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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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You are viewing results from county of Leicestershire
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18     (Total: 1744 adverts.)
1Large Golden Orfe - £35 :Beautiful Golden Orfe for sale Only reason for sale is due to reducing the number of fish now they are all getting bigger. Very healthy an ...12/02/25
2Jewel Aquarium in unit :Jewel Aquarium Lido 120. Complete with pump filter and light. Has been kept in the garage for six months. Reason for selling is it's just to ...10/02/25
3Corner Aquarium :Corner aquarium for sale, excellent condition has been used for marines ,Comes with cabinet, which has been sanded down and wood protected a ...09/02/25
4Super red arowana or chilli red arowana :I am looking super red arowana or chilli red arowana 7inch to 8 inch any body sale pls contect me in my whatsapp 0787979787404/02/25
5Corydoras wanted :I am looking for any Corydoras in Leicester/Loughborough area 0789055930423/01/25
6Free fire eel leicester :Free fire eel based in based leicester. About 14" great colours. Currently on earthworms but trying to break onto others. Please no tim ...15/01/25
7Juwel rio 450 with matching cabinet +60 plus job lot malawi cichlids :Everything included in the video Multi Lights with remote External filter Heater Pump Stones Gravel Shipwreck and ornaments Over 70 ...02/01/25
8Stainless steel 20 foot monster tank/pond £6000 :https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/933116778676116/ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156505192957 I have hiab details who will move ...01/01/25
9Wanted Synodontis Angelicus :Hi does anyone have any synodontis angelicus available please?24/12/24
10Rafael catfish :Two Rafail.catish 12-18cm long £30 for the par or nearest offer. Only for collection in LE24PH. Great looking fish, getting rid die to sett ...16/12/24
11Wanted Red Sea max :Hi looking for red sea max 130d or 250 in leics/lincs/notts area if anyone has one for sale please10/12/24
12Aquariums 4 Life Aquarium and cabinet stand :Aquariums 4 Life Aquarium and cabinet standard sump filter. Custom built costing well over £2000 without lighting or any other kit. Receipt ...08/12/24
13Orange Fire Swordtail fry x6 2cm :Selling 6 x young orange fire swordtail fry 2cm. More can be purchased to make a deal. Postage is £20 via APC overnight. https://www.e ...26/11/24
14Pied Swordtail x6 fry 2cm :Selling young Pied swordtail fry approximately 2cm. Selling in groups of 6 for £22. Can make deals on larger quantities. Fish can be po ...26/11/24
15Cleair Aquatics 1500litre Tank :1950litres in total.1500 main tank and 450filter tank. Comes with a powerful filter capable of filtering 10'000 litres per hour.Wave maker. ...20/11/24
16Black diamond stingray :Male black diamond stingray 20" disc £30018/11/24
17Limia Melanonotata Dominican Republic :As above, breeding colony approximately 25 fish around 2 inches each. Good mix of males and females. Need room for future project. £50 for ...17/11/24
18Fly River Turtle :Fly river turtle for sale Approx. 10 inch and in very good health. Shutting down my tank as we are moving. Looking for £800 If yo ...13/11/24
19Price change Oscar, Black & copper.10inch :Oscar, Black & copper.10inch Approximately 4 years old Current size from mouth to tail 10inches In good condition Litre tank in a ...11/11/24
20Male scobina ray wanted :After a male scobina ray, at least 6" disc, and ideally pellet trained09/11/24
21over 60 malawi fish £70 the lot :got over 60 malawi fish for sale £70 the lot also 3 inch frontosa £10 each le3 area30/10/24
22baby frontosa 3 inch £10 each or deal for multi buy :got over 30 baby frontosa fish £10 each or deals for multi buy le3 area30/10/24
23Black Line Tail Tetra Moenkhausia Costae x12 :Black Line Tail Tetra Moenkhausia Costae x12 good shoaling fish 1 half inch £20 the lot collection le3 area15/10/24
24Corydoras Venezuelanus Orange Bronze Cory Catfish :Corydoras Venezuelanus Orange Bronze Cory Catfish got 12 of these loverly fish nice colour collection le3 area £3 each or £30 for the g ...15/10/24
26Mesonauta mirificus X4 :Four wild caught Mirificus . There are around 1.5” to 2” feeding well. Need space for other projects Butter to collect from LE7 ...11/10/24
272 axolotls free :Lookin to rehpme 2 axolotls About 2 years old08/10/24
28JUWEL 190 CORNER FISH TANK :Hi I'm selling my Juwel aquarium 190 due to upgrade to bigger one. This Aquarium is very good condition leak free no scratches on glass come ...15/09/24
29GOLDFISH FOR SALE :6 goldfish mixed colours,approximately 6 inch long. Ideal for pond. £5 EACH OR £25 The lot.26/08/24
30Apistogramma Agassizi double red pair :Selling my pair of apiatogramma Agassizi . I believe they have spawned a couple of times now . But I’ve never seen fry . Need gone to make ...18/08/24
31Closing down tanks :Considering closing down a couple of tanks as I'm becoming more interested in koi and ponds. Have the below for collection. Turkana Jewe ...15/08/24
32Puffer :Nile puffer 7-8 cm with 3 foot tank heater internal filter all caves and gravel bogwood included £100 will consider offers Leicester collec ...31/07/24
33Fish :ALL BREEDING PAIRS mbunas £20 the pair Plecos £40 the pair Convicts £20 the pair Orange Malawi £20 MALAWIS ARE CURRENTLY CAR ...31/07/24
34Tropical Fish Tank & fish :Tropical Fish Tank, £150 All in good working order tank with heater, light, pump, air pump, roughly 40/50 fish. Also included are plants, ...24/07/24
35Ghost Carp, Common/Mirror Carp for sale :I have Ghost Carp, Common/Mirror Carp for sale various sizes please contact me for info.24/07/24
36Pond Air/Water Pumps :Looking for Pond Air/Water Pumps ideally free please let me know if you have any pumps or equipment for Koi ponds thank you.24/07/24
37Hozelock pond vav :Used pond vac comes with all equipment,used a couple of times no longer required £60 o.n.o.if interested contact me on 07841580294,collecti ...14/07/24
38WANTED pond fish/ koi carp :I have a large pond that needs filling, the pond has been up and running for over a year now. please contact me by phone or email if you ...10/07/24
39koi fish wanted :hello, I have a large pond that would love to home any unwanted koi carp. anything considered and will be collected in person. these fish wi ...10/07/24
40WANTED koi carp :hello, I have a large pond that would love to home any unwanted koi carp all types, anything considered and will be collected in person. the ...10/07/24
41koi carp wanted & any unwanted pond equipment :I have a large pond that needs filling, the pond has been up and running for over a year now and because of the amount fish cost I dont have ...09/07/24
42WANTED POND FISH koi carp, gold fish, orfs, tench, everything :I have a large pond that needs filling, the pond has been up and running for over a year now please contact me by phone or email if you ...09/07/24
43Aquarium with few Platies, one loach :Aquarium with lights - 3 settings, 4 Platies and one spotty loach included. Water filter small bubble airiator and heater all included. Sel ...03/07/24
44Amphilophus Citinellum Midas cichlids x 3 :I have three young citrinellum for sale they are about 3” now and are showing their stunning colours. Butter must collect from Syston ...10/06/24
45Red Tiger Motaguense Pair :Young Male & Female Rio Blanco red tiger motaguense pair. Male 5” and female 4” £40 collection from Syston Leicestershire10/06/24
46Aqua one nano fish tank :The AquaNano is an award winning aquarium and that is no surprise. It's a high quality aquarium system, packed full of fantastic features. ...16/04/24
47Rena 4ft bow front tank :Due to upgrading my tank I am selling my Rena 4ft bow front tank with stand. Also included is the heater , lighting unit and external filter ...23/03/24
48TMC Reef Photon x2 brand new :TMC REEF PHOTON X2 brand new collection only Leicestershire £30016/03/24
49Tank Closure - Clown Fish, Live Rock and Green Star Polyp for sale :Sadly have decided to close tank down. The history of the tank can be seen at https://paulsreef.co.uk Livestock for sale 1x Orang ...15/01/24
50Orinoco Peacock Bass 6 inches :Orinoco peacock bass, around 6" long. Healthy eats prawn, mussels,squid,pellet. Will need large aquarium. Aggressive fish ,has taken di ...14/01/24
51Various Jewel 180’s still running with fish plus other items :Jewel 180 Jewel 180 curved front Jewel 125 Plus some tropical fish and South American cichlids External filters light units a ...07/12/23
52Pairs of L183 Starlight Ancistrus Pleco :Ebay link with some images: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/196088773470?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=edSmJQdfSN2& ...22/11/23
53Various Assorted African Malawi Cichlids Peacocks And Haps COLLECTION :Won't let me upload images so I've provided a link to the ebay listing with images https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/196088786957?mkcid=16& ...22/11/23
54WANTED Ameca Splendens butterfly goodeid :Hello, im after some Ameca Splendens, Around Leicestershire/ Nottinghamshire ect Thanks18/11/23
55Swap :Hi. I'm a hobbyist and I have some stock to swap exchange ideally with a shop. So I have nearly 200 angelfish juvenile pure strain golden ...17/11/23
56Max spec LED lights :Hi I have 2 max spec LED lights and a bubble Magnus curve 5 skimmer perfect condition £250 for the lights and £55 for the skimmer picture ...31/10/23
57Dicrossus Warzeli & Altum angels :2 Pair of Dicrossus Warzeli Trio True Altum Angels £200 the lot Bargain genuine wild caught Collection from LE710/10/23
58Ocean Rock :I have 20 plus pieces of ocean rock. Message if you’re interested. Looking for quick sale.23/09/23
59Adult Channa Aurantimaculata PRICE REDUCED :Hi, I have adult Golden Cobra Snakehead Channa Aurantimaculata for sale, about 17 inches long and very agressive. I think it's male. Perfe ...22/09/23
60Koi fish need new home :We are moving houses and can't take our fish with us. Includes about 10 fish, including three large koi. Looking for sensible offers.05/07/23
61aquarium equipment job lot :I am selling a job lot of aquarium equipment. All boxes in photo included. Heaters,pumps, pipes , caves ..etc £300 ono buyer collec ...03/07/23
62Weather loach adult pair £30 yellow male brown female :Hi, I have a adult pair of weather loaches for sale, about 14 inch long, they are about 3 years old, very peacefull and active. Price is ...02/07/23
63ancistrus britlenose cat fish :Hi there, i have ancistrus catfish for sale.males only i have 3 in total.they are adult fish. at £15.oo each or 3 for £40.00. tel 07565971 ...27/06/23
64L280 Pleco wild breeding trio £120 :Hi, I have for sale a trio of L280 pleco, 2 males 1 female, they are wild cought bought from GM aquaics, breeding regulary. Price is £12 ...26/06/23
65L260, L280 and L471 Pleco Groups +++PRICE REDUCED+++ :Hi, All fish are adult, wild cought imported by GM aquatics, they are in perfect condition and breeding regulary. L260 2 males 4 fema ...18/06/23
66L-plecos breeding rack, wild adult breeding groups of L260, L280, L471 and loads ... :Hi, due to house change I'm forced to sell my L-plecos breeding setup, that includes: Rack 4x 60x30x30 aquael tanks with hoods Ea ...20/05/23
67FX5 filters x2 :Selling two FX5 filters including some media and pipework. Used but work fine. Buyer to collect from LE7 £180 for the two or £100 ea ...14/05/23
687x cichlids Malawi £60 :7 beautiful and very healthy Cichlids with 2 Venustus Cichlid (Giraffe Cichlid) Bargain price Or make an offer Between 2 and 4 years ...29/04/23
69Rosy Barbs x 6 :I have 6 rosy barbs 1.5” to 2” healthy fish £20 buyer collect LE705/04/23
70Closing a tang tank :Closing one of my tanks All fish to go as group 7 tropheus polli, unsexed. F1 adults and subs 2 tropheus kasakawale (sunspot) f1 unsexe ...04/04/23
71Malawi cichlids babies :malawi cichlid red zebras £2 each or 10 for £15 All fish are between 2cm and 6cm and growing Despite their name, Red Zebra Ci ...23/03/23
72Wanted free chiclids :Looking to take in free chiclids for rescue or unwanted please feel free to call or inbox with location and will collect please note I will ...07/03/23
73wanted male yellow/ Koi angel fish :I am in need of a male yellow or Koi I have recently lost my male . LE9 area please26/02/23
74Saddled bichir :Around 4 inch earring well growing fast £2526/02/23
75fish for sale :All 6 months old ready to start breeding relationship break down forced sale Female £15 each Black white samurai warrior Blue mix ...24/02/23
76Fluval shaker 252l with 10 German stendker discus and plecos :Selling my fluval shaker 252l comes with the fluval 307 filter and fluval uvc in-line clarifier the tank is fully set up with no issues. Als ...04/02/23
77Goldfish - Free to Good Pond - Leicester :My mother is getting to old and frail to go outside and feed the fish. 3 or 4 gold pond fish free to good pond.31/01/23
78Blue frontosa for sale :I have a blue frontosa for sale he is getting a little big for my tank now need him gone asap pick up from wigston leicester. He is about 8 ...07/01/23
79Fish tank aquarium for sale :I have my much loved 6 foot tank up for sale, due to my health condition I have not been able to maintain, therefore I have to give it up, t ...16/12/22
80Red zebra for sale :20 red zebra for sale from my main tank two separate breeding pairs. 1 inch in length £5 Each23/11/22
81FREE GUPPY FRY :Free to a good home, around 20-25 young guppies/fry, mostly from red tailed parents. Need to make some room in aquarium as they just keep ...07/11/22
82Mbu puffer fish :17inch mbu puffer fish eating well,beautiful coulor, no damage on fish all round healthy...feeding on prawn, shrimp and muscles, collection ...19/10/22
834 Tiger Dollars for sale :4 adult tiger dollars for sale. One of the best looking dollars, very peaceful, great dither fish. £30.00 Buyer to collect, I have a ...26/09/22
84Fish Tank and Fishes :Complete aquarium set up with fishes. Measuring 150cm x 60cm x 60cm (approx.. 560 litres). 16 large fishes ranging fro 10cm to 40cm inclu ...12/09/22
85Fish tanks for sale :6ft x 25" wide x 20" high will need a clean but good watertight tank. £50 2 x 2ft x 1ft x 1ft tanks £5 each buyer to col ...04/09/22
86Marine fish tank 90L :Good used condition, no leaks, there are some scratches in the front, visible under certain angle. Selling as do not have time to take a pro ...03/09/22
87Tank shut down everything to go :3 x Clowns 2 x Sand sifting starts 2 x Yellow tail damsels 1 x Firefish 1 x Pistol fish Crabs and snails Toadstools Mushrooms Loads ...25/08/22
88Red belly piranha re-home :Hi all im based barwell Leicestershire, i have 11 red belly piranha im looking to re-home,you will need a big tank, 7 are fully grown, pm fo ...23/08/22
89Full marine set up :Full marine set up 5ft length 1.5ft depth 2ft height. Live rock, sump,LED lights. Viewing 3 sides as used as room divider. This is a Aquari ...09/08/22
90F1 Blue Frontosa (Karema) Stunning Quality :Hey i have for sale around 40 x F1 Karema Blue Frontosa which have been bred from my wild caught parents these are stunning and not to be mi ...05/08/22
91F1 Kigoma 7 stripe Frontosa Stunning Quality :Hey i have for sale around 40 x F1 Kigoma 7 stripe Frontosa which have been bred from my wild caught parents these are stunning and not to b ...05/08/22
923x Cichlids Oscars. £60 for all 3 :2 Black & Orange Oscars. 1 Albino with orange. Approximately 3 years old. Measures around Black 5inch, Black 7 inches, Albino 6inches. ...27/06/22
93Mix of fish (inc Koi) looking for new home :Hi - we have a selection of small/medium pond fish we want to find a new home for. We have really looked after these guys with tlc and would ...27/06/22
94Complete Juwel setup £175, inc L024, l397, rainbows, :Juwel Rio 180 aquarium Complete with rare plecos, CO2, rainbow fish - £175 for everything. Equipment includes: Juwel rio 180 with c ...26/05/22
95l024, L397 pleco :Small L024 plec approx 4" £100 2x L397 plecs approx 3" £50 for both Will listen to reasonable offers for all 3 fish Colle ...26/05/22
96rainbowfish :1x Melanotaenia sp. Running river 4x Melanotaenia sexlineata "tabubil" fly river rainbowfish 4x Melanotaenia trifasciata &qu ...26/05/22
97Buying: Clown loach :Buying adult clown loach. Willing to collect Leicestershire area. Message me size and price:)13/05/22
98Albino Pearl stingray pups £300 each SOLD :2 x male albino stingray pups 12 weeks old ,eating frozen and pellets Bred by myself. I can’t post ,it’s collect only. £300 ...13/05/22
99Free fish tank :Fish tank 72x19x24inch high.This tank has a leak on one side and needs repairing.This tank is heavy and if you want it you will have to remo ...21/04/22
1006 adult silver dollars plus large red hook pacu dollar and larger wide bar pacu ... :looking to swap or sell. open to decent offers.19/04/22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 

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