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1.Tropical Fish for sale - Tank breakdown 25/01/25 No
My son is selling his tropical fish and then tank & equipment to raise money for driving lessons. Here is a list of the fish that need to go first. Rusty pleco Super red bristlenose pleco Albino bristlenose pleco x2 Common bristlenose pleco xlots Pictus catfish x3 Koi angel Scissor tai... ...
2.2 x large breeding super red discus, cardinal tetra, guppies,Corys, 07/01/25 Yes
2x large breeding super red discus from easy discus patryk. See picture with eggs. Lovely healthy fish eating well Approx 7" Group of cardinal tetra Group ofguppies constantly breeding Group of albino cory cats breeding Thriving anubius plants can also be taken. £160 the group no offer... ...
3.Cardinal or Rummy nose wanted 24/12/24 No
Looking for schooling fish groups Mainly cardinal tetras or rummynose Would also be interested in torpedo barbs and Congo tetra If anything else message me with what you got Around Birmingham area please
4.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
5.Range of fish 18/09/24 No
Guide Price Open to Offers things without offers I’m not sure on price pickup only: Coventry I have available: Trio of honeycomb bristlenose 1 big male And 2 smaller females: £90 3 cardinal tetra £4 Assasin snail £1.50 each 10 for £12 3 Snow White juvi range from 1 inch to 1.5/2... ...
Latest stock list this will change weekly. Please message us for prices, PXs accepted L397 Alenquer tiger L239 blue panaque L333 bel monte tiger L066 Tiger L333 standard tiger L183 starlight L181 peppermint Rio Paraguay group 2m2f 3juvi Sultan plec L081 gold nugget L273 red ti... ...
7.I am looking for super red female or male long fin or short fin also looking for a lemon female 14/08/24 No
Looking for: LF/SF super red pleco male or female LF/SF female lemon pleco I have available aswell Have: 3 cardinal tetras, 1 female or male adult wabenmuster, 1 black corydora, 1 panda corydora, 1 elegant corydora all adults Also have cash. In Coventry
8.Nets auction 23 june 16/06/24 No
ROUGH LIST!!!!! 1 week to go, 23rd of June N.E.T.S. Aquatics Auction I have asked sellers to look round there tanks and fish rooms. I haven't got everyone's list. But here's a start. Please remember this list isn't guaranteed it's merely there to show the selection possibly available at these e... ...
9.South American tank closure 30/01/24 No
Closing down my wild Altum Angel tank. x5 wild altums from finest aquatics in widness. Roughly 6-7months old. Receipt to prove wild.eating anything and everything , very healthy young fish Wanting to start a marine tank so everything must go, also have the following Dicrossus maculatus x2 ***... ...
10.Full setup 01/01/24 Yes
I'm looking to sell my full setup of community tank with or without filtration. There are a lot of plants,fish and stuff. The tank is 5x2x2ft, 10mm glass ,cabinet with lids and lights, and additional 2 glass lid.Instaled a lot of power sokets inside cabinet so you don't need to worry about sokets... ...
11.Full setup tank 01/01/24 Yes
I'm looking to sell my full setup of community tank with or without filtration. There are a lot of plants,fish and stuff. Fishes are: 20+ green dragon juvelines 6m or old Another bristlenose plecos don't know how many are they Stunning breeding pair of Green Dragon 20+ Corrys peppermi... ...
12.Cardinal tetras 12/10/23 No
Has anybody got any cardinals for sale or similar please can pick up in the sheffield and surrounding area
13.NETS auction 05/10/23 No
Nets charity auction this Sunday 8october in teams social club bensham this is a list of potential fish Apologies for the lateness of this Please read this first.. I have asked the 30+ sellers for a list of the potential fish there looking at bringing THIS Sunday 8th of October This list show... ...
14.NETS auction 25 June 21/06/23 No
!check out the list of fish provisionally booked for this Sundays auction Plecos and catfish L-015 pleco Super red pleco Synodontis eupterus Brochis splendens Cory napoensis Cory panda white Cory sodalis Cory Trilineatus Cory elegans Cory barbatus Green lazer cory Red lazer cory ... ...
15.200g Bottle of Alder Cones £13.99 19/05/23 Yes
200g container of alder cones. Great to reduce ph of water naturally. If your spending £ on Discus,Cardinal Tetras then you need to invest in a safe and natural method of reducing ph. Alder cones do just that. Price includes postage. Payment via PayPal, contact me for details
16.Aqaurium Media Unit For Sale 06/05/23 Yes
Selling due to moving house and can’t take with me. Location is IG7 Chigwell Essex UK. Dimensions in pictures but overall width is around 194cm and depth is around 51cm and unit height is around 234cm. The tank when empty is an easy two man lift, I can help, the unit comes apart into smaller piec... ...
17.fish mania aquatics charity pond and aquatic auction 10/05/22 Yes
pond, tropical and aquatics auction to help raise money for Birmingham childrens hospital cardiac ward Hucknall Town Football Club Watnall Road, Hucknall Nottingham, NG15 6EY SUNDAY 15th MAY DOORS OPEN 10AM AUCTION STARTS 11AM ADULTS £1 ENTRY, UNDER 14’S FREE Koi Carp, Gold Fish ... ...
18.cardinals,neons, rummys ,swordtails, plattys ,shrimp, for sale middlesbrough 20/04/22 No
cardinal tetras 5 for £7 , rummynose tetras 5 for £7 ,neon tetras 5 for £6 ,lemon tetras 5 for £7 , large red swordtail £4.50 pair large pineapple wag swordtails £4.50 pair any 8 swordtails £16 , sunset and black plattys £2, brown bristlenose £1.50 4 for £5 lemon bristlenose £3 red... ...
19.Tropical Fish and shrimps for rehoming (Truro, Cornwall) 12/03/22 No
We have lemon and neon/cardinal tetra, ottos, 2 x panda garras, amano shrimp and 3 x bamboo shrimp that need rehoming. We have had to break our tank down as we are having some work done at home and won't be setting it up again for a while. Must go to a well established tank with a great flow for... ...
20.Fish, plecs 15/07/21 No
Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Buenos Aires Trtra £1.50 each 8 for £10 1 inch serpae tetra £1 each 1 inch cardinal tetra £1 each 1 inch Red Eye tetra £1 each 1 inch + Electric Blue Rams £4 each 3 for £10 1 inch + platinum Rams £4 each 3 for £10 3 inch Jack Dempsey Cichlids... ...
21.Selling Aquarium plus fish 21/06/21 Yes
Aquarium Job Lot for sale. Aquarium measuring 147cm wide, 64cm High and Depth 60cm. I am selling this tank including all peripherals and live stock: Fish: Halloween Mollies, Damlation Molies, Black Molly, Sword Tails, Guppies, Neon and Cardinal Tetras plus others. Decorations include plants, r... ...
22.Various community fish for sale 11/05/21 No
Small group of 5 cardinal tetra for sale Couple of black neon tetra 4 male endlers 4/5 small super red bristlenose juvies Small group of sterbai corys Small group of bronze cories Ideally sell altogether but may split
23.Jewel Rio 450l LED Aquarium & Cabinet Complete Set up with Fish 30/04/21 Yes
I am selling my Jewel Rio 450l LED Aquarium & Cabinet Complete Set up with Fish. I bought this in October 2020 and love it but now coming out of lockdown I no longer have time to maintain it. Complete set up. Tank Cabinet Light Air Stone Heater Filter Sand Stones Wood Real Plants ... ...
24.Fish tank 80L, fish, natural plants and all accessory 24/03/21 Yes
Fish tank: • Tetra Starter Line LED 80L Aquarium, with internal filter • Natural Driftwood Branches Aquarium Decoration Assorted Size, Small, (3) • NYMPHAEA RUBRA Red Tiger Zenkeri Lotus - plant tropical fish tank • Aquarium Plant "Anubias nana" • Collection of Aquatic Plants Fis... ...
25.180l juwel rio full setup with fish 06/01/21 No
180l juwel rio fluval 206 w/spray bar heater fluval plant 3.0 light (medium) lots of plants 5 pearl gourami ~20 cardinal tetra 12 glowlight tetra 8 bronze corydoras 1 bristlenose plec amano shrimp offers
26.Tropical fish for sale 29/11/20 No
11 large cardinal tetra £10 10 large rummy nose tetra £10 Male black phantom tetra 50p Neon tetra free 4 medium keyhole cichlids £14 or £4 each Small male and female Bolivian rams £10 3 medium bristle nose plecs 1 male and 2 female £8 or £3 each 3 venizualin black Cory (2 large and 1 ... ...
27.EA Aquascaper 900 in gloss white and accessories 28/07/20 No
EA Aquascaper 900 in gloss white excellent condition with no scratches at all. Retails for £650. Sale price £350 Twinstar 900s light retails for £350. Sell price £230 Fluval fx4 filter £120 Also have quite a few fish being: Cardinal tetra, cherry shrimp, harlequin rasboras, Otto's, ne... ...
28.Juwel Lido 200l for sale £300 or nearest offer 17/11/19 Yes
I am selling my Juwel Lido 200litre aquarium. It will come with a digital thermometer, hardscape(spiderwood and about 10kgs of Frodo stone) collection only The aquarium is about six months old and am selling as moving house and can’t take it with me. Fish included if desired. It currently house... ...
29.Tropical fish for sale £40 16/11/19 Yes
I have 18 cardinal tetra,3 platinum tetra, a 3 inch keyhole cichlid, large male albino bristlenose and 2 brown kuhli loach looking for a new home in a well established tank, there's also some bogwood and live plants included if wanted. Only selling as my tank has cracked, pics are old but theyre the... ...
30.Juwel Rio 450 fishtank and all the trimmings 04/10/19 Yes
JUWEL RIO 450 Fishtank with matching cabinet Measurements 151 x 51 x 66 cm Excellent filtration system - Juwel Bioflow Super Illuminated by Juwel T5 Hi-Lite Day Layered with black substrate and white sand. Decorated with two large rocks, slate, numerous plants and a large peat log. L... ...
31.10 Discus fish for-sale 03/06/19 Yes
I have 10 beautiful discus for sale 8 are 5-6 inches and 2 are 4-5 inches. Also 2 x golden rams and 5 x cardinal tetras. £180 for the lot
32.Complete tropical set up-Bargain for quick sale 22/04/19 Yes
URGENTLY need to rehome my aquarium as I am moving on 10th May and cannot take it with me. 300 litre? aquarium sat in purpose built cabinet. Running 2x fluval 306 canister external filters. Also LED light bar, heater. All internal decoration (synthetic) Plus fish. I do have a couple of poly fish box... ...
33.3 cardinal Tetras & 1 Endler Guppy free for collection 22/03/19 No
I have 3 Cardinal Tetras and 1 Endler Guppy roughly over 1 year old needing a new home, due to moving house unable to accommodate a tropical tank. Free for collection from Crawley, West Sussex.
34.Rio aquarium for sale with fish and all kinds of accessories 10/01/19 Yes
Rio tropical fish tank with fish included, as well as all accessories needed, in working order. W61 cm, H38.5 cm, D43 cm. Fish - 5 cardinal tetras, 1 sunset platy, 1 pale pink platy, 1 flying fox. Selling as relocating and downsizing
35.BLACK WIDOW TETRAS 08/12/18 Yes
5 BLACK WIDOW TETRAS PLUS 1 CARDINAL TETRA THEY HAVE LIVED HAPPILY FOR OVER 12 MONTHS TOGETHER ALL FOR £10 ALSO FISH TANK 30 inch long by 18 inch high by 12inch wide with stand heater and pump and light and sponge £60 07955405396 fish will need to be sold before tank
36.Aquarium and Equipment 26/11/18 Yes
This tank has only been running for 2 months so everything is brand new. Includes- Aquarium equipment - gravel cleaner, interpet PF1 filter/plain filter foam x1, Eheim jager heater 75W, glass thermometer, fish net, Plant tweezers/scissors, API test kit, Hagen Nutrafin test(KH/GH),Carbon ... ...
37.Corydoras, Snails, Shrimps, Tetras, Aquarium and much much more 26/11/18 Yes
This tank has only been running for 2 months so everything is brand new. Includes- Livestock- Cardinal tetras x6, Corydoras- Albino, Bronze, Sterbia, Napoensis. Amano shrimp x2. Assassin snails x2 All very healthy. Aquarium equipment - gravel cleaner, interpet PF1 filter/plain filter foam ... ...
38.Juwel Vision 450 aquarium complete setup 08/11/18 Yes
SOLD, SOLD, SOLD For sale is my gorgeous Juwel Vision 450 aquarium. It is currently setup and running. It comes complete with the lid/light system, two filters (the internal standard one and a fluval 404 external). A selection of fish including cardinal tetras, bleeding heart tetra, rummy nose... ...
39.50L Aqua-tropic tank & stand with fish, heater, pump etc ONLY £50 07/08/18 Yes
Aqua-tropic aquarium with black wood-effect cupboard/stand with 15 tropical fish. I think it’s 50 litres, with stand the dimensions are: width 59cm, height 103cm, 31cm. Comes with new Fluval filter pump (£25 new, only a few weeks old), food, water safe additive, quick start bio additive, orna... ...
40.Complete Tropical fish aquarium fish tank set up with live plants and fish 05/08/18 Yes
I am selling my stunning established tropical setup complete with fish, bog wood, plants, gravel, filtration and LED lighting. The aquarium is European brand Aquatlantis. Details of the tank are as follows: ELEGANCE- PLUS-100 181L Elegance Plus 100 Aquarium LED H2O, AQ-BB-2 Filter, 810L/H ... ...
41.Ripples Waterlife, Shenstone. Plecs, Corys, and unusual species 11/07/18 Yes
We are based in South Staffs, just south of the city of Lichfield. We have about 170 stock tanks covering all types of tropical, temperate, and coldwater fish, shrimps, fighting fish, African cichlids, and discus. We pride ourselves on the quality and range of our fish, the cleanliness of our tanks,... ...
42.Tropical fish list 07/06/18 No
***TROPICAL*** BETTA FISH Stunning Male Betta Fish £8each Assorted Female Betta Fish XL £2.50each DISCUS Assorted Discus 3inch (Red Turk, Blue turk, Royal Blue, Red Melon) £28each or 2 for £50 or 5 for £100 DANIO Leopard Longfin Danio £1each GOURAMI Neon Dwarf Gourami £3.50ea... ...
43.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
44.Tropical Fish up for Adoption 12/03/18 Yes
Hi All, With a new addition to our family, with a heavy heart i decided to close down my aquarium after 10+ years in the hobby. Much of the fish have been with me for a long time so the least i hope is to find an aquarist who is passionate, caring and willing to give these fish a second chance... ...
45.Cardinal Tetra x 4 25/11/17 No
4 x Cardinal Tetra £4
46.Cichlids, plecs, guppy,swordtails, molly, platty, tetra Tropical fish 02/09/17 No
Updated list for sale Hartlepool Malwali 3 inch Blue Dolhins £5 each 3 inch Giraffe Haps £3 each 2 for £5 3 inch Ice Blue £3 each 2 for £5 2 inch eyebiters £2.50 each 5 for £10 2 inch Borleyi £2.50 each 2 inch Yellow Labs £2.50 each Various need id from £2.50 upwards. ... ...
47.Cardinal Tetra, Zebra Plec, Green and Blue Phantom plec cheap 11/07/17 No
For sale I have multiple of each fish Zebra Plec L46 - 6cm - £150 Green Phantom L200 - 6cm - £15 Blue Phantom L128 - 4cm - £15 Royal Plec - 4cm - £15 Cardinal tetra large - 10 for £8
48.10 x Cardinal Tetras only £20.00 - Size 3-3.5cms 15/06/17 Yes
10 x Cardinal Tetras Size 3-3.5cms All fish are healthy and active. Delivery Options available Within 10 Mile Radius: Thursday or Friday delivery: £7.00 Saturday delivery: £15.00 Remainder of the UK Mainlands: Thursday or Friday delivery: £18.95 Please do your researc... ...
49.clearance sale 14/06/17 Yes
CLOSING DOWN SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO - 14/06/17, TROPICAL AMAZONAS AQUATICS - 5* Rated from over 130 reviews!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name (Size)...................................Price each, Discount price TETRAS, LIVEBEA... ...
50.Selling my tropical fish 31/05/17 No
Selling my tropical fish for two oscars, and a golden nugget pleco. 1x albino ruby shark, 2x silver sharks, 2x cardinal tetras, 2x opaline gourami, 2x pearl gourami, 1x guppy, 2x clown loaches, 2x torpedo barbs, 2x marble angelfish, 1x bristlenose pleco. All my fish are really healthy, one of ... ...
51.Tropical fish tank with stand and fish 09/05/17 Yes
complete juwel rio 125 tank and fish for sale, comes with 8 rocks 5 plants and some bogwood filter heater, thermometer etc and L.e.d light upgrade No leaks or cracks anywhere to the tank . I have a mixed variety of community fish, they are as follows; guppys(various colours) mollys (variou... ...
52.Splash Tropicals Updated Stocklist 01/04/17 No
Full Stocklist Below Updated 01/04/2017 Splash Tropicals South Terrace The Green Southwick SR5 2AW Contact Ryan/Kelly on 07572554047 Email: splash.tropicals@hotmail.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday 10am-5pm Tuesday 10am-5pm Wednesday 10am-2pm Thursday CLOSED Friday 10am-5pm ... ...
53.Cardinal tetra 16/02/17 No
Cardinal tetra 1.50 each
54.Six Discus in Vision 180 Full Setup 12/01/17 Yes
Six 4-5" discus of different strains, Six corydoras adolfoi, Five cardinal tetras, One otocinclus, male fighter and whip tail catfish. I'm selling my discus setup because I'm moving and I can't keep pets at my new property. It includes: Juwel Vision 180 Black tank and stand, Newa 350 Kanis... ...
55.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
56.Splash Tropicals Updated Stocklist 04/12/16 No
Full Stocklist Below Updated 04/12/16 Splash Tropicals South Terrace The Green Southwick SR5 2AW Contact Ryan/Kelly on 07572554047 Email: splash.tropicals@hotmail.co.uk Facebook Business Link : https://www.facebook.com/SplashTropicals/ Opening Hours: Monday 10am-5pm Tuesda... ...
57.Juwel Rio 180 tropical fish tank full set up 27/09/16 Yes
Full set up including extra fluval 206 external filter aswell as standard Juwel internal filter. Has full juwel 3d backing. Lots of live plants all doing good with a weekly bit of fertiliser. Runs at ph neutral so good for most if not all fish ( except Malawi). Have lots of really healthy livestock ... ...
58.cardinal tetras 3cm,corydora sterbai 3cm good healthy fish 12/09/16 No
cardinals £1.5 each cory sterbai £5.00 each collect leicester or can post
59.Various fish and cichlids for sale 19/08/16 No
Updated stock list and prices for sale Hartlepool; 1.5 inch Eliotti Cichlids females £2.50 each 3 inch jack dempsey £3 each 1 inch German blue rams £1.75 each 1.5 inch Platunum pure White Angels £3 each 3 inch L104 £7.50 each 3 for £20 4 inch female Brown bristlenoses £7.50 ea... ...
60.Aquanano 40 & Aquanano 60 Tanks, cabinets,fish & more 19/07/16 Yes
2 complete Setups - Less than 8 months old from Brand New Both complete with pumps, heaters, filter media & situated in the rear internal sumps. Aquanano 40 - (55 Litres) Aquarium = 40d x 40w x 40h cm. Cabinet = 40d x 40w x 75h cm. Aquanano 60 - (100 Litres) Aquarium = 40d x 60w x ... ...
61.Fish List 01/06/16 No
Tropical Stocklist Black Ghost knife Fish 8" Fire Eel x2 15-16" Fire Eel x1 18-20" Albino Silver Arowana (Beautiful) 10" Rhombo Barb Half Moon Female Fighters Polypterus ornatipinnis 5" Pipefish - Black Line Corydoras Sterbai Galaxy rasbora Emerald Dwarf Rasbora Chilli rasbora Swar... ...
62.Silksworth Aquatics Current Stock 19/04/16 No
Here is our current stock list. These are fish ACTUALLY in stock, quarentined and ready for sale. Stock & Price List (12/04/2016) Dwarf Cichlids. Apisto Agasizii £25 pair (Spare Males £8) Apisto Allpahuayo JUMBO proven breeding pair £35 Apisto Baenschi Inca £24 pair Apisto Barlowi “Red... ...
63.Tank contents for sale 14/04/16 No
2x large breeding pairs of angels. 3x large redline torpedo barbs. 3x med clown loach. 3x corydora sterbai. 7x Ottocinclus. 6x cherry barbs. 6x large Cardinal tetra. 6x large rummy nose tetra. 1x female gold ram. Pictures on request. Wish to sell as a complete set. If all pur... ...
64.Tropical stock list 11/04/16 No
Latest stocks april 16 Assorted tigerbarbs £1.50 Cherry barbs £1 or 5/£4 Torpedo barbs £3 Albino cory £1.50 Bronze Cory £1.50 Peppered Cory £1.50 Emerald Cory £2.50 Sterbai corys £3 Panda corys £3 Julii Cory £3 Pim blochii £6.50 Upsidedown catfish £4.50 Synod... ...
65.Stock List 26/03/16 No
Pentazona barb Golden Barb Tiger barb Cherry barb White cloud L/Fin Dwarf gourami Ancistrus orange and black LDA16 Long Fin Titanic Plec L273 Hypancistrus L270 Hypaancistrus L264 Leporacanthicus Pleco Corydoras schultzei albino Whiptail cat Apistogramma cacatuoides Triple Red Apistogra... ...
66.Fluval 240 Roma aquarium now £200 ono 06/03/16 Yes
Fluval 240 Roma 2 external filters t5 overhead lighting 300 watt heater cabinet heavy planted with cryptos and Anubis. 5peices of bogwood 19 cardinal tetras 10 black phantom tetras 10 harlequins 6 rummynose tetras 5 corys plus shrimps not sure how many and snails. Tank and cabinet in fair condition.... ...
67.jewel rio 400 set up 14/01/16 Yes
Looking at selling my big tank juwel Rio 400 and stand in beech colour.. with FX5 filter, heater, plenty of artificial plants and sand included along with coconut caves and bogwood, super red bristlenose definite males and females of a good size that have laid eggs before, 1 common male Bn that has ... ...
68.Tropical fish, cherry shrimps, plants and bogwood for sale 31/12/15 Yes
For sale as follows 10 x red fin columbian tetras 5 x harlequin rasboras 1 x bleeding heart tetra 1 x electric blue ram Also lots of plants such as amazons and ferns Also 3 really nice pieces of bogwood all have mature ferns attached and well rooted Also a really big stretch of Christ... ...
69.New stock list 11/12/15 Yes
stocklist. Delivery available Washington aquatics Asst. Male Betta £3 Super Red Cherry Shrimp £1.20 10 for £10 Bolivian rams £4 (very nice) Otto catfish £2.50 5 for £10 platinum angels £7.99 (stunning) harlequin lancer catfish 8” £44.99 copperband fron... ...
70.TEN for a TENNER 07/12/15 No
Ten fish for Ten pounds... Choose from: - Cardinal Tetras - Neons - Long Fin Zebra Danios - Leopard Danios - Giant Danios - Pentazona Barbs - Buenos Aires Tetra - Harlequins - Cherry Barbs - X Ray Tetras - Golden Barbs - Flame Tetras - XL White Clouds You can also Mix n Match, so if... ...
71.Fish Stock List 01/12/15 01/12/15 Yes
COLD & TEMPERATE FISH: Black Comet £2.49 Each or 3 for £6 Black Moor £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Blue Oranda £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Assorted Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 White Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Sucking loach £1.79 Each Gold Sucking Loach £2.49 White Cloud Minnow £1... ...
72.FISH STOCK LIST 27/11/15 27/11/15 No
COLD & TEMPERATE FISH: Black Comet £2.49 Each or 3 for £6 Black Moor £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Blue Oranda £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Assorted Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 White Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Sucking loach £1.79 Each Gold Sucking Loach £2.49 Each White Cloud M... ...
73.Huge selection of fish related books 16/11/15 No
After selling all my tanks etc i have left over a huge selection of fish keeping related books for sale. I tried where possible to get a book on most of the species I kept over the years so some are specific to a certain species and some are general fishkeeping books. All are in excellent conditio... ...
74.4ft Tropical Fish Tank +Cabinet. 330lt. Mature Planted tank. Complete set up inc fish+plants 26/10/15 Yes
Buying a Marine set up so sadly having to sell my much loved Tropical Freshwater tank. This is a complete set up with tank, cabinet, fish, plants, multiple planted bogwoods, filtration, lighting, heater, pumps. The tank was bought in January 2014 so has been set up for nearly 2 years and has a... ...
75.Rena 200lt complete setup, eheim 2073, heavily planted 25/10/15 Yes
This is a mature planted aquarium that I am very reluctantly selling as I am moving house and cannot take it with me. The plants alone cost me a small fortune and are all mature, the running gear is all about or under a year old, the filter alone cost me £180. It's a Rena aquarium in beech, 100cm l... ...
76.Maidenhead Aquatics@Shirley Freshwater Stocklist 02/10/2015 03/10/15 Yes
Hi, here is a our current Freshwater stock-list over here at Maidenhead Shirley. Please do not hesitate to contact our friendly staff with any questions that you may have. We will be doing our best to update the stock-list when we have had new fish in. Feel free to follow us on Facebook: https:/... ...
77.Some new stock 29/09/15 Yes
new stock (full list to follow) torpedo barbs £4 male bettas £4 panda corys £3.50 clarius catfish 2" £6 glowlight danios £1.50 10 for £12 chocolate gouramis £4 neon blue dwarf gouramis £6 pair cardinal tetra £1 10 for £8 neon tetra 10 for £6 male guppys (300+ to choose ... ...
78.BEAUTIFUL LARGE ORANGE & RED DISCUS with Turquoise striped fins. £85 pickup West Yorkshire Wakefield 03/09/15 No
This beautiful discus measures 6.5 inches The body is bright orange turning bright red to the outer edges of the body. The face and fins have flashes of blue (turquoise) stripes on them, contrasting with the orange face and red fins. The fish itself is in very good condition eating very well ... ...
79.Tropical & Cold water fish 19/08/15 No
Oakdale Tropical & Cold water fish Licenced fish keeper and retailer Over 300 fish available Discus Angelfish Mollies Guppies Platties Swordtails Cardinal tetras Neons Kissing fish Fighting fish Assorted Malawi Cory Assorted And more. Call 07535531037.
80.Fluval 180 fish tank. Fish. Filter. Heater. Everything.... £250 ono 14/08/15 No
http://www.gumtree.com/p/aquariums-for-sale/fish-tank.-tropical.-180-fluval-bow-front.-all-set-up-including-fish./1129129716 Fluval bow fish tank. Hidor external heater. Aps external filter. Fish. 2 blue gourami 2 platys. 2 rams. 4 ottos. 10 cardinal tetras. 4 sterbai corys. Food neta etc.... a... ...
81.New Price List - Wholesale Aquatics - Please have a L@@K 03/07/15 Yes
***Updated*** Stock List 10% Off of website with Coupon AQUACLASS Delivery available Visit our website (Click on banner next to Adverts) or wholesale-aquatics.com **Pleco** L18 8-9cm £25 L146/148 Rubber nose £5 3x £12 L190 6-8cm £18 L201 5-6cm £20 Common Goldspot 8" £5 **O... ...
82.Updated Stock List Wholesale Aquatics 30/06/15 No
**New Plecos Added** L201 - £20 (7-8cm) L190 - £20 (7-8cm) UK Pre 12 Next day Delivery Available - £15 Aquidens meta £5 Geophagus surnamensis £7 3x £15 Longnosed Elephant 10cm £10 Butterfly fish £5 Longear Sun fish £5 Dwarf Puffer Fish £2.50 Black Ghost Knife 3" £6 Zebr... ...
83.Romsey World Of Water: New Tropical Livestock List 26/06/15 26/06/15 Yes
Hey Guys! This is our new tropical livestock list. If you have any queries, would like photos or would like to reserve something, please feel free to give us a call on: 01794515923 Yellow Peacock £5.99 Each 2 For £10.00 Fuelleborn Cichlid £10.99 Each 2 For £20.00 Assorted Large Cichl... ...
84.Updated Stock List 18/06/15 Yes
**New Plecos Added** L18 Gold Nugget Pleco (Wild) 8-9 cm L66 King Tiger Pleco (Wild) 8-9 cm **New in stock** Firefish & OB Peacock 5-6cm £5.99 Ea UK Pre 12 Next day Delivery Available - £15 Aquidens meta £5 Geophagus surnamensis £7 3x£15 Longnosed Elephant 10cm £10 Butterfly fis... ...
85.Beautiful Extra Extra Large CARDINAL TETRAS. 3.5cam. £1.75 Each Selling over 100 14/06/15 Yes
I have got over a hundred Cardinal Tetra for sale. They are 3.5cm and some 3cm, usually because the females are larger than male. Which is very big and bright.. They sell for over £4 at my local shops and not at this high quality. I will sell them for a very cheap price of £1.75. But if anyone... ...
86.Aqua One 21 inches Cube fish tank, stand, stock & external filter 16/05/15 Yes
I wonder if anyone would be interested in purchasing my tank and stock, house move forces the sale, looking for £150 The tank is a 21" Aqua one cube with stand in beech wood effect finish, the tank and stand are in very good condition. There is also an eheim pro 2 external filter currently r... ...
87.Fluval Roma 240 full set up for sale 11/05/15 Yes
Stunning healthy fish tank for sale Fluval Roma 240 for sale Fluval 306 external filter Hydor inline heater (no heater visible in tank) 2 fluorecent light tubes built in to hood led light strip for night time if needed (gives a nice glow) Comes complete with very large piece of bogwood... ...
88.Malawis ,tangs and trops for sale 08/05/15 Yes
Malawis For Sale Aulonocara Baenschi 4-5 cm £4 each Aulonocara Blue Orchid 8cm + £10 each Aulonocara Calico OB 8cm £8 each Aulonocara Eureca Red 6cm £6 each Aulonocara Rubin Red 6cm £6 each Copadichromis Verdunji deep blue 5-6cm £6 each Haplochromis Cribensis 4-... ...
89.New stocklist. 08/04/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist discus red turquoise £25 blue snakeskin £25 snow white £25 odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 9" £35 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12eac... ...
90.5 Tropical Fish free to good home due to house move 27/03/15 No
1 Moonlight Gourami, 1 Cardinal Tetra, 1 Zebra Dannio, 1 Golden White Cloud Minnow. We are moving very soon and selling our fish tank as cant' keep it up anymore. Would like to see these remaining fish go to nice home please. No charge! Please email me katylucas@hotmail.com or call 07958 536765... ...
91.Shield Aquatics Stocklist 13/03/15 No
Updated stocklist Trops - Mickey mouse platy Mickey mouse santa platy Gold comet platy Galaxy platy Neon swordtails Gold comet swordtails Red leopard mollys Marble mollys Lyretail mollys Green sailfin mollys Gold sailfin mollys Green cobra guppys King cobra guppys Flame guppys Yellow ... ...
92.Calder Valley Aquatics New Stock List 12/03/15 12/03/15 Yes
Price changes for this weekend only on selected livestock, see in store for details! Our New Arrivals and current stock TETRA Black widow tetra Wild green neon Super serpae tetra Bleeding heart tetra Cardinal tetra Buenos Aires tetra Harliquin rasbora Galaxy rasbora Neon tetra R... ...
93.Washington aquatics stocklist 05/03/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 4" £25 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each african butterfly fish £7.50 indian... ...
94.275litre Fluval tank and cabinet, 2 external filters, Co2 unit, fish, plants etc.. 04/03/15 Yes
For sale is my 275 litre Fluval tank and Cabinet, it looks amazing and selling due to moving. The tank also comes with two external filters which are housed in the cabinet underneath, 1 x Fluval and 1 X Eheim Pro. The Tank has. jBl Co2 M602 unit to feed the plants , lots of bogwood including one lar... ...
95.Full 4 ft set up for sale 26/02/15 Yes
Full set up for sale due to circumstances. 4 ft tank with everything included!! Fish and shrimp included are: 1 Spotted Raphael 2 catfish synodontis 2 Angel fish cardinal tetra´s 12 harlequin´s 1 corydoras julii 1 Sucking loach 2 plecs 1 kuhli 5 zebra and leopa... ...
96.2 Silver dollar 14/02/15 Yes
Nice size Silver dollars one is around 17 cm long second is around 14 cm long ( this fish have short fin see picture) for 15 pounds or I can swap for other fish like cardinal tetra, emperor tetra or some corry or other fish but not cichlids collection from Harlow CM20 3PS and please bring some c... ...
97.Various fish and cichlids for sale 11/02/15 No
For sale Hartlepool updated list[ Various; 2 inch Dennisonii torpedo barbs £4 each 3 for £10 2 inch Knife fish £5 each 3 inch Bristlenose Plec £6 each 2 inch Hoplo Catfish £2.50 each 1.5 inch various Swordtails £1 each 1 inch Congo Tetra £1.50 each last 3 left small Cardinal ... ...
98.Shield Aquatics Stocklist & Marine Supplies Now In Stock 06/02/15 No
New range of marine products now in stock. All Ocean Nutrition foods, seaweeds & accessories, Seachem additives, conditioners & salt etc. Also selection of Carribsea substrates and accesories including life rock, dry and live sands plus more to follow Updated stocklist Trops - Mickey m... ...
99.Romsey World Of Water: New Tropical Livestock 02/02/15 02/02/15 Yes
Hey Guys! This is our new tropical livestock list. If you have any queries, would like photos or would like to reserve something, please feel free to give us a call on: 01794515923 Red head angelfish £7.99 2 For £14.00 Orange blotch peacock £7.99 2 For £14.00 Pseudotropheus Lombardoi... ...
100.300l fish tank and cabinet for sale £300 ono 13/01/15 No
unfortunately I am having to sell my full set up. the tank is still up and running and stocked with rummy nose tetras discus angel fish super red pleco cardinal tetras rainbow fish live plants and wood. fertiliser substrate two levels. running on two heaters. eheim prof 2 external filter... ...
101.Full Hi-tech planted aquarium Setup TMC signature optiwhite glass 27/12/14 Yes
Planted tank setup for sale £450 Ovno TMC signature optiwhite glass 600 x 450 x 450 TMC black stand Both in excellent condition Substrate- Unipac Black quarts gravel (3mm) John Innes No 3 soil, vermiculite, miracle grow slow release, laterite plants - Eleocharis sp. ‘Mini’ Blyxa japon... ...
102.cardinal tetra £1 birmingham 16/12/14 No
The world of fish and pets, birmingham we have cardinal tetra grown on not tiddlers at just £1 each good numbers normally available. many other offers and deals on most of our tropical fish
103.Emsworth Aquatics Availability List 09/12/14 Yes
AVAILABLITY LIST LIVEBEARERS Assorted Mollies £2.60ea Balloon Mollies £2.85ea Assorted Male Guppies £2.25ea or 4 for £8.76 Female Guppies £1.80ea or 6 for £10.20 Male Endlers £2.25ea or 4 for £8.80 Assorted Platys £2.50ea Assorted Swordtails £3.00ea CICHLIDS Gold Severum £6... ...
104.New store open in South Shields 17/11/14 No
We are a new store in South Shields supplying freshwater fish and dry goods. Good selection dry goods including Fluval, Seachem, Ocean Nutrition, Tetra plus more Open 10 til 6 Monday to Saturday 12 til 4 Sunday Current stocklist Trops - Rainbow platy Blue neon platy Texas cichlid ... ...
105.Horsham Water Gardens - Cold water and Tropical fish and Dry goods 12/11/14 Yes
HORSHAM WATER GARDENS We stock a huge range of fish from puffers to eels to L number plecos. Fish Stock COLD WATER Fancy Goldfish Weather loaches Axolotl Danios Minnows Hill stream loach TROPICAL FISH PUFFERS Frog Puffers South American Puffers Congo Puffers Figure 8 Puffers Dragon... ...
106.Various Tropical fish for sale 16/10/14 No
Updated stocks list; South and Central American Cichlids 2.5" Paraguay Geo £6.50 each, 3" Pearlscale £8 each 1 male £7 2.5" Rotkeil Severuns £4 each 3 for £10 1.5" Blue Rams £3 each 4 for £10 2" Thorichthys Ellioti £3 each 2" Cichlassoma Dovii £3 each 2" Red Terror ... ...
107.Fluval Profile 850 stunning aquarium with Matt black base unit and many accessories 13/10/14 Yes
Fluval Profile 850 in Matt black Just over 2 years old and in very good condition. This is a stunning design, with an unusually deep tank which gives the aquarium a real contemporary feel and makes it really striking. The base unit in Matt black is in excellent condition and has wet and dry co... ...
108.5 foot Rena tank and fish SOLD 09/10/14 Yes
Would prefer to sell with fish but willing to sell separately and empty tank before sale. Equipment includes: Rena 5 foot tank measuring 150cm x 70cm x 50cm; wooden stand; 2 x 300w water heaters; 2 pair of double strip lights; Rena xP3 filter; JAD S-2000 air pump; assorted cleaning equipment; plus... ...
109.2 Black Angels and 6 Jumbo Cardinal Tetras 30/08/14 No
Hi I am setting up a species tank so I have the fish listed above. All are very healthy and I have had them within the last 6 months. 5 pounds the lot.
110.Juwel vision 260 aquarium and fish 16/08/14 Yes
Juwel vision 260, with cabinet, comes with juwel heater, fluval 305 external filter and air pump. Price includes fish and plants but does not include bog wood or wave maker in picture. Tank got caught on the corner and has been glued now but no visible damage, Will be emptied and fish cau... ...
111.cardinal tetra 25 for 20 pound 02/08/14 Yes
Cardinal tetra 1 pound each or 25 for 20 pound, please calls or emails only!
112.Tropical fish for sale Clarkies Aqutics 21/07/14 No
2 inch Green terrors £2.50 each 2 inch 2 spot (Pishuna) Acara £2.50 each 1.5 inch Firmouth £2.50 each 1.5 inch Blue acara £2.50 each 1.5 inch Nicaraguense Cichlid £2.50 each 1 inch plus Dwarf Flag Cichlid £2.50 each 1.5 inch Salvini Cichlids £3 each 1.5 inch Red jewels £2.50 each or 5... ...
113.Cardinal Tetras 50 for £35 14/07/14 Yes
1.5cm - 2cm
114.Jeff Rapps Order at Oddball Express- Many rare and wild tropical fish 01/07/14 No
Jeff Rapps Tangled up In cichlids order going to be placed on the 6th of July. Please email or ring for more details or to place an order. email oddballexpressnet@hotmail.co.uk 50% Deposit needed to bring the fish in. SOUTH AMERICAN CICHLIDS Aequidens metae ... ...
115.Lots of tropical fish for sale 09/06/14 Yes
nw stock list READY WEDNESDAY NE37 3BJ kobalt blue discus £20ea chocolate lyretail killifish £4ea peaccock gobys £4ea or 10 for £35 cardinal tetra 10 for £8 geophagus brasiliensis red (pearl cichlid) £8ea german blue rams (german bred) £3ea mixed malawi £4ea dwarf flag cichlid £3ea ... ...
116.Loads of Apistogramma, Tetras, Rasboras Killis Cheap Postage 10/05/14 Yes
APISTOGRAMMA Agassizii Alenquer red tail £22.00 Elizabeth £90.00 (SOld) mamore red tail £22.00 Agassizii fire red £12.50 Agassizii super red £13.00 Agassizii red gold £13.00 Borelli paraque £20.00 Red point £15.00 Cacatuoides £10.00 Others Taeniacara candidi pair £20.00 Red p... ...
117.New Arrivals 30/04/14 02/05/14 Yes
Calder Valley Aquatics latest arrivals Catfish -L106 Spotted Orange Seam Pleco -L187b Striped Bulldog Pleco -Rust/Rabauti Corydoras -South American Bumblebee -Otocinclus algae Eater Tetra -Green Neon Tetra -Cardinal Tetra Cheers, Chris, Dean and all at Calder Valley Aquatics Tel:... ...
118.shoals of cardinal tetra 21/04/14 Yes
Anyone after a 50 shoal of cardinal for 40 pound?? Or a 20 shoal for 20 pounds? ? Or 1.25 each Pick up only liverpool.
119.Maidenhead Aquatics Polhill - Kent 11/04/14 Yes
Stock list : Welcome here is a little list of what's currently available instore, please pay us a visit or call 01959 533519 'Like' our Facebook page - 'Maidenhead Aquatics Polhill Thanks- Shrimps Sunkist orange shrimp Cherry shrimp Crystal red shrimp Red rili shrimp - Sakura... ...
120.Complete Planted Tropical Aquarium £300 ono.. 10/04/14 Yes
Hello and welcome to the sale of my planted tank. I'm selling due to needing money for my own start up business.. The setup is approximately 8 months old which i have setup from new. Included in the sale are: 36x15x18 inch, 160 liter, rimless, brace less glass tank with no scratches.. http://www... ...
121.live tropical fish and plants for sale in Brentwood, Essex 04/04/14 Yes
I have :- 10 Cardinal Tetra 12 Rummynose Tetra 4 Juli Corydoras 3 Dwarf chain loach a pair of golden eye cichlids 5 Amano shrimp 1 Otocinclus plants :- Cryptocoryne wendtii green nesaea crassicaulis Microsorum pteropus windelov bacaopa australis nymphaea lotus zenkeri Echinodorus r... ...
122.Fish for sale 02/04/14 Yes
washington aquatics new stock list moscow blue guppy pairs £7 xl swordtail pairs £4 large angel fish £7.50 veil tail angels £6 or last 2 for £10 pearl gourami £4 each 3 for £10 coulumbian red fin tetra £2 each harlequin rasbora 10 for £7 boseman rainbows £4 each blue eye t bar ci... ...
123.Discusbook 02 - Heiko Bleher 25/02/14 Yes
This 2nd annual edition from Aquapress Publishers is a milestone for Amazon lovers, explorers and all those who enjoy nature. For those who want to know about the newest discus and other Amazonian discoveries this issue is full with prime photography exclusively by Heiko Bleher, Natasha Khardina and... ...
124.(TAKING NO MORE ORDERS TILL MAY-JUNE) South American Imports @ (Catfish Aquatics) £18 APC Next Day By 10.AM (FULL 24H DOA POLICY) 13/02/14 Yes
(TAKING NO MORE ORDERS TILL MAY-JUNE) If your looking for high quality wild South American Fish at a good price then Catfish Aquatics is the place to buy. £18.00 delivery for 1 to 1000 fish with 'FULL DOA COVER' will refund price of fish (Not the postage Cost) we require photo proof within 24 h... ...
125.Juwel Lido 120 tank and cabinet complete planted set-up with fish £130 03/02/14 Yes
jewel Lido 120 less than 3 years old with community fish, plants, and various equipment for £130. Everything you need to enjoy a home aquarium. Fish- Key hole cichlid 8 corydoras 6 glowlight danios 9 cardinal tetras Many assassin snails 3 Otos Bulldog Plec Plants- amazon swords, Val... ...
126.Tropical Fish for sale 02/02/14 Yes
I am changing my stock around in my tanks and I have some groups that arent going to suit so looking to sell.... Five Banded Barbs, group of 7 lovely fish, shoal well and suit community tank, they are a bit boisterous in my tank with cory catfish, would be great in a bigger tank in a bigger shoal... ...
127.Wanted 17/12/13 No
Looking for neon/cardinal tetra, guppies, plates in Wigan area. Thanks.
130.ELECTRIC BLUE RAMS 14/10/13 Yes
131.TOMORROW Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Autumn Auction Sunday September 22nd 2013 21/09/13 No
Hi Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their autumn auction on Sunday 22nd September 2013 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG. Booking in from 11.30am, auction starts at 12:00noon - PLEASE NOTE EARLIER START TIME. Refreshments w... ...
132.fish stock list 23/08/13 No
FISH STOCK LIST: ……………………………………………………………………… TROPICAL FISH: Leopard Danio £1.25 Zebra Danio £1.25 Neon Tetra 99p Glowlight Tetra £1.29 Rummy Nose Tetra £1.29 Black Widow Tetra £1.49 Cardinal Tetra £1.29 Congo Tetra £3.49 ... ...
133.Complete 200L Tropical Aquarium set up with fish 03/08/13 Yes
Emigration forces the sale of my prized 200L Amazon Aquarium with stand in dark wood effect. This was my second setup and everything was carefully selected having learned from my first. The aquarium has twin T5 lighting and a Juwel rock effect poster background. Comes with Aquaone Advance 1250 E... ...
134.East Midlands Aquatics..........TOTAL STOCK LIST 02/08/13 Yes
neon tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 black neon tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 white cloud mountain minno £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 cherry barb £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 glowlight tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 lemon tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00 p... ...
135.lounge room lizards & aquatics 03/07/13 Yes
Giant Gourami in stock now !!! red belly piranha Oscars Tiger & Albino Parrot fish red & orange Mixed Malawi's Kribensis Jewel Cichlids Mixed Cichlids Tinfoil Barbs Silver Sharks Big Plecs Adult Bristlenose Plec Ghost Knife Fish Mixed live Plants and planted wood Cory Catfis... ...
Here at Angel Aquatics we have over 50 tanks on our 4,000L tropical system so we have plenty of space for all types of fish. Below we have a list of just some of the fish we have for sale with prices. Assorted small discus £15 each or 3 for £40 Peacock goby s £5 each or 2 for £9 Apis... ...
137.L046 hypancistrus zebra sexed pair for sale SOLD 09/06/13 Yes
i have for sale a sexed pair of L046 hypancistrus zebra and complete setup including 32 inch jewel tank , heater filter , caves , slate , a few neon and cardinal tetras and the odd shrimp , would prefer to sell all together. please email me with sensible offers. collection only from near Hull. view... ...
138.sale now on 06/05/13 Yes
all betta males £15 each (except HM Dumbo) all betta females £12.50 each giant betta males £25 each giant betta females £15 each corys £2.50 each (c metae, c puntatus, c aneas, brochis ) cardinal tetras £2.00 each leopoldi angels good size £10 each marble hatchet fish £2.50 each ... ...
139.Community Fish 22/04/13 No
Various Community Fish including 4 clown loach,4Bristlenose cats(mottled)2 Red Rainbows,Trio of Angelfish,3 CardinaL Tetra.£25 the lot.Tel 07944494456.Doncaster Area
140.FISH FOR SALE 19/04/13 No
141.Plants and fish 18/03/13 No
3 x 2 x 2 worth of plants to fill entire aquarium. Huge java ferns, normal and pencil leaf variety, loads of different stems, very healthy, glosso, hair grass and numerous others. Job lot £50 Otos, and variety of tetra, rummy nose, cardinal tetra, neon tetra, black neon tetra, penguin tetra, lo... ...
142.Wanted: Shoal of Neon or Cardinal Tetras, 20+ 12/02/13 No
Wanted a nice shoal of neon or cardinal tetras, will pay reasonably and collect near the worthing/brighton area, Thankyou Please text on 07894643109 Tommy
143.CARDINAL TETRA £1.50 A FISH 16/12/12 No
Hi, I am shutting down my tropical aquarium to go to a reef set up and have around 30 very helthy cardinals up for sale. All feeding well on prima and beef heart that they scavenge from discus. Collection only from farnborough, Hampshire.
144.5 INCH Discus Fish; Pigeon Blood, Yellow Diamond, Penang Eruption, Breeding pair of Leopards 26/11/12 Yes
Due to the closing down of my tank I have for sale a collection of Discus Fish; 1 Colbalt Blue 5" 1 Pigeon Blood 5" 1 Yellow Diamond 5" 2 Penang Eruption 5" 1 Red Turk 4" Proven breeding pair of Leopards 5" All kept in a PH of 6.8 Also have 10 Cardinal tetra & 2 Corydoras Steriba... ...
145.5ft rena discus, cardinal tetra, green phantom plec aquarium 18/11/12 No
Hi, I have for sale my 5ft discus set up, the tank and stand are both in very good condition, i am unsure of the age as i purchached it second hand but there is hardly a scratch or mark on either the tank or stand. The fish include 6 domestic discus, around 35 cardinal tetra and a green phantom p... ...
146.Selection of Discus for sale 16/11/12 Yes
Due to the closing down of my tank I have for sale a collection of Discus Fish; 1 Colbalt Blue 5" 1 Pigeon Blood 5" 1 Yellow Diamond 5" 2 Penang Eruption 5" 1 Red Turk 4" Proven breeding pair of Leopards 5" All kept in a PH of 6.8 Also have 10 Cardinal tetra & 2 Corydoras Steribai Catfis... ...
147.adult corydoras and others 12/11/12 No
red lizard cats £7 each rummynose tetra £1 each 10 for £8,wild rams £5 a pair,cardinal tetra £1 each 10 for £8,good selection of corydoras prices start from £2.50,Durham area regards Tommy..
Have had these for over 2 years now, but selling because I'm moving out soon. Have: A green phantom plec, very beautiful markings and fascinating to watch. £55. 6 Angels, all healthy. There's a kink in the top fins of a few, I never found out why, they were like that when purchased but they s... ...
149.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 21/09/12 Yes
We Have a Wide Range of Tropical Coldwater and a Few Marine Fish. We Sell Every Thing You May Need For Your Aquarium and Pond. Tropical Fish Neon Tetras, Clown Loach, Cardinal Tetras, Platties, Mollies, Guppies, Silver Sharks, Angel Fish, Gouramis, Male Fighter, Pristella Tetras and Much More.... ...
150.wanted 25/08/12 No
looking for large angels to add to my tank. also rummynose tetra, cardinal tetras, neon tetras willing to pay resonable price but dont want to travel to far.
151.Final Reduction due to moving property. Complete Tropical Aquarium set up 120cm 4 Foot Tank for sale 07/08/12 Yes
4ft Aquarium for sale with:- • Sea Bray tank 48 x 18 x 24 (122 x 46 x 61) approx. 283 litres or 62 gallons • Black base cabinet and matching top with lid • Eheim wet and dry Thermo filter (2329) which is a year old and replacement unit for spare parts including digital thermometer with b... ...
153.Tropical fish aquarium full set up for sale 24/07/12 No
Aqua One model 602, 20 gallons in black finish complete with stand. No scratches and in excellent condition. Complete with large array of plants and community fish (Cardinal tetras one checker board Cichlid,and three Corydoras Jullii and other small community fish.Includes all accessories and many s... ...
154.Discus and other fish 15/07/12 No
For sale discus as 2 brilliant blues 4" 2 red melons 3" 2 red turqs 2-3" PIWOWARSKI young 1 red ring leopard 3" 1 yellow crystal All fish are in great health eating everything in you feed them Discus came from chens and tony tan perfect quality only selling as don... ...
155.Pigeon Blood Discus - Scotland 13/07/12 Yes
Downsizing my tank and so have to find a new home for my Discus. 4.5 inches head to tail. Originally from Chen. Also for sale: 6 Corydoras sterbai (fully grown) 11 Cardinal Tetras Juwel Vision 260 Black with stand. Eheim e3 450. Prices ono.
156.Discus 12/07/12 No
For sale discus as follows 2 pigeon chequerboards 4" poss pair 2 brilliant blues 4" 2 red melons 3" 2 red turqs 2-3" 1 red ring leopard 3" 1 yellow crystal All fish are in great health eating everything in you feed them Discus came from chens and tony tan perfe... ...
157.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 03/07/12 Yes
We have a wide Range of Tropical Coldwater and a selection of Marine Fish, We have everything you may need for your Aquarium and Pond. Juwel Trigon 190 in beech Tank and Stand £225 3Foot Tank and Stand £45 Torpedo Barbs £15 Large Koi £50 Golden Tench £25 Tropical fish Neons, Guppie... ...
158.Aqua Cube 40 Full planted setup Inc plants livestock etc 10/06/12 Yes
Hi all , for sale iv got my aqua cube 40 for sale , only a few months old , full set up planted system , spec as follows - 40L 2 x aqua 100 internal filters superfish 50w nano heater 11w compact clip light aqua cube led clip light Co2 canister with diffuser black sand with small ... ...
159.Angelfish for Sale 06/06/12 Yes
I have an angelfish for sale. He/She is about 4" from top to bottom, healthy and eats well. Originally bought from a reputable local dealer with an outstanding record. The reason for sale is that he is not really compatible with my planned stocking (want cardinal tetras aka Angelfish food in the ... ...
160.Altum Angelfish - Shoal of 7 14/05/12 Yes
Shoal of 7 in prime contition. Average of 15cm from tip to tip. Roughly 2 years of age. Needing a large aquarium. Safe with Cardinal tetras and have lived in community tank. Must be bought as a shoal and stay together. Please make offers if interested.
161.Attractive 3ft tropical set up - N London 05/05/12 Yes
I am moving out of parents house and into my own apartment but will have no room for my tank which is only around 6months old and in perfect condition. Included are: Tank (L 36 W15 H20) Cabinet ( L39.5 W16.5 H26) Hood & Lights 2000 lph external UV filter Sand/substrate Wood rocks heate... ...
162.Juwel Rekord 120 full set-up inc livestock 29/03/12 Yes
i am selling my Juwel Rekord 120 (101x31x46)+stand, the original internal filter has been removed, and comes with a All Pond Solutions 1400 EF+ external filter - 1400l/h with built in UV sterilizer and also a Fluval U2 internal filter, Fluval E100W heater + another heater. also all the usual stuff y... ...
163.Luxury Juwel Vision 180 in dark wood plus complete discus setup 28/03/12 Yes
Hi I'm selling one year old Juwel Vision 180 in excellent condition. with everything what you could think about to have it running as well as fish. ( £400 without fish, £600 including fish ) Completing it from the beginning normally will cost you easily over £1000 where only the fish tan... ...
I have around 30 cardinal tetras around for sale. I am looking at £2 per fish but will listen to offers if buying 10 or more The fish for sale are small and around 2cm long, they are in stunning condition. These fish are best kept in large groups and look much better when kept that way. Mos... ...
165.Wanted Neon Tetra 07/02/12 No
Hi im looking for some neon tetra, cardinal tetra or guppies to put in a few of my tanks. i would appreciate it if you could email me with what you have and we will take it from there Thanks Matt
166.cardinal tetra 31/01/12 No
there is 11 in total all about a inch if not bigger want 15 for them phone mark on07808156903
167.Juwel Rio 125 Litre Tank and Fluval 205 External Filter 28/01/12 Yes
For sale is a Juwel Rio 125 litre fish tank and stand. I have replaced the filter with an external fluval 125 filter which is currently cultivated. Unfortunately I do not have time for this any more so I need to get rid hence the low price. Volume: approx. 125 Litres Measurements: 81 x 36 x 50 cm ... ...
168.Discus and Friends 23/01/12 No
Breeding Pair of Malboro Red Discus The Female has the Red Eye Gene and is about 6 inch's Big and the Male is 5 inch's Big, their Worth £150+ on their own for the Pair. As you can see in the Video the Discus are very friendly fish that would sit on your lap if they could. Breeding Pair of A... ...
169.Discus, angels and cardinals 22/01/12 No
Breeding Pair of Malboro Red Discus The Female has the Red Eye Gene and is about 6 inch's Big and the Male is 5 inch's Big, their Worth £150+ on their own for the Pair. As you can see in the Video the Discus are very friendly fish that would sit on your lap if they could. Breeding Pair of A... ...
170.Amwell Aquatics Epping Tropical Freshwater Stocklist: 05/01/12 05/01/12 No
* = New in Stock Tetras **NEW** Sunshine Neon Tetra - Pacheirodon innesi*** X-Ray Tetra – Pristella maxillaris Glass Bloodfin Tetra – Prionobrama filigera January Tetra - Hemigrammus hyanuary* Purple Emperor tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri "super blue" Kerri Tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri Bleed... ...
171.ARCADIA ARC 35 L nano tank 16/11/11 Yes
hi,selling the last of my tanks.this was my planted nano tank that i used to breed cherry shrimps made a small fortune selling them. the tank is an ARCADIA ARC 35 L with stand and 55w aqua one heater the substrate is approx 1 bag of ecco complete one of the best substrates on the market for ra... ...
We have been told that the following fish are going to be for sale at the open show and auction this Sunday being run by the Sheaf Valley Aquarist Society Some fish that have been listed to be sold at Svas show and auction this Sunday www.Svas.co.uk Rasbora espei/ glowlight harliquins Melanot... ...
Have had these for over a year now, but selling because I'm moving out soon. Have A green phantom plec, very beautiful markings and fascinating to watch. £55. 6 Angels, all healthy. There's a kink in the top fins of a few, I never found out why, they were like that when purchased but they see... ...
174.tropical aquarium shutdown 07/09/11 No
Hi to sell i have: 3 bog wood pieces one of them has two small plants and lots of moss,perfect for fry to hide and feed Around 20 small plants that i dont no the name,they go perfectly in front of the aquarium 4 cardinal tetras 1 Pleco 2 coridoras with the orange fins I am selling for only £3... ...
175.Juwel Aquarium for sale. ((Reduced)) 15/07/11 Yes
Juwel Rekord 600 Aquarium with internal filter/heater, plus: Extra filter media Fish net Marina 2in1 Fish Hatchery Magnet scraper Gravel cleaner Juwel Autofeeder Fish food Fish medicine Fish tank thermometer Substrate (sand) Various fake plants, ornaments and rocks 2-3 Vallis (live pl... ...
176.Fish to Rehome 11/07/11 No
We are breaking down our tanks so have the following fish free to good homes (in established mature tanks only please with experienced keepers) 7 Cardinal Tetra's 3 3" Siamese Algea eaters 8 Corydora Sterbai 3 Chain loach 6+ Oto's We are in Worthing West Sussex and you would have to c... ...
177.Shoots Cobham Aquatic Department 07/07/11 No
We have a variety of fish which can be delivered to anywhere within a 20 mile radius otherwise we can send them by live courier. And postage nation wide availible! some of the basic variety as followed Tetras: Black Neon Tetras Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummy Nose Tetras Scissor Tail ... ...
178.60 litre planted tank with fish to give away 07/07/11 No
1 Albino pleco, 1 corydura, 2 cardinal tetra and 2 black phantom tetra. Tank comes with heater, filter pump, light, net, dechlorinator and fish food. Pickup only in watford area. Thanks
179.Full Fluval Hagen Osaka 260 L Tropical Set Up 02/07/11 No
Very reluctantly, I'm having to sell my entire set up. Details are as follows: Fluval Hagen Osaka 260 litre curved glass aquarium + Dark Walnut Cabinet Base & overhead lighting (T5) Fluval 305 External Filter Opti White Glass Lilypipe in & out flow to filter 4 x T5 High Output Fluoresce... ...
180.Community fish 05/05/11 No
Looking to free up some tanks space a.s.ap so i have for sale. 3x "W/C" Cardinal Tetra 4x Lamp eye killifish - Aplocheilichthys normani - All pretty much on size, one is missing an eye. 2x Celestial Danio 2x Fundulopanchax Spoonbergi 2x Fundulopachax Gardeneri 'Uke' 1x Peppered C... ...
183.great priced tetras/rasboras 12/03/11 No
Emperor Tetra/Black Neon Tetras/Cardinal Tetras/Harlequin Rasboras/Glowlight Tetras/Pentazona Barbs/Wild Green Neon Tetras/Buenos Aires Tetra/Wcmm/Zebra Danios/Lemon Tetras/Head and Taillight Tetras/Black Ruby Barbs/Black Widow Tetras/Redeye Tetra/Gold Buenos Aires Tetras/Serpae Tetras all 10 for £... ...
184.Female stingray/cardinal tetras wanted 26/02/11 No
I am after a female stingray for my male, he has grown to about 13inch and he now needs company.I also am after cardinal tetras for the right price,i have a lovely tank awaiting and if the price is right can collect within 30 miles of Leeds.I know how to look after rays so if you do have one avail ... ...
185.Northfield Aquatics - Freshwater 22/02/11 Yes
The following fish are going to be on sale from Saturday 26th Feb. Multi Buy Options Available on most fish. Please contact us for details. Zebra Danios Leopard Danios Neon Tetra Cardinal Tetra Rummy Nose Tetra Scissor Tails Blind Cave Fish Silver Sharks Red Line Torpedo Barbs Tiger Barb... ...
186.Complete Jewul Trigon 190 Tropical Setup : High Wycombe 31/01/11 Yes
Complete Jewul Trigon 190 Tropical Setup Equipment: Jewul Trigon 190 Beach Finish 1 x Juwel 35W T5 Light Unit (includes 1x35W Tropic and 1x35W Nature. 4 months old) 1 x Juwel 35W T5 Light Unit (Spare) 1 x Juwel T5 Reflector 1 x Rena SmartStart 300W Heater Eheim Pro II Filter (includes spare... ...
187.5 inch red tail shark for sale, offers or swap for rainbows/cardinal tetras 17/01/11 No
hi i am looking to rehome my rather large redtail shark, he`s quite big messuring around 4-5 inches so will need space, prob best to put him with fish around his size, he doesnt like gold fish as ive found out lol, open to sensible offers please or consider swap for rainbows, cardinal tetras ect, ... ...
188.Plec Pleco L002, L134, L200, L411, Eheim, Discus & Tanks 08/01/11 No
I am moving house next month and i am unable to take any of my aquariums. I will need to shift all livestock before i can sell any equipment. All items will need to be collected from Swindon Wiltshire SN1. Any offers or questions please contact me Livestock: Cardinal Tetra Approx 100 x 2cm’ is... ...
189.Jewel Aquatics will deliver fish to your door for £9.95 per box. 20/12/10 Yes
Example 25 Neon tetras for £15.95 + £9.95 (postage)= £25.90 We can combine postage costs on multiple items ordered. Payment: We would require payment from the following methods: Paypal or postal order. Paypal is the most efficient and safest way. Alternatively, postal orders can be sent... ...
190.Northfield Aquatics Hull 10/12/10 Yes
Currently in stock at Northfield Aquatics, multi buys available on most fish... White Cloud Mountain Minnows Zebra Danio Leopard Danio Neon Tetra Lemon Tetra Buenos Aries Tetra Penguin Tetra Head & Tail light Tetra Pristella Tetra Serpae Tetra Colombian Tetra Harlquin Rasbora Red ... ...
191.For Sale All Must Go L134 PLECS, WHIPTAILS, GOLDEN NUGGET PLECS AND more 14/11/10 No
COLLECTION ONLY DUNDEE SCOTLAND Due to change in circumstances all the following must go, feel free to make offer on any but as groups WILL NOT split 4 x PRE ADULT L134 PLECS - have not yet bred - LOOKS LIKE 3 MALES AND 1 FEMALE -- £100 2 x GOLDEN NUGGET PLECS - ADULT SIZE - UNABLE TO SEX... ...
192.Various tropical fish for sale or FREE 03/10/10 No
All the fish listed are in perfect condition. Change of setup the reason. 1 X Clown loach approx 5 inch £10 3 X Blind cave fish. FOC 2 X Male Cribensis. £5 for both 1 X Female Cribensis. £5 1 X Glass Catfish. FOC 3 X Sucking loach. £5 for all 3 3 X Glow light tetra. 3 X Rummy nose tet... ...
I have the following for sale, will not seperate. 4 x Silver Sharks 5 x Harlequin Raspboras 7 x Tiger Barbs 3 x Angelfish (2 gold, 1 marbled) 5 x Cardinal Tetras 2 x Platys 2 x Clown Loach 3 x Penguin Tetras 2 x Dojo Loach Please make me an offer, I am based in Ferryhill, County Durham... ...
194.Discounted Mail Order Tropical And Marine fish 07/07/10 Yes
Mail order Tropical and Marine fish at genuine discount prices I am able to offer a mail order / collection service for tropical and marine fish which come direct to my fish house from breeders in Israel and the UK. We specalise in Tropical fish / Marine fish / Discus / Rare angelfish / L... ...
195.7 x Discus Fish + 5 cardinal tetras + 3 corys 22/06/10 Yes
Hi Im selling 7 discus ranging from 3 - 4.5 inch. £100 thanks
196.Complete Aquarium set up with Discus Fish 19/05/10 Yes
Roma 200 Aquarium and Cabinet, excellent extra deep design, black finish aquarium with colour detail supplied for the hood. Aquarium size 100cm long x 40cm wide x 55cm high. Volume 200 litres. This aquarium is filled with brand leading items, a Fluval 305 external Filter, Tronic Heater 200watt,... ...
197.2 50W aquarium heaters wanted London 16/05/10 No
Hey, I have a new empty tank, so I'm looking for 2 50W aquarium heaters. I'm also looking for the following fish: Cardinal Tetra Neon Tetra Silvertip Tetra Halfbeak - Dermogenys pusillus Platy and tropical plants! If you have any of the following please contact me via email. Dimo... ...
198.Cardinal Tetra, Neon Tetra, Silvertip Tetra, Halfbeak and Platy wanted 16/05/10 No
Hey, I have a new empty tank, so I'm looking for the following fish: Cardinal Tetra Neon Tetra Silvertip Tetra Halfbeak - Dermogenys pusillus Platy Tropical Plants and 2 50W aquarium heaters. If you have any of the following please contact me via email. Dimon72@yandex.ru Thank you!
199.Rena Aqualife 200 Complete Set Up 11/05/10 Yes
Hi there, and welcome to our sale of our much loved Aquarium, which to be quite honest is something we never wanted to sell. Its given us much pleasure, and is all top-of-the-range equipment but we are moving on the 22nd May and our new house just does not have the room as it is a small cottage in t... ...
200.L134, L114, L240, L066, L411, L002 Plec Pleco Cardinal, Glowlight, Blue Ram 16/04/10 No
Hi, i have the following fish for sale, all prices are per fish: 5 x L134 2cm £20.00 2 x L114 9cm £20.00 1 x L240 12cm £25.00 1 x L066 4cm £15.00 1 x L411 4cm £10.00 1 x L002 4cm £10.00 200 x Cardinal Tetra 2-2.5cm 50p 100 x Glowlight Tetra 3cm 60p 40 x German Blue Rams £3.00 ... ...

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