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1.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
2.Cichlids available in Leeds 07872 417861 05/11/24 No
Contact me for photos and info : local delivery available. Parrots and convicts pairs 15 Fry 1 each Green sevs big 20 pair 30 Geos pairs steindacheri and brasiliensis 35 Super red Texas 65 Nicaraguan 8 Wild caught acara 8 Electric blue acara 10 Uaru 20 Lemon bn 15 Rosy barb 3 Datnoi... ...
3.Nets auction 23 june 16/06/24 No
ROUGH LIST!!!!! 1 week to go, 23rd of June N.E.T.S. Aquatics Auction I have asked sellers to look round there tanks and fish rooms. I haven't got everyone's list. But here's a start. Please remember this list isn't guaranteed it's merely there to show the selection possibly available at these e... ...
4.NETS auction 25 June 21/06/23 No
!check out the list of fish provisionally booked for this Sundays auction Plecos and catfish L-015 pleco Super red pleco Synodontis eupterus Brochis splendens Cory napoensis Cory panda white Cory sodalis Cory Trilineatus Cory elegans Cory barbatus Green lazer cory Red lazer cory ... ...
5.Rosy Barbs x 6 05/04/23 No
I have 6 rosy barbs 1.5” to 2” healthy fish £20 buyer collect LE7
6.Home bred fish for sale 14/08/22 No
Home bred fish for sale. Cherry barbs Odessa barbs Rosy barbs Longfin zebra danios Mixed danios (gold, leopard, zebra) Sailfin mollies (orange, gold, green, red leopard) Red wag swords Green wag swords Red platies Bleeding heart platies Mixed endlers. White cloud mountain minnows. Apple... ...
7.Bristlenose, livebearers, barbs, danios, snails. 28/07/22 No
Having a gaze around the shed. Thought I'd do a list of what's for sale. Longfin albino bristlenose. £5. Calico bristlenose £5 Red bristlenose £5. Shortfin albino bristlenose (not many) 2 for £5. Red wag swords 4 for £5. Mixed guppies 4 for £5. Longfin zebra danios 4 for £5. Cherry ba... ...
Hi I would like some geophagus. Manchester area. I am also looking for some smaller sized sevrums (3-4 inch) and some rosy barbs. Please message me if you have any available
9.Selection of tropical community fish for sale 20/02/20 No
Variety of community fish for sale as follows (all adult fish except where stated): 6 x 4" redline torpedo barbs 8 x neon rosy barbs 6 x sterbai cory 3 x bronze Cory (1 albino) - juvenile 5 large green cory 5 x 2" clown loach 8 x neon dwarf rainbow fish 1 x bristle nose plec Appr... ...
10.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
Updated Stock list 15/09/2017 Corydoras/CW Numbers: CW028 Corydoras Super Schwartzi STUNNING XXL STORE FIRST Limited Corydoras Gold Lasers F1 XL NEW super condition C12 Corydoras Punctatus NICE CW009 Green lazer Corydoras SUPER CONDITION XL STORE FIRST Limited CW051 Corydoras sp VERY NICE... ...
12.clearance sale 14/06/17 Yes
CLOSING DOWN SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO - 14/06/17, TROPICAL AMAZONAS AQUATICS - 5* Rated from over 130 reviews!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name (Size)...................................Price each, Discount price TETRAS, LIVEBEA... ...
13.Last stock of cummunity fish. Must Go. ellesmere port 30/05/17 No
below is the last stock we have left, so all must go. prices are per fish, deals may be possible on larger groups. Albino tiger barbs x4 £1ea Rosy barbs x5 £2ea Asst Male guppies x15 £1ea Glowlight tetras x15 £1ea Bleeding heart tetras x10 £2ea Kribensis x50 £1ea Angelfish Pearl... ...
14.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
15.Tropical stock list 10/11/16 No
Bronze Cory £1.50 Peppered Cory £1.50 Albino cory £1.50 Rabaulti Cory £2.50 Emerald Cory £2.50 Sterbai corys £3.50 Julii Cory £3 Panda corys £6 large Upsidedown cat£4.50 Striped glass cat £2 Striped Dora cat £4 Featherfin cat £1.50 Hoplo cat £4 Banjo cat £8 alg... ...
16.For Sale Huge selection of Tropical fish available 02/10/16 No
Huge selection of tropical fish and equipment always available please message me for more details Albino buenea aired tetra £1.50 Large tiger barbs £2 each Medium tiger barbs £1.50 Rosy barb £1 Clown barb £2 Scissor tails £1 Bristle nose plecs £4 Zebra loach £3 Swordtails £2 Va... ...
17.For Sale Huge selection of Tropical fish available 02/10/16 Yes
Huge selection of tropical fish and equipment always available please message me for more details Albino buenea aired tetra £1.50 Large tiger barbs £2 each Medium tiger barbs £1.50 Rosy barb £1 Clown barb £2 Scissor tails £1 Bristle nose plecs £4 Zebra loach £3 Swordtails £2 Va... ...
18.tropical fish for sale due to change to marine 18/06/16 No
tropical fish for sale 3 rosy barbs £6 all three 3 albino barbs £6 all three 4 silver sharks biggest approx. 6 inches others around 4-5 inches £15 all four 2 climbing perch approx. four inches £15 for the 2 1 angel fish nice colours £5 2 pictus catfish approx. 5 inches £12 for the 2 1... ...
19.Fish Stock List 01/12/15 01/12/15 Yes
COLD & TEMPERATE FISH: Black Comet £2.49 Each or 3 for £6 Black Moor £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Blue Oranda £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Assorted Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 White Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Sucking loach £1.79 Each Gold Sucking Loach £2.49 White Cloud Minnow £1... ...
20.FISH STOCK LIST 27/11/15 27/11/15 No
COLD & TEMPERATE FISH: Black Comet £2.49 Each or 3 for £6 Black Moor £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Blue Oranda £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Assorted Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 White Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Sucking loach £1.79 Each Gold Sucking Loach £2.49 Each White Cloud M... ...
21.Maidenhead Aquatics@Shirley Freshwater Stocklist 02/10/2015 03/10/15 Yes
Hi, here is a our current Freshwater stock-list over here at Maidenhead Shirley. Please do not hesitate to contact our friendly staff with any questions that you may have. We will be doing our best to update the stock-list when we have had new fish in. Feel free to follow us on Facebook: https:/... ...
22.Romsey World Of Water: New Tropical Livestock List 26/06/15 26/06/15 Yes
Hey Guys! This is our new tropical livestock list. If you have any queries, would like photos or would like to reserve something, please feel free to give us a call on: 01794515923 Yellow Peacock £5.99 Each 2 For £10.00 Fuelleborn Cichlid £10.99 Each 2 For £20.00 Assorted Large Cichl... ...
23.Shield Aquatics Stocklist 13/03/15 No
Updated stocklist Trops - Mickey mouse platy Mickey mouse santa platy Gold comet platy Galaxy platy Neon swordtails Gold comet swordtails Red leopard mollys Marble mollys Lyretail mollys Green sailfin mollys Gold sailfin mollys Green cobra guppys King cobra guppys Flame guppys Yellow ... ...
24.Calder Valley Aquatics New Stock List 12/03/15 12/03/15 Yes
Price changes for this weekend only on selected livestock, see in store for details! Our New Arrivals and current stock TETRA Black widow tetra Wild green neon Super serpae tetra Bleeding heart tetra Cardinal tetra Buenos Aires tetra Harliquin rasbora Galaxy rasbora Neon tetra R... ...
25.Shield Aquatics Stocklist & Marine Supplies Now In Stock 06/02/15 No
New range of marine products now in stock. All Ocean Nutrition foods, seaweeds & accessories, Seachem additives, conditioners & salt etc. Also selection of Carribsea substrates and accesories including life rock, dry and live sands plus more to follow Updated stocklist Trops - Mickey m... ...
26.Romsey World Of Water: Full Tropical Livestock 21/12/14 21/12/14 Yes
Hey Guys! This is our full tropical livestock list. If you have any queries, would like photos or would like to reserve something, please feel free to give us a call on: 01794515923. Tetras Silver Tip Tetra £1.99 6 For £10.00 Diamond Tetra £1.99 6 For £10.00 Glowlight Tetra ... ...
27.Emsworth Aquatics Availability List 09/12/14 Yes
AVAILABLITY LIST LIVEBEARERS Assorted Mollies £2.60ea Balloon Mollies £2.85ea Assorted Male Guppies £2.25ea or 4 for £8.76 Female Guppies £1.80ea or 6 for £10.20 Male Endlers £2.25ea or 4 for £8.80 Assorted Platys £2.50ea Assorted Swordtails £3.00ea CICHLIDS Gold Severum £6... ...
28.New store open in South Shields 17/11/14 No
We are a new store in South Shields supplying freshwater fish and dry goods. Good selection dry goods including Fluval, Seachem, Ocean Nutrition, Tetra plus more Open 10 til 6 Monday to Saturday 12 til 4 Sunday Current stocklist Trops - Rainbow platy Blue neon platy Texas cichlid ... ...
29.Horsham Water Gardens - Cold water and Tropical fish and Dry goods 12/11/14 Yes
HORSHAM WATER GARDENS We stock a huge range of fish from puffers to eels to L number plecos. Fish Stock COLD WATER Fancy Goldfish Weather loaches Axolotl Danios Minnows Hill stream loach TROPICAL FISH PUFFERS Frog Puffers South American Puffers Congo Puffers Figure 8 Puffers Dragon... ...
30.Tropical fish for sale 07/10/14 No
Hi, Breaking my tank down and selling fish first. Don't want much for them, but figure that if someone has to pay for them then there's more chance they'll be looked after rather than some numpty looking for free fish ! Have a group of barbs which have been peaceful in my community tank - they... ...
31.angel fish sharks and tropical fish for sale 01/07/14 Yes
Angel fish black mixed for sale £4 3 for £10 4" albino red tailed sharks £3 4 tin foil barbs £3.50 4 for £12 2-3 rosy barbs £2 3 £5 Scissor tails £1.25 6 for £5 Collection from irlam area of manchester. pls txt me on 07745279196
32.Getting rid of fish 24/03/14 Yes
I need to urgently get rid of fish as I'm selling my tank. I have a few fish below that I need gone this week! Large discus - £40 Medium discus -£15 Large Angel (lays eggs sometimes) - £20 Two Bolivian rams - £5 Rosy barb - £2 Two red tail black sharks - £7 Saillfin Pleco medium - £10... ...
33.QUALITYFISHONLINE - We sell quality tropical and cold water fish, we now have new inverts 17/03/14 Yes
GO TO QUALITYFISHONLINE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW!! Find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/qualityfishonline FISH LIST: Black Angel 2.90 Ghost Angel 4.90 Koi Angel 2.90 Leopard Angel 5.00 Marble Angel 3.00 Zebra - Sm 2.50 Zebra Angel - Lge 12.00 Crab - Red Claw... ...
34.Fish and plants for sale 14/11/13 Yes
I am busy breaking up a 750 litre tropical tank I have various pieces of driftwood in the tank, one piece is extremely large with a massive Java fern and anubius attached other pieces have Anubis only. Fishes for sale are 4x angels I x large firemouth (male) 2x Bala sharks 2x clown loaches ... ...
35.Free Tropical Fish 09/10/13 No
I have approx 50 healthy tropical freshwater fish that need a new home, including 2 large Angels, 6 Pearl Gourami, 6 Rosy Barbs, 2 Clown Loaches, and a multitude of brightly-coloured Mollys and Plattys. I do not want any payment, but you must organise collection..
36.Fully stocked Jewel Rio 400 tank system 03/10/13 No
All less than 1 year old, excellent condition. Jewel Rio 400 tank, rock and root backdrop. Matching dark wood cabinet. External Eheim 2075 pump/filter (Jewel integrated unit avail as backup). Carbon dioxide system, incl regulator and rechargeable cylinder. 2trin T5 light units, with range of co... ...
37.Fluval Osaka 155 w/ Walnut Cabinet £250 O.V.N.O 25/09/13 Yes
Fluval Osaka 155L w/ Walnut Cabinet Here i have my lovely Fluval Osaka 155 litre tropical tank. Ive owned this for approximately a year or so. This is an absolutely stunning fish tank it really stands out from the old traditional rectangular square edged tanks of years gone by. The front 3 ... ...
38.many different varieties of tropical fish available 22/08/13 Yes
Manchester Fish Price List 22nd August - 29th August 2013 All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels 4" £10.00 Spiny eels 4" £10.00 Tyretrack eels 4" £10.00 Birchir Endilcheri... ...
39.180l Tropical fishtank, complete setup 19/08/13 Yes
I have a quite large tropical aquarium for sale as I have moved on to marine fish keeping and no longer have the time to give it my full attention. The dimensions are H50cm (20 inches) W81cm (32 inches) D41cm (16 inches) approx. All the plants and rocks in the tank are for sale as it all needs to... ...
40.madascan bleekeri, tucan fish 16/08/13 No
Closing down my freshwater tank I have the following for sale 1no Paratilapia Bleekeri approx. 3" 1no Columbian Toucan fish approx. 3" 5no rosy barbs Job lot £25 ring/text - 07500119342
41.East Midlands Aquatics..........TOTAL STOCK LIST 02/08/13 Yes
neon tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 black neon tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 white cloud mountain minno £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 cherry barb £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 glowlight tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 lemon tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 p... ...
42.Selection of tropical fish for sale 01/08/13 Yes
Im selling my full set up with fish but would save me some hassle if i could sell the fish first and quickly to a good home! The fish include: Clown loaches, one large 6-8 inch one around 5 inch( which have lived together i believe 8 years) and then getting slightly smaller down to about 2 inc... ...
43.Juwel Vision 450 tropical fish tank with loads of extras 01/08/13 Yes
The 450L juwel vision bow front is a really impressive tank and my pride and joy but I have come to a stage where I need the space for other uses. The tank has full 3D background inserts(which are a small fortune alone!), jumbo internal filter system with heater, twin light unit with two brand ne... ...
44.Long finned Rosy Barbs Ashley Down BRISTOL 28/07/13 Yes
Long finned Rosy Barbs are hardy, undemanding and beautiful. I have a pair: the male is a nice pinky red silver colour (he's presenting to the female), the female is gold, they both have black markings towards the tail. He's about 2" now and she's a bit smaller. They eat a variety of food, ... ...
45.lounge room lizards & aquatics 03/07/13 Yes
Giant Gourami in stock now !!! red belly piranha Oscars Tiger & Albino Parrot fish red & orange Mixed Malawi's Kribensis Jewel Cichlids Mixed Cichlids Tinfoil Barbs Silver Sharks Big Plecs Adult Bristlenose Plec Ghost Knife Fish Mixed live Plants and planted wood Cory Catfis... ...
46.Juwel trigon 190 full tropical set up + fish 24/03/13 Yes
I'm selling my lovely 190 litre corner aquarium, with everything!! Included is: 190 litre aquarium and stand (mint condition) New juwel light unit with new bulbs Juwel filter eheim aquaball filter (for extra filtration) Heater Thermometers Gravel 3 egyptian ornaments + coconut hide out wit... ...
47.Community tropical fish 02/02/13 Yes
2 parrot fish 2 silver sharks 2 silver dollars 3 tinfoil barbs 4 rosy barbs 3 Aurelius barbs 2 plecos 1 kribensis All fish are healthy and most are fully grown. Only selling as selling my tank to move house All offers considered 07580984253 James
48.Tropico Aquatics - Tropical Fish Online 07/09/12 Yes
Tropico Aquatics We are a North Wales based tropical fish specialist providing a One-Stop Online Shop for all your aquatics needs... We breed many species including apistogramma, other dwarf cichlids, corydoras, plecs, central american cichlids and mbuna. We also have exclusive access to spec... ...
49.tropical fish 15/06/12 No
Tiger Barb S 1.00 Tiger Barb M 2.00 Tiger Barb L 2.50 Red Tiger Barb M 3.50 Blue Tiger Barb M 4.00 Golden Tiger Barb M 2.00 Golden Tiger Barb S 1.20 Green Tiger Barb M 3.00 Green Tiger Barb S 1.40 Platinum Green Tiger Barb M 3.00 Shuberti Barb M 1.50 Neon Glow Shuber... ...
50.15 Tropical Fish for sale £75 ONO 15/03/12 Yes
4 Angelfish have bred in live plant environment 3 Albino Corydoras 3 Rainbow Fish different species 2 Plechs 1 light brown 1 dark brown 1 Blue Gourami 1 Rosy Barb 1 Butterfly Fish
51.Amwell Aquatics Epping Tropical Freshwater Stocklist: 05/01/12 05/01/12 No
* = New in Stock Tetras **NEW** Sunshine Neon Tetra - Pacheirodon innesi*** X-Ray Tetra – Pristella maxillaris Glass Bloodfin Tetra – Prionobrama filigera January Tetra - Hemigrammus hyanuary* Purple Emperor tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri "super blue" Kerri Tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri Bleed... ...
52.BARBS; FISH - FOR SALE 30/09/11 No
Nice and large barbs fish for sale: 1 x rosy barb - 2,5 inch -female 2 x tiger barbs - 2,5 inch 2 x green tiger barbs - 2,5 inch 3 x odessa barb - 3 inch - very nice colour 3 x true siamense alge eater - 5 inch £ 3 each fish Feeading on Hikari, JBL, frozen and live food. Call/t... ...
53.tank for sale with fish 05/07/11 Yes
i have my 30 litre tank for sale with 2 angel fish, 4 guppies(have babies all the time) 5 rosy barbs, german ram, and clown plec after 30 pound ono call me on 07742314644
54.FOR SALE ASAPC 29/06/11 No
Closing down fish tank, need to sell ASAP Clown Loach X 16, Serverm x 3, Rosy Barbs x2, Claico Pleco, x2 Blue Gourami x1, Red Tail Shark x 1, Vampire Pleco x1, MAKE ME A FAIR OFFER. Thanks
55.Northfield Aquatics - Freshwater 22/02/11 Yes
The following fish are going to be on sale from Saturday 26th Feb. Multi Buy Options Available on most fish. Please contact us for details. Zebra Danios Leopard Danios Neon Tetra Cardinal Tetra Rummy Nose Tetra Scissor Tails Blind Cave Fish Silver Sharks Red Line Torpedo Barbs Tiger Barb... ...
57.Tropical Fish For Sale 26/12/10 Yes
I have the following fish for sale : I am based in Doncaster Sailfin Mollys Balloon Mollys Mollys Zebra Danios Guppys - M/F Assorted Guppys Angel Fish Piranhas Pacus Tiger Barbs Cherry Barbs Rosy Barbs Fighter Fish Rams Apple Snails Harlequin Tetras Serpae Tetra Neon Tetras... ...
58.amwell aquatics stock list for week 08/10/10 14/10/10 Yes
new amwell aquatics stock list from 08/10/10 Snakeheads. channa orientalis , channa sp. platinium , channa bleheri blue , channa maruliodes, channa aurantimaculata. Catfish. shovelnose , tiger shovelnose cross redtail , tiffany whiptail , sturisoma aureum. L - numbers. l14 - sun... ...
59.approx 60 tropical fish including 5 FEATURE fish 27/06/10 No
Hi im selling my tropical COMMUNITY fish as i now want to setup a malawi chichlid setup. The main centre of attraction is the approx 12" LARGE BARLA SHARK £25 6-7" SILVER DOLLAR £12 2X MEDIUM 3-4" BARLA SHARK £20 3" PARROT FISH £20 6 X GUARAMIS 4 YELLOW 2 BLUE/GREY ... ...
60.3ft tank, stand, equipment and fish for sale 11/04/10 No
selling my 3foot tank with mahogany lid and stand, stand and lid need some minor attention, due to a water leak from the owners who had it before us, we have never had any leaks with his tank in the past year or so.. 3ft x 1 n half ft x 1ft, comes with heater, filter, statues n rocks, few plastic pl... ...
61.Barbs,Red eye tetras,Platies and Duwarf Gouramies 28/01/10 Yes
Hi, i am selling Rosy barbs £1.00, Golden barbs £1.00, Red eye tetras £1.00, various colours of platies 0.75p and female duwarf gouramies £2.00
62.for sale 30/11/09 No
world of water widnes has one of the largest stocks of community tropical in widnes Tetras/Rasbora:-, neon, black neon, rummynose, bleeding heart, cardinal, ruby, serpae, pristella, congo, yellow tail congo, bloodfin, red eye, lemon, black widow, silver tip, gold, harlequin, scissortail. Barbs... ...
63.LIVE FISH AND PLANTS 31/08/09 Yes
This auction is for the fish, plants and bog wood NOT the tank etc. We are selling the contents because we are moving over to a cichlid tank so everything has to go. This is the list of what we have 15 (ish) Neon’s 5 Rosy Barbs 2 Sailfin Mollies 2 Sunset Platys 2 Orange Platys 2 H... ...
64.Bragain Tropical Fish In LONDON 08/08/09 Yes
I have large amount of Tropical fish in cheap price. Guppy,Platy,Molly,Swordtail, Gourami,Barbs and Tetras Guppy(Assorted 2.5cm-3cm)- 0.90p Platy Red tuxedo platy(2.5cm-3cm)- 0.90p Micky mouse platy(2.5cm-3cm)- 0.90p Green platy(2.5cm-3cm)- 0.90p Blue calico platy(2.5cm-3cm)- 0.90p Assorted ... ...
65.Fish need a good home 22/07/09 No
I have 7 Golden Barbs, 1 Rosy Barb and 3 Blue Plattys. I've had these fish over a year now but am getting rid of my tank. I do not want money for these fish just piece of mind they are going to a good home. I live in Feltham, Middlesex ( Heathrow area) I will not post these fish, collection only o... ...
66.Fish Tank For Sale - £50 19/07/09 Yes
Fish Tank – 30” X 18” X 12” Tank Hood with light – made in-house, open from the sides. Under gravel filter Power filter Heater Air Pump Gravel and lots of decorative rocks This can be a good project for beginners. I can also give following Fish with this Full size Rosy Barb ... ...
67.Juwel Rio 180 Tropical Fish Tank 08/06/09 No
Experience the fascination of aquariums from a different perspective. The Vision aquariums bring a new dimension to fish keeping. The stunning curved front glass will offer unrivalled views of the underwater world. A Vision Aquarium from JUWEL Aquarium is equipped with: T8 unit including tubes... ...
68.FREE Silver Mollies & Rosy Barbs 22/12/08 No
Free to good home 5X Silver Mollies (excellent starter fish) and 3X Rosy Barbs (i think!). All in excellent health. Please email.
69.Great choice of Tropical Fish, Marine Fish & Coldwater Fish HOME DELIVERY 03/12/08 Yes
Lots to choose from at Bridge of Marnoch Water Gardens, near Huntly Aberdeenshire. Visitors welcome. SPECIALISTS AT DELIVERY TO YOUR DOORSTEP. We always have 1000's of fish on stock. Probably the biggest selection of fish in North East Scotland. We don't just sell the bread & butter range. ... ...
70.Various Tropical Fish and Shrimps x 37 19/09/08 No
Selling due to moving house in a hurry! Tank set up is great. Gutted I’m having to sell these. Things are starting to bread! All fish are in top condition. Selling as a bundle or individually. Fair price and they’re yours: 4 x Golden Gourami (Pairs) 2 x Opal (Blue) Gourami (Pair) ... ...
UP FOR AUCTION IS JAVA MOSS GROWING ON A COCONUT SHELL AS PICTURE- Java on coconut shell makes a great home for fry, kribensis, pregnant females and lots of other cave dwelling fish. Item sent will not be exact item listed but very similar,the java has been growing on the shell for 2 weeks so w... ...

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