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1.Juwel Vision 180 92cm wide, Bow fronted complete freshwater setup. £300 20/01/25 Yes
Just add water! Includes stand/cupboard, established filter sponge media, pump, lighting, heating, fish, live plants, bogwood and ornaments + gravel media. Has only been used for freshwater. No leaks or scratches but a little scale on the lid can be removed easily with vinegar . Great setup for b... ...
2.Tropical Fish Breeding 27/12/24 No
Selling 20+ fish, prefer if you take all. Marble Angel fish breeding Pair 5 inches stunning Pearl Gourami Trichopodus leerii - large size - 4/5 inches - Stunning. Gold Gourami Trichogaster Trichopterus large size - 4 inches Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami Tichogaster Lalius - large si... ...
3.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
4.NetS CHARITY AUCTION 01/10/24 No
Fresh update 30/9/24 This is the expected list for Sundays charity auction possibly more to be added but we really on the sellers on the day so no gaurantees on the fish lists been exact Dennisoni /Torpedo barbs Albino cherry barbs Checker barb breeding group Ruby barb breeding group WIL... ...
Latest stock list this will change weekly. Please message us for prices, PXs accepted L397 Alenquer tiger L239 blue panaque L333 bel monte tiger L066 Tiger L333 standard tiger L183 starlight L181 peppermint Rio Paraguay group 2m2f 3juvi Sultan plec L081 gold nugget L273 red ti... ...
6.Pearl Gouramis for sale Woking 01/11/23 Yes
Pearl Gouramis with great colour. 3-4cm. All healthy. £7.50 each ono. Collection from Woking. Thanks for looking :
7.community fish 23/07/23 No
i have a number of community tropical fish for sale these include guppys male&female £1 each or 6 for £5 gold gourami x2 £5 the pair pearl gourami x1 £3 kissing gourami x1 £3 blue gourami x2 £5 the pair black widow tetra x3 £1 each clown loach small x1 £3 mollies male x3 £1... ...
8.NETS auction 25 June 21/06/23 No
!check out the list of fish provisionally booked for this Sundays auction Plecos and catfish L-015 pleco Super red pleco Synodontis eupterus Brochis splendens Cory napoensis Cory panda white Cory sodalis Cory Trilineatus Cory elegans Cory barbatus Green lazer cory Red lazer cory ... ...
9.FREE Pearl Gouramis (Trichopodus Leerii) 22/09/22 No
I have around 25 Tank Bred Pearl Gourami's available in any quantity free for collection only. All in Good condition but far too many for me !! Please provide appropriate Bag or Container when collecting
10.pearl gouramis 22/08/22 Yes
2 pearl gouramis for 18 pound text me if interested.
11.3 Large Angel Fish pearl gourami 20 03/07/22 Yes
Angel fish x3 adults and a pearl gourami £20 for all
12.Beautiful, bespoke tropical aquarium, 220 litre, 27/02/22 Yes
Beautiful, bespoke tropical aquarium, 220 litre, complete with cabinet, fish, plants, external filter, CO2 cylinder, and all accessories. We have had it from new. 5 years old and it has never been moved. Perfect. Sadly a change of circumstances forces sale. Bespoke Clear Seal tank and cabinet. 2x ... ...
13.£25 for all x4 large angel fish x3 corydoras and pearl gourami 16/02/22 Yes
Need these going as soon as possible, angel fish are quite large, 3 small corydoras also and a pearl gourami all for 25, preferably today may be able to deliver. Thanks
14.Selection of Fish 27/01/22 No
My Father currently lives in Yeovil and is going into a nursing home so is looking to sell on his fish. There are: 4 large catfish (around 7 inches) 1 albino catfish 1 red tailed shark (around 7 inches) 3 angel fish 3 tiger barbs 1 pearl gourami Collection of smaller fish: neon tetras/bleedi... ...
Selling Pearl gourami £4 4cm Red fighter fish £5 2 Bleeding hearts £6 2.5cm £20 All together Also selling African cichlids another post And one large catfish 14cm
16.Angels, breeding 12/06/21 Yes
Adult Red Shoulder Manacapuru Angelfish 21x£25, 4 Keyhole cichlid (£25),pair Pearl Gourami £18, pair Marble Angelfish £40-I can show hundreds babies from all species. Adult True Altum Peru(Rio Nanay) 7x £35, Adult pair bristlenose plec £20, Electric blue Jack Dempsey 10x£15, Electric blue ac... ...
17.180l juwel rio full setup with fish 06/01/21 No
180l juwel rio fluval 206 w/spray bar heater fluval plant 3.0 light (medium) lots of plants 5 pearl gourami ~20 cardinal tetra 12 glowlight tetra 8 bronze corydoras 1 bristlenose plec amano shrimp offers
18.Angelfish & Gourami Males 17/11/20 Yes
X 2 male angelfish - x1 black blue male, x1 sliver blue (larger) £15 each Both about 2 years old. From Aquatic Habitat in Gloucestershire. X 2 opaline/3 spot gourami. Think both males X 1 pearl gourami male. Same age as angels. Bought all together. Gourami’s £4 each or free to buyer of an... ...
19.Pearl Gourami For Sale 30/08/19 Yes
Hello, I need to re-home my Pearl Gourami, I've had it for over a year but I am going for a species only fish tank and this is the last fish that isn't a Rainbow. Just after a couple of quid for it, collection from Old Catton, Norwich.
20.100litre aquarium Filter, pump,excellent condition INC fish 03/07/19 Yes
100litre Tank, in excellent condition, no scratches to the glass or surrounding lid etc, has full LED function, white for day time and a dark blue setting for nights, long rectangular shape, comes with new filter, all ornaments from pets at home, large drift wood, black gravel, and decorative rocks.... ...
21.Complete Tropical Aquarium inc fish for sale 17/06/19 Yes
Tropical fish complete set up. Healthy tank and fish. Overall size of cabinet and tank is 136cm tall x 80cm wide x 42cm front to back. Tank size is 64cm tall x 80cm x 42cm - 165lt. Aquaone make with Aquis 1050 external filter that sits in the cupboard underneath the tank. fish include 3 Pearl goura... ...
22.Pearl gouramis 03/06/19 No
Two 0ear gouramis approx 3.5" excellent condition from an healthy tank. £10
23.Complete Tropical Aquarium Cheltenham 22/04/19 Yes
Aqua one 110 litre with inbuilt filter comes complete with heater pump planted bogwood x 2 ,live plants as per picture, 8 serpae tetras, 4 neons, 2 Plecos, pair of pearl gourami, spent over £200 accept £100 if sold quickly, new LED light, collect GL514UR easy access, no leaks or cracks
24.I have a selection of gourami for sale 06/08/18 No
Neon Dwarf Gourami £3.50each Orange Gourami £3.50each Sparkling Gourami £3each Pearl Gourami £3.50each Neon Dwarf Rainbow Gourami £3.50each Blue Gourami £3.50each Dwarf Gourami £3.50each Honey Gourami £3.50each
Updated Stock list 15/09/2017 Corydoras/CW Numbers: CW028 Corydoras Super Schwartzi STUNNING XXL STORE FIRST Limited Corydoras Gold Lasers F1 XL NEW super condition C12 Corydoras Punctatus NICE CW009 Green lazer Corydoras SUPER CONDITION XL STORE FIRST Limited CW051 Corydoras sp VERY NICE... ...
26.Selling my tropical fish 31/05/17 No
Selling my tropical fish for two oscars, and a golden nugget pleco. 1x albino ruby shark, 2x silver sharks, 2x cardinal tetras, 2x opaline gourami, 2x pearl gourami, 1x guppy, 2x clown loaches, 2x torpedo barbs, 2x marble angelfish, 1x bristlenose pleco. All my fish are really healthy, one of ... ...
27.Fluval Roma 125L complete hjgh-tech tropical setup - £150 10/03/17 No
For sale is a complete setup consisting of: Fluval Roma 125 Fluval 302 External Filter External (inline) heater JBL Pressurised CO2 system with solenoid Inline CO2 Diffuser Two LED tank lights, one of which changes colour Various food, medications, water conditioners, water hardeners, test st... ...
28.Tropical kit for sale or possible swap 16/11/16 Yes
TROPICAL TANK CONTENTS FOR SALE: This has come from a 4ft 200L tank so you need a big tank for it to go in, especially the fish! I would rather not sell it all separate as it will take to much faffing about. Happy to bag up, deliver and aquascape into a fresh tank for the right price. Or Co... ...
29.Tropical stock list 10/11/16 No
Bronze Cory £1.50 Peppered Cory £1.50 Albino cory £1.50 Rabaulti Cory £2.50 Emerald Cory £2.50 Sterbai corys £3.50 Julii Cory £3 Panda corys £6 large Upsidedown cat£4.50 Striped glass cat £2 Striped Dora cat £4 Featherfin cat £1.50 Hoplo cat £4 Banjo cat £8 alg... ...
30.For Sale tropical fish 21/10/16 No
Due to me having to get rid of my tank I have the following fish for sale. All are in good health and only acquired last month. 1 pair Pearl Gourami's £5.50 1 Blue/Opaline Gourami £2 1 pair Ram Cichlids ( very friendly with other fish in the tank ) £6 1 red Rainbow fish £2 1 blue Rainbow... ...
31.Tank Change Up 04/08/16 No
Hi there, I’m changing the set-up of my tank and need to find good, new homes for the inhabitants. All the fish are healthy and feeding well. These include: 1 Pearl Gourami (think it’s female), 1 juvenile Blushing Angelfish (unsure of sex), 7-9 Rummy Nose Tetra, 2 Otocinclus, 3 Sterbai Cor... ...
32.contents of 500l tank 27/06/16 No
Shutting down my 500 liter tank. All fish,plants and bogwood to go. 10 bristlenose(breeding pair & Maybe more), 3 pearl gourami,neons,shoal of banded barbs, 5 kribs, few cherry barbs, and a large crayfish various plants on bogwood, and swords. Not interested in splitting.
33.Comunity Fish - free to a good home 13/06/16 No
Due to an impending house move I am having to rehome our remaining community fish, comprising: 5x penguin tetras (1.5in long), 4x Buenos Aries tetras (1in long), 1x Pearl Gourami (2in long) and one bristlenose Plec (c. 2in long). All are healthy and were purchased from local aquarium specialist... ...
34.Tropical Fish For Sale 16/03/16 No
We have a number of tropical fish for sale that are healthy and doing everything they should, only reason for sale is we are changing species we want to keep. All fish are fed on a wide range of foods from pellets and flake to frozen daphnia, BrineShrimp, Bloodworm and Tubifex, also live foods as su... ...
35.Tropical fish (emptying tank/changing into turtle tank) 09/03/16 Yes
2 silver dollar fish 2 moonlight gourami 3 pearl gourami 1 pleco 2 small Angel fish 1 larger Angel fish 2 striped medium size fish (unsure of type) 15 or so small fish including platt, guppy,..... All fish to be sold together £80 ovno
36.FISH FOR FREE tropicals see ad for details 30/01/16 No
1 long finned zebra danios 2 mature pearl gourami must go asap plus any spare food you want to take text on 07960 358297 Buyer to collect with own bags/bucket from LS28 Pudsey/Farsley Can collect any time
37.Large teak veneered aquarium cabinet (4 cupboards ) and lid. Cardiff 09/01/16 Yes
A teak veneered aquarium cabinet designed for a tank with base dimensions 84" by 24". Aquarium (84"x24"x30") is also included but has sprung a small leak about one third from the top. Three external power filters (2 large Eheim filters and one Fluval used as a spare). Numerous accessories (thermost... ...
38.New stock list 11/12/15 Yes
stocklist. Delivery available Washington aquatics Asst. Male Betta £3 Super Red Cherry Shrimp £1.20 10 for £10 Bolivian rams £4 (very nice) Otto catfish £2.50 5 for £10 platinum angels £7.99 (stunning) harlequin lancer catfish 8” £44.99 copperband fron... ...
39.Stock list 31/10/15 Yes
stocklist Community Moscow blue guppy £5 pair Mixed guppy £1.50 10 for £12 Zebra danio xl £1 10 for £8 Black neon tetra large £1 10 for £8 Brochis splendens £5 Spotted headstanders £3 Harlequin rasbora £1 10 for £8 Rainbow platys £2 Rainbow hi fin platys xxl £2.50 Am... ...
40.4ft Tropical Fish Tank +Cabinet. 330lt. Mature Planted tank. Complete set up inc fish+plants 26/10/15 Yes
Buying a Marine set up so sadly having to sell my much loved Tropical Freshwater tank. This is a complete set up with tank, cabinet, fish, plants, multiple planted bogwoods, filtration, lighting, heater, pumps. The tank was bought in January 2014 so has been set up for nearly 2 years and has a... ...
41.Current Freshwater Stocklist Maidenhead Aquatics Coventry 17/10/15 No
Hi :) Here we have our current list of freshwater species available within store. We will be doing our best to keep it updated with any new deliveries. Please do not hesitate to call us for further enquiries. Feel free to like us on Facebook at Maidenhead Aquatics at Coventry. Live bearers; ... ...
42.Tank contents for sale 09/10/15 No
HI there Wanting to sell all of my fish - includes: 5 chain loaches 3 zebra loaches 2 pearl gouramies 4 platies (mostly sunburst orange) Total price £20.00 Location canada water (SE16) Fish must be collected and own bags / container brought. Person is free to take al plants if they want ... ...
43.Maidenhead Aquatics@Shirley Freshwater Stocklist 02/10/2015 03/10/15 Yes
Hi, here is a our current Freshwater stock-list over here at Maidenhead Shirley. Please do not hesitate to contact our friendly staff with any questions that you may have. We will be doing our best to update the stock-list when we have had new fish in. Feel free to follow us on Facebook: https:/... ...
44.New stock list 25/08/15 Yes
Few awful pictures washington aquatics stock list community rainbow shiners £4 torpedo barbs £4 clown loach 2" £4 MEKONG RED FIN LAMPEYE KILLIS £2 sunset platys £2 saluwsi rock shrimp £4 medium Rock Shrimp xlarge £5.99 betta pugnax £3 cherry shrimp 1ea 10 for £8 ghost k... ...
45.mixed tropicals Derby collection only 22/08/15 No
Latest stock available from 22-8-15 Bronze cory £1.50. Julii cory £3 Emerald cory £3 Clown loach £3.50 - £7. Zebra loach £3 Sucking loach £1.50 Khulli loach £1.20. 5/£5 Guppys £1 Mollys £1 Platys £1 Swordtails £1 Gold gourami £2 3spot gourami £2 Pearl gourami £... ...
46.Tropical fish Severums, Plecs, Cichlids 09/08/15 No
Updated stock list and prices for sale Hartlepool; Plecs and catfish L200 4 inch Hi Fin Green Phantom £25 each 15 inch Common plec £15 8 inch Common Plec £10 3 inch Gold Bristlenose £7.50 each 2 Inch Port Hole Catfish £3 each 2 for £5 2.5 inch Glass Catfish £2.50 each 2 inch ... ...
47.New stocklist. 08/04/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist discus red turquoise £25 blue snakeskin £25 snow white £25 odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 9" £35 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12eac... ...
48.Washington aquatics stocklist 05/03/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 4" £25 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each african butterfly fish £7.50 indian... ...
49.New stock list 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
50.New stockist and Dry goods 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
51.Romsey World Of Water: Full Tropical Livestock 21/12/14 21/12/14 Yes
Hey Guys! This is our full tropical livestock list. If you have any queries, would like photos or would like to reserve something, please feel free to give us a call on: 01794515923. Tetras Silver Tip Tetra £1.99 6 For £10.00 Diamond Tetra £1.99 6 For £10.00 Glowlight Tetra ... ...
52.New stockist. Few rare species on list 15/12/14 Yes
Washington aquatics New stockist Oddballs Fahaka puffer fish £15 each Opsarius pulchellus 3" groups of 5 £30 Sumatran neon blue gobys £6 each Mormyrus kannume 2" £15 each Rineloricaria similimis 3" £9.99 Community Rathbuni tetra £1.50. 10 for £12 Black neon tetra 10 for £8... ...
53.Emsworth Aquatics Availability List 09/12/14 Yes
AVAILABLITY LIST LIVEBEARERS Assorted Mollies £2.60ea Balloon Mollies £2.85ea Assorted Male Guppies £2.25ea or 4 for £8.76 Female Guppies £1.80ea or 6 for £10.20 Male Endlers £2.25ea or 4 for £8.80 Assorted Platys £2.50ea Assorted Swordtails £3.00ea CICHLIDS Gold Severum £6... ...
54.Horsham Water Gardens - Cold water and Tropical fish and Dry goods 12/11/14 Yes
HORSHAM WATER GARDENS We stock a huge range of fish from puffers to eels to L number plecos. Fish Stock COLD WATER Fancy Goldfish Weather loaches Axolotl Danios Minnows Hill stream loach TROPICAL FISH PUFFERS Frog Puffers South American Puffers Congo Puffers Figure 8 Puffers Dragon... ...
55.Pearl gourami harem for sale 25/10/14 Yes
1m3f harem of adult pearl gourami. All healthy, take any food, never had any disease, looking for £8 for all 4. Must all go in one sale, pick up only from brackley. Selling as aiming to convert the community to a biotope. Thanks
56.Fluval Profile 850 stunning aquarium with Matt black base unit and many accessories 13/10/14 Yes
Fluval Profile 850 in Matt black Just over 2 years old and in very good condition. This is a stunning design, with an unusually deep tank which gives the aquarium a real contemporary feel and makes it really striking. The base unit in Matt black is in excellent condition and has wet and dry co... ...
57.Tropical fish for sale 10/09/14 Yes
Altotamprologus calvus 3” £13each Altolamprologus compressiceps gold 2.5”-3” £12each Cyphlontilapia frontosa 2” £7.50each Copidochromis azureus F1 3-4” £10each Labidochromis hongi red top 3” £8each Pseudotropheus flavus around 3” £8each Thorichthys ellioti 4” £6each kr... ...
58.FOR SALE 5x Pearl Gourami 31/08/14 No
I have 4 female and 1 male Pearl Gourami available - I'm thinking of changing my aquarium and as much as I'd love to keep them, I'd like to go in a different direction! The male needs a bit of tlc, I think the Shark has been a bit territorial towards him. All are fully grown and healthy. Get in ... ...
59.TODAY Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Spring Auction Sunday 13th April 2014 13/04/14 No
The Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their spring auction on Sunday 13th April 2014 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG. Doors open and booking in from 11.30am and the auction starts at 12 noon. Refreshments will be available throug... ...
60.Fish for sale 02/04/14 Yes
washington aquatics new stock list moscow blue guppy pairs £7 xl swordtail pairs £4 large angel fish £7.50 veil tail angels £6 or last 2 for £10 pearl gourami £4 each 3 for £10 coulumbian red fin tetra £2 each harlequin rasbora 10 for £7 boseman rainbows £4 each blue eye t bar ci... ...
61.QUALITYFISHONLINE - We sell quality tropical and cold water fish, we now have new inverts 17/03/14 Yes
GO TO QUALITYFISHONLINE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW!! Find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/qualityfishonline FISH LIST: Black Angel 2.90 Ghost Angel 4.90 Koi Angel 2.90 Leopard Angel 5.00 Marble Angel 3.00 Zebra - Sm 2.50 Zebra Angel - Lge 12.00 Crab - Red Claw... ...
62.2mollys male female pearl gourami 2 small clown loach blue rams male female 28/02/14 No
Make me an offer or what you got to swap aquarium wise heaters filters etc text me what you got need gone by Tuesday
63.Fish for sale [Price reduced as need gone ] 20/02/14 Yes
Large black angel £7. size Wild angel £5 Retail £12 in my local fish shop. Ghost knife fish 7 inches £15. Pearl gourami 4 inches £3.50 I also have an indian gourami 4 inches good colour but cannot add anymore photos £3.50 or £6 for the two gouramis. Reason for sale - changing my tank ar... ...
Gold Sev believed to be Male is around 6" £10 Gold Loach, 7" and chunky, good sized Loach £8 Koi Angel, 3.5" Adult size not sure of sex £8 2 x Pearl Gourami, Adults believed male and female. £8 for both. Adult BN plec, large adult male. £10 Need to go only as changing t... ...
Gold Sev believed to be Male is around 6" £10 Gold Loach, 7" and chunky, good sized Loach £8 Koi Angel, 3.5" Adult size not sure of sex £8 2 x Pearl Gourami, Adults believed male and female. £8 for both. Adult BN plec, large adult male. £10 Need to go only as changing t... ...
66.birchirs, eels, catfish, discus, malawi and many more 07/11/13 Yes
Manchester Fish Price List 9th September 2013 All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels (peacock) 4" £10.00 Birchir Endilcheri (polypetrus) 6-7" £20.00 Gars Rocket gar 3-4" £8.00 3 for £20 Tiger fish Indo ... ...
67.Free Tropical Fish 09/10/13 No
I have approx 50 healthy tropical freshwater fish that need a new home, including 2 large Angels, 6 Pearl Gourami, 6 Rosy Barbs, 2 Clown Loaches, and a multitude of brightly-coloured Mollys and Plattys. I do not want any payment, but you must organise collection..
68.Fully stocked Jewel Rio 400 tank system 03/10/13 No
All less than 1 year old, excellent condition. Jewel Rio 400 tank, rock and root backdrop. Matching dark wood cabinet. External Eheim 2075 pump/filter (Jewel integrated unit avail as backup). Carbon dioxide system, incl regulator and rechargeable cylinder. 2trin T5 light units, with range of co... ...
All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels (peacock) 4" £10.00 Red fire eels 5" £8.00 Birchir Endilcheri (polypetrus) 6-7" £20.00 Gars Rocket gar 3-4" £8... ...
70.many different varieties of tropical fish available 22/08/13 Yes
Manchester Fish Price List 22nd August - 29th August 2013 All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels 4" £10.00 Spiny eels 4" £10.00 Tyretrack eels 4" £10.00 Birchir Endilcheri... ...
71.lounge room lizards & aquatics 03/07/13 Yes
Giant Gourami in stock now !!! red belly piranha Oscars Tiger & Albino Parrot fish red & orange Mixed Malawi's Kribensis Jewel Cichlids Mixed Cichlids Tinfoil Barbs Silver Sharks Big Plecs Adult Bristlenose Plec Ghost Knife Fish Mixed live Plants and planted wood Cory Catfis... ...
72.den marketing gps900 aquarium 200 litre comes with fish and ornaments 26/04/13 Yes
tank has got built in lights in the hood it has got a built in internal filter with media etc a heater and a air stone with pump also comes with ornaments Tank Has got 1 parrot fish 6 assorted malawi cichlids 1 clown loach 2 pearl gouramis and 1 silver dollar these fish have been in this tank for... ...
73.FISH FOR SALE 19/04/13 No
74.Medium size Angels/Clown Loaches for sale- £5 each 25/01/13 No
I have four medium size angels, 6 clown loaches (£5 each) and 2 pearl gouramis for sale (£5 for both) open to offers if interested in taking all. Please call 07888753244 for enquiries. Thanks.
75.Fish for sale 14/12/12 Yes
I am changing my tank from tropical to marine, so am looking to rehome my tropical fish listed below. Currently housed in a 4ft fluval tank (tank not for sale). Clown loach x 4 Angel fish x 2 discus x 1 Pearl gourami x 2 Dwarf honey gourami x 3 Rainbows x 2 Black Molly x 2 Neon tetra x 5 ... ...
Have had these for over 2 years now, but selling because I'm moving out soon. Have: A green phantom plec, very beautiful markings and fascinating to watch. £55. 6 Angels, all healthy. There's a kink in the top fins of a few, I never found out why, they were like that when purchased but they s... ...
77.Full Tropical Setup 12/09/12 Yes
I have a complete tropical fish tank set up for sale. 1 x 160L tank. 1 x 1000 L/H external filter. 1 x heater which has a temp display and flashes red /blue or green depending on the temp. 1 x standard lighting unit which has been fixed to inside of hood using hooks. 1 x dual outlet air pump.... ...
78.Pearl gourami Trichopodus leerii 04/09/12 Yes
Free to good home, buyer must pick up. Above 3 inches and I believe it is a female. The fish doesn't fit into my future setup.
79.Community Tropical fish for sale 27/08/12 No
Due to pregnancy i am giving up my tanks. I have fish from my bigger tank looking for a new home. Fish include: 2 red dwarf gourami 2 pearl gourami 3 or 4 zebra danios 4 or 5 neons 2 corys Around 6 red balloon platys 2 male guppys and female also a few fry they have produced 3 shuberti bar... ...
hi there i have a job lot of fish and tank.... 1-angel fish 2-red shoulder sovren 4-gourami Pearl Gourami,Opaline Gourami(blue),Moonlight Gourami ,Golden Gourami and over 10 bottem feeders (normal and spotted) AQUA ONE FISH TANK 230 litres with bowed front and matching stand with hov... ...
81.job lot fish &tank FOR SALE 09/08/12 No
hi there i a job lot of fish to sell & tank if wanted 1-angel fish 2-red shoulder sovren 4-gourami Pearl Gourami,Opaline Gourami(blue),Moonlight Gourami ,Golden Gourami and over 10 bottem feeders (normal and spotted) OFFERS MAY SELL AQUA ONE FISH TANK 230 litres with bowed front an... ...
82.Large selection of tropical fish for sale Denton area, last few 02/05/12 No
Only for sale as we do not have the room in our house. 2 x pearl gouramis one male one female £10.00 1 x horse faced loach £5.00 Please call for further info 07736 049 821
83.Pearl gouramis x 5 17/03/12 No
Have 5 for good home with suitable setup. Beautiful fish. Excellent health. 5cm
84.pearl gouramis 06/03/12 No
2inch home bred pearl gouramis.£1 each.
85.2 Angels & 1 Gourami 05/02/12 Yes
1 gold marble angel, over 6" from tip of the dorsal to tip of the anal fin http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu211/whalley1992/IMAG0016.jpg 1 unknown angel, around 4" tip of the dorsal to tip of the anal fin. http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu211/whalley1992/IMAG0018.jpg 1 Pearl Gourami... ...
86.Amwell Aquatics Epping Tropical Freshwater Stocklist: 05/01/12 05/01/12 No
* = New in Stock Tetras **NEW** Sunshine Neon Tetra - Pacheirodon innesi*** X-Ray Tetra – Pristella maxillaris Glass Bloodfin Tetra – Prionobrama filigera January Tetra - Hemigrammus hyanuary* Purple Emperor tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri "super blue" Kerri Tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri Bleed... ...
87.JEWEL 180 FISH TANK AND FISH 04/01/12 Yes
Jewel 180 fish tank and base unit with cupboards, dimensions; 39in length x 20in height x 16in depth. Internal filter, new dual output air pump and new heater. Comes with; 4x angels, 2x pearl gouramis, 2x discus, 1x chocolate talking catfish, 1x gold nugget plec (cost £32), 1x pearlescent shark, 2x... ...
88.fish for sale / free to good tank ( NOW ALL GONE ) 15/12/11 No
2 or 3 mollies/swordtails free 4-6 bronze corys £6 breeding pair of pearl gouramis free 3 columbian tetras free 4 assorted loaches free 6 inch clown loach offers? 4 inch clown loach offers? 15x10x15ish half decagon tank £5 36x20x18 tank £50
89.bargain prices 14/11/11 No
rena xp3 external filter £25 1000lph cannister with bio balls £20 12l/min double air pump £15 6l/min air pump £5 breeding pair of pearl gouramis £5 breeding pair of rainbow cichlids £5 collection from chesterfield for fish will post kit £8 postage for filters £3 for air pumps 07... ...
90.fish for sale/swap 20/10/11 No
breeding pair of rainbow cichlids £10 3-4inch breeding pair of pearl gouramis £10 4-5inch hi fin pangasius £5 6 inch will swap, let me know what you have cheers
91.tropical fish for sale 06/10/11 No
for sale male guppy -platys-swords-silver tips-ruby barbs-frogs-red fin sharks-albino sharks -plecs -blue lobsters-tiger barbs-female guppys-green tiger barbs-3 spot gouramies-opaline gouramies-pearl gouramies-pink kisser gouramies-moonlight gouramies-gold gouramies-kulie loach -dwarf puffer fish-b... ...
Have had these for over a year now, but selling because I'm moving out soon. Have A green phantom plec, very beautiful markings and fascinating to watch. £55. 6 Angels, all healthy. There's a kink in the top fins of a few, I never found out why, they were like that when purchased but they see... ...
93.Pets R Wright Stocklist 25/08/11 No
We have just had a shipment of fish which are currently settling in nicely, they will be available for purchase from tomorrow all being well. Please contact us or pop in store for prices. Neon Tetra Red Mickey Mouse Platy Marble Sailfin Molly Golden Marble Sailfin Molly Assorted Angel Fish T... ...
94.Shoots Cobham Aquatic Department 07/07/11 No
We have a variety of fish which can be delivered to anywhere within a 20 mile radius otherwise we can send them by live courier. And postage nation wide availible! some of the basic variety as followed Tetras: Black Neon Tetras Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummy Nose Tetras Scissor Tail ... ...
96.cheap, high quality fish for sale 03/04/11 No
Guppies £1.00 each Red tux Red cobra Red blonde Yellow diamond Sunset Green cobra Blue diamond Calico Female Turtles Musk turtles £15.00 Yellow belly turtle £15.00 Crabs Red crab £2.00 Rainbow (tricolour) £7.50 Snails Golden apple snail £1.00 or 6 for £5.00 Assassin snail ... ...
97.Pearl Gourami - Trichogaster Leeri 14/09/10 Yes
Pearl Gourami - Trichogaster Leeri, these fish are approx. 5cm in size, very beautiful and in excelent health. buy 1 fish for GBP 3.00 or 10 fish for GBP 25.00
98.Range of mixed community/semi aggressive fish CHEAP and can post next day. 04/09/10 Yes
2 Pearl gouramis 2 black ghost knife fish 8'' 3 bush fish 5'' SOLD 1 albino shark 6''SOLD some live bearers est collection frm dagenham essex or postage £!5 next day with polybox heat packs bag buddys est open to offers.
99.tropical fish for sale 01/04/10 No
4 Parrott Fish £20 2 Pearl Gouramis £5 10 inch Oscar £15 2 Kissing Pink Gouramis £5 7 Convicts £10 6 Rainbow Cichlids £10 2 Large Tinfoil Barbs £5 4 Various Catfish £20 2 Firemouth Cichlids £5 2 Large Sevrigns £5 5 Various Coloured Mawalis £30 2 Yellow Labs £5 Breeding Pair o... ...
100.FISH TANK AND FISH 26/03/10 No
39" 46" 21" fish tank (including stand) comes with external filter, lights, heater, gravel, plants and fish -5 golden barbs -1 bristle nose catfish -4 cherry barbs -8 neon blue tetras -2 pearl gouramis £120 the lot, buyer collects
101.Danish Design Aluminium Aquarium 20/02/10 Yes
Aluminium Fish tank from Denmark made by Akva-Stabil being the Effect-Line tank, and was specially ordered into the country for me. The stand was purpose made to order and is painted steel. The tank dimensions are 130 long x 50 x 50 cm, with a 333 litre capacity or 73 gals. The two daylight tubes ar... ...
102.Juwel Trigon 350 and tropical fish for sale 28/12/09 Yes
Due to a move I am downsizing my tanks and selling my Juwel Trigon 350 corner tank in beach and some of my fish. The tank is about 2 years old with new lights, flaps and internal pump fitted 3 months ago. The fish currently in the tank includes: 10 x cherry shrimp 5 x singapore shrimp 20 x... ...
103.oldball, PearlGourami,silver dollar Scotland 25 pounds for all 30/11/09 Yes
1 Cuvie bichir 6 inch 7 pounds each 4 Irnate bichir 7 inch 7 pounds each 5 Pearl Gourami 3 inch 1 pounds each 3 Silver Dollar 1 pounds each 1 Rocket Gar 1 pounds each for sale. 25 pounds for all
104.Great choice of Tropical Fish, Marine Fish & Coldwater Fish HOME DELIVERY 03/12/08 Yes
Lots to choose from at Bridge of Marnoch Water Gardens, near Huntly Aberdeenshire. Visitors welcome. SPECIALISTS AT DELIVERY TO YOUR DOORSTEP. We always have 1000's of fish on stock. Probably the biggest selection of fish in North East Scotland. We don't just sell the bread & butter range. ... ...
105.Fluval Roma 240, Black and grey, 6 months old BARGAIN!! IMMACULATE fish tank 12/05/08 No
I have for sale the above. It comes with sand, fluval 305 filter, heater, air pump and bubble wall, background, about 30-40 live and extremely healthy plants, rocks (stunning), and even the fish. I have only had the tank for six months and have spent more than £1500 on it. It is a very expensive h... ...
106.Amazing full tropical set up 08/03/08 No
I have a nearly new beech Juwel Vision 180 complete set up for sale. It was bought and set up middle of december so not even 4 months old. It comes with many extras including fish that cost a lot of money. i will list all contents along with price paid to make things easy. Juwel Vision 180 (... ...
107.Fish FREE to GOOD home 04/10/07 No
Due to work relocation muct give up some of my fish. All very good condition and feeding like mad. Redtail shark 4-5", 3x Nicaraguan Cichlids, breeding trio of Dianemia Logibarbis Porthole Cats & three babies 2-3", also 2 flagtail dianemia, two large bristlenoses, one clown plec 2-3&qu... ...
108.Juwel Rio 400, excellent condition, loads of extras 03/07/07 No
Juwel Rio 400 with cabinet in black with the usual bits and pieces (heater, filter, lights, hood) as well as additional light bulbs still in boxes, huge piece of bogwood, great selection of live plants, and enough gravel to give the base a really good covering. Can go with or without fish (clown lo... ...
109.4ft Complete tropical setup 23/02/07 Yes
I am selling a complete 4ft tropical fish tank, setup. The tank is 48x15x12 on a Beech effect unit and hood with light in the hood. It comes with the following: Eheim type external filter, heater, 2 fairly large pieces of bogwood, 3 rocks, half coconut and flower pot for breeding convict pair and gr... ...
110.Good Home Needed For Fish 01/06/06 No
I have 2 otos, 5 pentanzona barbs, 2 swordtails, 3 pearl gourami, 2 corydoras, and 1 kribensis. all been looked after very well and have non nipped fins etc etc. ANY OFFERS CONSIDERED. collection from watford.Will swap for mbuna also. Thanks for looking. Craig
111.Fish for sale 27/04/06 No
I Have a joblot of fish for sale due to moving house.The fish are; 2x African bush fish(4"),1x black ghost knife(10"),1x fire eel(9"),1x hap moorii(4"),1x hap eureka(4")3x thomasii(2"),1x plec(6") and 1x adult pearl gourami.All the fish will feed from your hand.Ple... ...
112.WANTED pearl gourami any size accepted 31/01/06 No
WANTED Pearl Gouramis to put in my 3 foot AS CHEAP AS POSS OR REASONABLE PRICE
113.pearl gourami female wanted 27/09/05 Yes
hi there is there anyone in scotland got any pearl gourami female for sale i have got two males looking for a female can anyone help many thanks for looking alan....
114.Pearl Gourami needs new home.... 20/09/05 No
...fine specimen, healthy male, ~8cm. Keeps picking on my Dwarf at lunchtimes. Probably needs to be the sole Gourami or kept with like kind. Free to anyone willing to collect from London NW9/Middx HA3 area. (Would prefer to swap for another Dwarf though). Nigel 07770-451182 - 24/7
115.help me 12/09/05 No
famale pearl gourami wanted for breeding can anyone help........alan
116.Rekord 120 for sale 09/04/05 Yes
Rekord 120 for sale ( tank stand heater filter and strutcterd background) sand sustrate and bogwood and ornaments £80 or £90 with the fish i have which are 1 pearl gourami 12 neons 5 black phantoms 1 clown loach 4 cories ( various) plants include tonnes of vallis, java ferm, amazon frogb... ...
117.Complete set up for Sale 27/03/05 Yes
I have a rekord 120 tank and stand for sale! It has strutctured background already fitted, the tank is only about 4 months old! and it will come complete with two pieces of bogwood and anumber of extra ornaments that you may want! The fish that are for sale with it are as follows breeding pair of... ...
For Sale to a beginner or experienced fish keeper -- An established - Ready to go - 25 Gallon Hexagonal Fish Tank with 2210 Eheim Filter (which is less than a year old), heater, an air pump (think it's a mistral 4), Flouresent light, a bubble curtain and a range of fish - 6 african cichlids (some v... ...
For Sale to a beginner or experienced fish keeper -- An established - Ready to go - 25 Gallon Hexagonal Fish Tank with 2210 Eheim Filter (which is less than a year old), heater, an air pump (think it's a mistral 4), Flouresent light, a bubble curtain and a range of fish - 6 african cichlids (some v... ...
120.3x fish tanks+stand and fish 08/05/04 No
Here is my Tropical set-up.its in a 3 teir stand with tanks measuring 48x15x15 include all equipment with it..filters.heaters.rocks.gravel.ect T iclude all the fish top tank contains guppys.neon.glowlights.cherry barbs and a breeding pair of bristlenose plecs middle tank contains clown l... ...
121.Hagen Tropiquarium 68 + Stand, Fully Stocked £75 ono 13/02/04 No
Complete set up, unfortunately having to sell due to house move, must be collected, needs two to move - very heavy. Measurements are: 67 x 32 x 47cm volume 72L, tank plus black open-style stand (ie no cupboards). Stocked with 1 large pearl gourami, 1 mature bristlenose catfish, 1 albino cory, neon... ...

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