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You are viewing results from county of Pembrokeshire
1     (Total: 76 adverts.)
1Betta rubra :Young captive bred Betta rubra. Around 1 to 2 cm long. Unsexed. Several available. £15.00 each. Beautiful mouth brooding betta. IUCN listed ...14/01/25
2Trio of yellow tiger endlers /guppy’s X2 female x1 male :Young Trio Of Yellow Tiger Endlers/ Guppy x2 Female x1 Male sexable £9.99 plus £12.00 postage Not fully grown but getting bigger every ...10/09/21
322 tropheus cichlids :Black bemba, Kiriza and moori murago cichlids. 22 in total. 12months old. Collection only, milford haven.13/04/21
4RO unit :DD Aquatics 4 stage RO Unit with extra carbon filter and tap atachments little used £20.00 for quick sale Byer to collect Crymych Pembrok ...28/09/20
5360 commercial aquariums and more :Hi I have forsale 360 commercial plumbed in with stands tanks never been used. There is also massive filter system all ready to go in shop i ...08/05/19
6Beautiful Koi Carp :Stunning Koi, Gold Ghost, Black & Gold Ghost, multi coloured Koi. All 12 inches, £60 each. Many smaller koi and mixed fish from 4 - 8 ...29/04/18
74/5 angel fish for sale :4/5 small (4/5 inches) angel fish for sale. White and black mix. Open to offers.10/09/17
88 inch oscar :I have an 8 inch oscar for sale. Unfortunately he has starting chasing my silver dollars, and has split my 6ft tank in half. He is very larg ...10/09/17
9hi im looking for an 8ft by 3ft by 2ft tank :looking for 8/3/2 or bogger tank with or without holes. with or without sump. either full setup or just tank. thanks alot dai call or text o ...05/11/16
10Clearseal 4ft Rack System - 4 tanks plus lg sump - £200 :4ft tank system with metal racking. Includes 4, 4ft very nice clean clearseal tanks. 2 of the tanks are split into 4. The other 2 are split ...09/10/16
11Large 4ft x 2ft x 2ft tank £150 :Excellent condition, large tank, perfect for fish house. Drilled and piped for sump system.09/10/16
123 Breeding Cube Tanks 18" x 20", £40 each :Perfect for fish house breeding Discus etc... Drilled bases and pipes for sump system.09/10/16
13Free Pond Fish :We have just moved house and inherited a large pond that just isn't safe for our young kids, so we're filling it in unfortunately. There are ...29/04/16
14Various Malawi for sale :1 Cobalt Blue Zebra 4 inches - £7.50 1 Powder Blue Cichlid 5 inches - £8.50 12 Lemon Cichlids Various Sizes from 0.5 inches to 3 inche ...08/03/16
15ATI Powermodule T5 Lighting Unit + 17x 54w Bulbs - £100 :I'm selling this great T5 lighting unit (8x 54W bulbs with integrated cooling fans and reflectors + suspension system) with it's existing bu ...23/11/14
16RO Unit with Deionising pod + Dissolved-solutes meter - £15 :For sale: TMC V2 Pure 75gpd RO Unit with integrated deionising pod + digital meter for monitoring disolved solutes and water quality before ...23/11/14
17fish tank :4ft fish tank wanted06/10/14
18Marine fish :Any1 want some marine fish and some live rock. £50 ready now!!22/03/14
19For sale full marine setup :580 litre full marine setup. Bought 4 weeks ago. Havent got the time nor patience . Ring or email for info18/03/14
20Rainbow cichlids :Hi i have some rainbow cichlid fry for sale , all over 1" and slowly coloring up, will upload pics of parents07/03/14
2130+ Koi FOR SALE :I have over 30 Koi (250mm (12") to 450mm (20") of various colours, types, and quality. I want to sell all of these, individually or as a job ...09/01/14
22tropheus :for sale 9 w/c tropheus kachese red and 1 f1 £150 collection only narberth pembs17/12/13
23Aqua Marine 900 with all the extras Bargain :Aqua Marine 900 with new lighting hood, light timing unit, Eheim external filter, TMC Protein Skimmer, Eheim 300w heater, 2 x Power Heads, a ...17/12/13
2452 red bellie kribensis :£2.50 each. All feeding well and shifting sand the rest of the time. Colouring up lovely. Hatched 12/7/13. Would consider swap for breeding ...27/11/13
25Aqua ray 1500 ultima np :TMC Aquabeam 1500 ultima np ocean blue. This is a replacement unit from TMC and is brand new. Unfortunately as it is a replacement I have ...08/10/13
26Juwel 450 vision black. :Juwel 450 vision complete marine setup. Excellent condition. I have emptied and cleaned tank. All fish and live rock have gone to local fish ...08/10/13
27Full optiwhite rimless tank & ADA Style diy stand set up for sale :Complete set up includes 90*90*45cm optiwhite tank 10mm glass Diy ADA style stand APS 2000ef External Filter Fluval 205 External Filter ...21/08/13
28KOI CARP WANTED :Any pond closures in the Pembrokeshire/west wales area. I am looking to stock my ponds. I am willing to travel upto a 60 mile radius. I am l ...15/08/13
29Coast Aquatics Extension is complete :Coast Aquatics in Milford Haven is pleased to announce the extension is complete and we will be officially opening it this Saturday. We hav ...15/06/13
30ADA Aquasoil Amazonia :Has come from my planted tank. It is a mixture of 2 bags granual, 1 bag powder. Mixed amongst it all is a bag of special M. It cost me about ...19/03/13
31Trigon 350 + Marine Fish. :Equipment Juwel Trigon 350 (350 Litres) Bow Fronted Corner Aquarium with beach cabinet, comlete with 2 x sets of original lighting fixtures ...17/02/13
32MariSys 240 External Filter (any offer consider) :I recently just purchased a Aqua One 900 (second hand) and it came with the MariSys 240 which is not needed. Its in full working order. Miss ...17/12/12
33Aqua One Marine 900 Tank Hood (Consider any offers) :Tank hood, 100% working, nothing wrong with it. Quick sale wanted consider any offers. Pembrokeshire Wales17/12/12
344ft juwel rio 350 liter tank and stand for sale :uwel Rio 300 Aquarium & Cabinet for sale in Dark wood. Can be and has been used for either marine or freshwater fish. 4ft tank holds app ...17/10/12
35Hanna Combo HI 98129 :This unit is only 6 months old and has had very little use , it measures TDS , PH and Temp see specs below http://www.farnell.com/datash ...11/10/12
36Aqua one twin light controller £20.00 :heres my aqua one twin light controller that takes 2 30w 900mm bulbs comes with one working bulb £20.00 in fishguard01/10/12
37tropical fish and ornaments £20 :Ornaments 7 tiger barbs Silver shark 2 Red tailed sharks Striped catfish needs gone asap, for a new project, or swap for some marine ...01/10/12
38Wanted Skimmer for a 125litre tank plus any bits :Hi im looking for a few bits, they are *Skimmer for a 125l tank *Cabinet in beech for a Juwel Rio 125 or silmiar *2 x 200w heaters ...01/10/12
3965litre tank and fish ready to go :Fish tank 610mm x 300mm x 460mm Heater and filter Ornaments 7 tiger barbs Silver shark 2 Red tailed sharks Striped catfish £75 on ...19/09/12
40Bhurgia Nudibranch Wanted :Any Nudibranch out there for sale or hire. I will return them or replace them after use with interest as they breed like buggery, or ill buy ...18/08/12
413ft clearseal fishtank / aquarium :this is a 3ft clearseal fish tank it comes with metal stand and all the accessories you need for cold water or tropical fish it also comes w ...14/07/12
42Marine Live Rock 100+ kilos :Closing Down Tank. lots of different shapes and sizes. £5.00 per kilo Can post for £10 per 25 kilo order Call 0752810744323/06/12
43Arcadia Gyractor 1000 Brand New in Box :Has not even been opened, bought about 2 weeks or so ago from H2O Aquatics. Selling for £140.00 Also have for sale another unopened 500 ...23/06/12
44AC Aquatics 6x2x2 Marine Tank, Cabinet, Sump & Pipework :One upgrade too far, so reluctantly having to sell. £750 ono AC Aquatics 6x2x2 tank unit twin weirs with Durso's & pipework , cabine ...23/06/12
45LIVE ROCK :Just downsizing our marine tank to a 30l Micro Habitat and have three pieces of live rock spare. Come and collect only.09/03/12
46Ferplast caymon 110 :For sale ferplast cayman 110 professional tank and stand. 230 litres. Only 18 months old. 110 cm ( 3ft 8" ) long. Comes with bluwave in ...15/02/12
47Coast Aquatics, Milford Haven Stock :Hi, new stock arriving weekly, we currently have the largest range of marine fish in Pembrokeshire as well as some great hard and soft coral ...27/01/12
48Aqua One Aquience Beech 1800B 6ft bow front fish tank :Hi, we are looking to sell our showpiece, its the very impressive Aqua One 1800B. It is 6x2x2 (620ltr) with a bow front. Top condition and i ...16/10/11
49Large Japanese Koi Carp and Golden Orfe for sale Reduced :Hi, we are clearing out one of our pond and are ready to sell the contents. All the Koi which there is 9-10 are Japanese High Grade and are ...16/10/11
508 foot Fish tank with 2 sumps lid lights pumps loads of stuff :Hey i have a 96"x24"x30" fish tank with 2 sumps, loads of pipe work, homemade auto top up, powder coated lid and twin 54 watt lights, loads ...30/08/11
512 tanks for sale :one is 3 and a half foot the other just under 3ft, both come with heaters, new lights, and have external filters and black cabinets, £130 f ...22/08/11
52Fry for sale :i have both julie and fairy cichlid fry for sale, ranging from 1-3.5cm long £2.50 each or could negotiate for groups bought, please ring if ...22/08/11
538 breeding jade eyed cichlids :I have 8 breeding jade eye for sale, need to be sold asap,12/08/11
54Tank and Fish :I have a 4 foot 150 ltr fish tank for sale, includes unit, filter, heater, gravel, ornaments, backing, large net and 8 breeding jade eyed ci ...12/08/11
55Aqua One Bow Front Fish Tank :330 Litre Capacity Tank and Stand with Storage Compartments Power-Glo T8 K13000 Super Bright Aquarium Bulb x 1 - £24 new) Aqua Beam 500 ...10/05/11
56LED Pacific Aquarium Lighting, Spot Lights and Tubes :Aquarium spotlights and Tubes suitable for large and small aquariums including Nano tanks. Save £££ on electricity by changing your light ...16/04/11
57Oase, Evolution Aqua Pond Supplies Available :Hi, we have pretty much the whole range of the Oase range available. All the Aquamax pumps- wet, dry and eco. Also all filters- biopress, fi ...30/01/11
58Fluval Roma 125 with stand :This is a 125 litre tank, comes complete with stand, lights, heater & filter. Only 7 months old, so still in warranty. £200 ono.17/01/11
594ft Jewel Bowed Front Tropical Fish Tank & Black Ash Cabinet :For sale is A Tropical tank set up, Jewel is the make and it it bowed front. Comes with Blue Gravel, Blue backing paper, Bogwood, Plants. ...15/11/10
60Rio300 Full marine setup :Rio 300 full setup inc External Fluval FX5 filter Phos reactor Heater and cooling fans ran from a heating controller to keep a constant ...24/10/10
61oscar free to good home :hi ive got a 10" female albino oscar with nice markings free to good home, Collection in person only, I live in pembroke, Pembrokeshire sout ...11/09/10
62MariSys 240 Filtration System for Aqua one :i have this item for sale as I have decided not to use it with my tank so this has hardly been used. £160.0008/07/10
63MALE SALVINI :Male Salvini for sale, lovely colours with a red belly and blue/green colours. He has to go as he has now just started to bully my 3 Oscars. ...08/06/10
64Wanted old glass fish tank :I desperately need an old glass tank. It's actually for housing gerbils so doesn't have to be water tight! If you are in the Pembrokeshi ...19/02/10
65Marine Aquarium Chiller :I have for sale a marine aqaurium chiller unit suitable for 400 ltr systems. Item is around 2.5 years old but not used for last year, all ...12/05/09
66Large Orange Shoulder Tang, For SALE or SWAP :Large 7/8" orange shoulder tank out growing my 325l tank, big and fat but needs more space. Would like to swap for another tang, angel ...14/08/08
67Large Orange Shoulder Tang, For Sale or Swap :Large 7/8" orange shoulder tank out growing my 325l tank, big and fat. Would like to swap for another tang, angel, butterfly or foxface. Wi ...14/08/08
68Complete Marine Reef setup :AQua One 6 x 6 x 2 Marine aquarium, a complete reef setup comprising of the folowing: Tank, cabinet and hood, buitifull tank with folded fro ...06/07/08
694 large Koi for sale, 2 taisho/tancho sankes, 2 ghost koi :Reluctant sale of our 4 koi carp, 2 taisho/tancho sankes, one is 19 inches the other is about 17 inches, The silver ghost is about 15 inches ...12/04/07
73Money plant for marines :Description: FOR SALE!!! Halimeda Plant OR money plant for sale. £6 a bunch not including p+p. full information below. The Halimeda p ...17/05/05
74Money Plant for marines :FOR SALE!!! Halimeda Plant OR money plant for sale. £6 a bunch not including p+p. full information below. The Halimeda plant is a green ...03/05/05
75Halimeda Plant :Halimeda Plant. also known as money plant. great for keeping phosphates down. The Halimeda plant is a green calcareous macroalgae found with ...30/04/05
76filter media :for sale flocor media small. 1 cubit foot £10.00. 2 cubit foot £18.00 plus post and package. larger amounts available. suita ...06/04/05

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