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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Full Marine Set Up

Description: Full marine set up for sale
95L interpet tank and stand
Comes with hood with lights & night time LED's
New skimmer
2 built in pumps
15kilo of live rock
Corals :
- large purple pulsing Xenia
- large polop & mushroom colony
- second polop colony
-leather coral
- finger frag
- polop's
- small peices of Xenia growing on live rock

- blue striped cleaner wrasse
- 2 yellow tailed damsals
- cleaner shrimp
- 2 red legged hermits
- 1 neon blue banded hermit

Coral food & fish food , accessories aswell
£400 Ono
Must pick up
Will not sell seperate

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jordan Harwood
Telephone: 07794882704
Town: Glasgow
County: Dunbartonshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/12/13 Views: 1853]

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