my aquarium as I am moving on 10th May and cannot take it with me. 300 litre? aquarium sat in purpose built cabinet. ...22/04/19
854foot double tank stand :4ft long 12” front to back will take 24foot tanks has metal welded frame and I’ve added wood so looks more like a cupboard need garn ASA ...08/04/19
86Quick sale of usa imports closing system down 200 for all :I have 5 designer clown fish imported from America, I'm closing down my system and would like them to go quick so all 5 for 200 I have ...03/04/19
87Devil power head :Used for a short period of time. This doesn't have the case over the water in put area but will be great in a sump as a return pump. 10 ...24/03/19
88Pearlscale Fancy Goldfish :some lovely home grown pearlscales text me if you are interested. based in bristol thankyou!22/03/19
89Water timer :Water timer Bristol 5 pound11/03/19
90Tunez power head :Hardly any use is too strong, solid power head 20 pound Bristol11/03/19
91Bubble magus c7 :Some spare parts, pump comes free as it needs a new cable, it works just tested it. 40 pound Bristol11/03/19
92Chaeto for sale :Around 6 to 8L 45 posted in water with heat packs.11/03/19
93Juwel Rio 240 with stand :A few minor scratches, fairly minimal. Would suit anyone wanting to get into fish keeping. About 20 months old. Beech coloured stand has nev ...03/03/19
94Very large plate coral :Selling my very large plate coral. Base of plate is around 6-7 inches. When fully out, this coral can expand to around 10 inches. It’s ...15/02/19
95FREE...20plus Goldfish medium size Plus 4 Koi :FREE...selection of pond fish some Koi..Shubunkin..all good quality...must collect Cheltenham GL52 6PG Thanks David28/01/19
96Goldfish and Carp needing a home :Around 30 - 40 goldfish various sizes and 3 or 4 carp (not Koi) around 10 - 12" long needing to be rehomed due to losing battle with he ...16/01/19
97Multiple community fish (30) for sale :Two barlor sharks, 4 silver dollar, two albino catfish, two pictus catfish, two opaline gouramis, 6 barbs, 4 medium angel fish, 1 Red tail s ...18/12/18
98Rainbow shinners :Looking for some good colour rainbow shiners.08/11/18
99Interpet Tri Spec LED and app controller :Tri spec LED (116-124cm) + app controller.Excellent condition. £90.Cost £210 when bought new.Hardly used.Collection only. Lydney, Glouces ...18/10/18
100Mushroom bounce chalice for sale :I have a 1"+ baby WWC bounce mushroom. Very heathy with two huge bubbles and more forming. Almost covering a 1 1/4" tile. I'm aski ...03/09/18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

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